Password Reset and Account Recovery
Enter your email here and we'll send you a link to reset your password. We'll also send you a list of old accounts you may have for that email, showing your billing provider and subscription I.D. number.
It's possible to reset your password on an expired account, so you can reactivate it on the Join page.
Canceling Subscription
Canceling is done on the Billing Provider's site. Check your bank statement or use the tool above to find out who your provider is, and your Subscription I.D., then click the logo below.
Still can't find your Account?
Have you tried all your email addresses? If nothing shows up, the most common reason is an incorrect email address was entered when the account was created. Submit a Support Ticket and we'll help you locate your account.
Reactivating an old account
If you've had an account before, why not reactivate that one? Your list of Favourites will still be there, and you keep the same username, which is handy when you chat in the Forum. You just need to know your username and password. If you don't remember those, use the tool above to recover them.
You can download entire folios using the Zip file link, or download individual images by right-clicking and "Save as…"
[36/3.9M] The folio contains 36 images and the ZIP file is 3.9Mbytes
Reload - this is not the artist's first folio
Overload - this is a folio which didn't fit the format for the daily schedule
Duet - this is a folio featuring two people, usually a couple
Just go to the
join page, sign up, and you'll sleep much better knowing you're a card-carrying patron of progressive contemporary culture.
No, they're the duds.
You are automatically enrolled in the Forum, but you need to log in separately from the main site, with the same username and password. If you find you can't enter the Forum please use the Help Form below to let us know and we'll add you manually.