23:04 - JAN 17 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 31 JAN 2022
"Al principio me costo un poco hacer las fotos porque estoy acostumbrada a que no salgan mis imperfecciones en las fotos, despues me fui soltando un poco mas. De este estilo me hacian sentir bien, porque siempre estoy tratando de encajar en la belleza hegemonica, fue un proceso de liberacion y ver mas con naturalidad que cada cuerpo es unico y empezar a quererme mas. / At first it took me a little time to take the photos because I am used to not showing my imperfections in the photos, then I started loosening up a bit more, and in the last group of images I started to feel comfortable with my nakedness and smile more naturally. They made me feel good, because I am always trying to fit in with the hegemonic beauty, it was a process of liberation and see more naturally that each body is unique and I began to love myself more."

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