PRIMARY - 27 JAN 2022
"Soy de El Salvador. Me gusta el proyecto y me fotografie en el living de mi casa. Me tomo dos dias hacer el porfolio, por problemas con la luz de mi casa. Al principio senti un poco de pudor, pero luego lo empece a disfrutar. Al finalizar las fotos entendi lo mucho que necesitaba verme y reconocerme en el espejo. Gracias! / I am from El Salvador. I liked the project when I heard about it and I photographed myself in the living room of my house. I had to take two days to do the folio, due to problems with the light in my house. As I was doing the shoot I felt modest, until after a while I began to enjoy it. At the end I understood how much I needed to see myself and recognize myself in the mirror. Thank you!"
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