New Releases
Oct 03, 2021 Viktoriya//"robochyy_den"
Shot with a selfie stick. "A relaxed day at work. With this weather outside the window and at home, work goes by unnoticed. The mood is great. I walked past the mirror and couldn't get past it. I began to undress, tie my belt like a tie, then like a bow, and eventually I was left without panties. The sun was shining, and this phenomenon is rare in winter in my country. During the shooting I had a wild desire to go for a walk outside and enjoy the sunshine."
Oct 02, 2021 Vena_G//"imaginacion"
"Al principio me costo hacerlo porque tenia algunas trabas con respecto a la camara y me parecian muchas fotos, al final lo pude concretar en dos dias y me di cuenta que solo tenia que dejar volar la imaginacion para inspirarme, sentir placer al realizarlo y ser creativa en todos los niveles. Me senti satisfecha y con un aumento en mi autoeztima y poder personal. / At first it was a bit difficult to do the shoot because I had some obstacles in respect to the camera and I found after many photos that in the end I was able to do it in two days and I realized that I only had to let my imagination fly to inspire myself, feel pleasure while doing it and be creative at all levels. I felt satisfied and with an increase in my self-esteem and personal power."
Sep 30, 2021 Lauma//"rozplutaty"
"I love my knitting, so I thought I'd get amongst it for my ISM shoot. The light was great today wasn't it? It makes it so much easier to take good photos and the sunshine is a good reason to frolic naked around my room. Now if you excuse me, I have some wool to untangle."
Sep 29, 2021 Sabrina_B//"on_holiday"
"I did this shoot as a series of three. The first was shot at my Mum's house, the second in my room and the third whilst I was on holiday with my family and they had all gone out for a walk. I found it really refreshing to take photos in natural settings with no makeup. This may be why I ended up taking photos whilst staying with family - I could just take some pictures as I was without having to get made up and make some awkward implausible excuse later."
Sep 29, 2021 Tori_J//"in_its_glow"
"I shot myself in the backyard. Even though it was an autumn day, the sun was out so I felt like I was wrapped in its glow. I loved the feeling of my bare body against the soft grass and the freeing feeling of being in broad daylight. I thought about how rare it is for me to be able to be completely nude outdoors like that. It was truly liberating. It reminded me that I need to go to some nude beaches more often in the future! After the shoot I felt confident and empowered."
Sep 28, 2021 Ale_B//"expresandome"
"Saque estas fotos en el frente de una casa de campo que estuve cuidando por varios meses. Intente aprovechar la oportunidad para conectar con mi bello corporal y usarlo, junto con mis tatuajes, para expresarme. No siempre me siento segura con mi cuerpo peludo. Esta experiencia me ayudo a ponerme en un modo creativo y alegre con eso, mientras me permitia compartir distintas partes de mi misma. Me senti realmente bien despues. / I shot these pictures in front of a country house I was sitting for some months. I tried to take the chance to connect with my body hair and use it, and my tattoos, as a way of expressing myself. I'm not always confident about my hairy body. This experience helped me get creative and joyful, while sharing different parts of me. I was feeling really great afterwards."
Sep 26, 2021 Dasha_M//"krasyva_poza"
"I went to my friend's house for the shoot, because they live upstairs and have a big beautiful window. My friends were in the next room. Sometimes they came out into the kitchen, but they didn't bother me, I wasn't shy. I like taking selfies because you can see your face and admire your body. Sometimes I show these photos to someone and I get compliments. I'm also an artist. When I was a kid I saw the movie Titanic and they showed beautiful drawings of the main character, then I was impressed and inspired and I also wanted, when I grew up, to draw such pictures sometimes and pose too."
Sep 25, 2021 Pat//"sharehouse"
"I completed my photo shoot at my sharehouse. I wandered into the wilderness of our yard, bare assed and ready for the adventure. As a creative person I enjoyed the challenge of making a beautiful shoot while trying to overcome my many insecurities. My plan was to avoid looking at the pictures until after the first round of shooting. I didn't want to scrutinize every detail of myself. In the end, I was so surprised and happy to see how the photos looked. I felt beautiful."
Sep 24, 2021 Milena_S//"ray_of_sun"
"Waking up in the morning a ray of sun from the window warmed my body. The smell of coffee from somewhere nearby spread throughout the house and I felt so good! I began to dance, arching all the parts my body. I shot myself from all sides and enjoyed the process so much. It made me feel so beautiful and this shoot will remain in my memory long after this. I ended up getting myself off afterwards because I was so turned on by the whole process."
Sep 23, 2021 Bethany_V//"KissingMySkin"
"Hi, this is my first set for ishotmyself! I took pictures in my bedroom, living room, deck and a few on the rooftop! I started off early in the afternoon, and then finished just before sunset. It was incredibly warm, and I was happy and felt free with the inviting sun kissing my skin. I love being nude, and this was the perfect day for it! In some of these pictures, I needed to cool off with one of my favourite treats, coconut whipped cream!"
Sep 22, 2021 Marie_V//"FreeFeeling"
"In this shoot I wanted to use the natural lighting from the windows around my apartment balcony and reflections in the windows as a background. I first found posing fully nude in such an open area above city streets nerve wracking, even if I was too far up to really be seen. As I undressed I surprisingly felt comfortable and ended up enjoying the solitude whilst experimenting with poses and appreciating all angles of my body. I felt free in my body after doing so."
Sep 22, 2021 Diana_T//"reflect_ing"
"It took me a few tries to find positions that I thought were experimental and interesting. During the shoot, the afternoon sunlight was reflecting off of all the buildings around me, which filled the room with a diffused light that I thought I looked lovely in. I wanted to decorate my surroundings with lots of colour and different textures to really show my personality through these images. I always enjoy creating the most when I'm adding my own personal touches."
Sep 20, 2021 Maria_L//"EnCasaDesnudos"
"Hice las fotos en mi casa, por la tarde, cuando mejor luz suele tener. Me senti sexy, sensual y excitada al ver las fotos que habia hecho. Me encanto hacer esta sesion y espero que tambien te guste ver las imagenes que he tomado. / I took the photos at home, in the afternoon, when the light is usually the best. I felt sexy, sensual and excited when I saw the pictures I had taken. I loved doing this shoot and I hope you also like seeing the images I've taken."
Sep 19, 2021 Lara_A//"juego_intimo"
"I took the photos in the living room of my house and in my bedroom. It was interesting for me to do this, because I went through different moments in relation to seeing my body and seeing myself. There were moments of great identification with what I saw in those images and where I decided how I wanted to show myself. I always liked taking photos but I have never done it with such dedication to myself, I think it is an intimate game but as playful and creative as any other photographic project. It is interesting what is discovered from eroticism through delivery."
Sep 18, 2021 Beck_P//"illuminations"
"Starting a job at a new company, some unexpected health issues, and my body changing shifted my mood towards the shoot. I think I began to doubt myself and my ability to express myself creatively. Originally, I planned to take most of the photos outside but decided to shoot all the photos in my bedroom for a more personal setting. Overall, this was an exciting and enlightening experience for me. It was a chance for me to celebrate my new body without criticizing myself so much."