New Releases
Oct 18, 2021 Piper_R//"RougeRed"
"Going into the shoot I was super nervous, I didn't think I'd be able to get enough photos and I was afraid of how I would look in them. I'm so glad I did it! I didn't think laying in bed and playing with angles, lighting and a mirror would bring such great results. I started by wearing my favourite set of lingerie, I love the way the red lace looks against my white skin and compliments my hair. I love all of my shots and feel really comfortable and confident with them!"
Oct 17, 2021 Alecia_G//"moya_maska"
"It was an interesting experiment to take these pictures. I've been taking these photos for a week or longer. It was extremely cool to spend that time constantly taking photos, whether I came in after a walk and was about to take my clothes off, a couple of shots on the couch, whether I was going to have breakfast on my balcony, leopard pajamas and a photo of my breasts with beautiful geranium flowers, or whether I came out after a shower and applied a funny clay mask..."
Oct 17, 2021 Lotte_S//"schijnende_zon"
Shot with a selfie stick. "I came home in the afternoon after work and felt that today is a special day. Today I decided to take a shower after a hard day, but I was very cold in the shower, so when I came out of it, I saw that the sun was shining and I felt good and happy. I went out into the garden and it warmed my naked body and I decided to take some selfies as a memory of this lovely day ;)."
Oct 16, 2021 Bronte_M//"liber_ation"
"I took the photos in my living room and my bedroom. I enjoyed really exploring my body, different ways of moving, seeing myself in new ways and noticing how beautiful I felt! I also loved exploring my sense of liberation in a sexually wholesome way, that felt nurturing and kind towards myself. After completing the shoot I definitely felt more confident, more sure in the knowledge that I am sexy, and more comfortable in my body. I didn't put my clothes back on all afternoon!"
Oct 14, 2021 Faye_B//"eye_opener"
"I did this shoot throughout my home, a place where I feel safe and at peace. I kept noticing marks on my skin I hadn't seen before and finding new cool positions to do because I wanted to stretch out, I couldn't believe how strained I felt by the evening or how dirty I got. This was a sort of eye opener for me, there's nothing wrong with the scars and marks on my skin or the way my skin sags since losing weight, I'm a fucking masterpiece."
Oct 13, 2021 Mila_L//"tak_vyzvaliaje"
"I took these photos in my friend's apartment. It seems to me that photos in this format show something more real than a photo with clothes, makeup and a ton of filters. I thought - "Hey, maybe I too can try to do something like this and show my personality without clothes". I loved doing this shoot and it felt so freeing and good to portray myself how I wanted to rather than worrying about flaws."
Oct 12, 2021 Mila_C//"renovada"
"Hice este folio en mi casa. Tome algunas fotos en la casa de mi novio, muchas veces pensaba cosas diferentes sobre la vida mientras me fotografiaba a mi misma. Despues de esta sesion, me senti renovada y con mas animo, y mucho mas sexy. Ha estado lloviendo un poco, por lo que ha sido perfecto para tomar muchas selfies increibles y descubrir mi sensualidad. / I did this folio at my boyfriend's house. While photographing myself, many times I thought different things about life. I felt renewed and with more spirit, and much more sexy. It's been raining for a bit, so has been so perfect to take many amazing selfies, and discovering my sensuality."
Oct 11, 2021 Hyperballad//"ostara"
"It brings me comfort in lock down #5 to create erotic art, and to share the pleasure I take in my body with you all. In front of the mirror I rescued from land fill, wearing lingerie gifted by a friend, and with my magic wand that Betty Dodson gave me the very last time I saw her, I feel transformed. As we approach the vernal equinox I am ready - ready for the sun to cross the celestial equator, from the north and ready for the flowers to re-emerge. And I am so ready to bloom."
Oct 10, 2021 Shelby_J//"sexy_and_free"
"Choosing to shoot in my room was reflective of my relationship with intimacy and being comfortable. Unexpectedly, I found myself getting less and less judgemental of myself and the creases on my body as the shoot went on. I looked back and saw someone sexy and free, which I sometimes fail to recognise. Doing ISM allowed me to see myself in a liberating way, in charge of my body and how it is perceived."
Oct 09, 2021 D_Dawn//"telikert"
"Twas this February, with my garden sleeping still, with the winter of the mind dark and cloudy. There came a challenge to me, a new and interesting one. Posing nude? Have been doing that since 2007, for hubby. Even filmed our lovemaking ever since 1995, in the secrecy of our bedroom. Watch me in the winter garden, on the sofa, at my desk, in the bedroom and yes! Out there in my garden. Because Spring is coming."
Oct 08, 2021 Lora_L//"in_the_sky"
"After a tough weekend of wrestling in London UK and over 400 miles of travelling I came home to a wonderful surprise and I wanted to share the joy of how amazing I felt! I was listening to my favourite dance music track - Castles in the Sky, and rolling around the play tent, dancing and letting my hair down, getting a bit too hot and sweaty. I think these photos show how magical it is feeling loved and cared for, protected and adored."
Oct 07, 2021 Polly_K//"my_free_time"
"I took these photos over a few different days when I had some free time or was just a little restless. I'd recently found out that there was a website in which people are interested in photos in this format, so it was a pleasant and pressure free atmosphere when I took these images. It is interesting to show the natural beauty of both the face and body and I applaud sites like this for showing that. I am happy to share these photos here and hope you enjoy looking at them."
Oct 06, 2021 Alexandra_M//"creativeside"
"I had just gotten back from a 7 week Europe trip, which was amazing. I wish I got to shoot some photos while I was on the beach. But unfortunately that didn't happen as I was having too much fun. I got up and cleaned my room and decided to use the amazing natural light that comes into my bedroom. I felt proud of myself for doing this. I'm looking forward to submitting future folios that will show you more of my creative side for you guys."
Oct 05, 2021 Sascha//"brim_over"
"This was an ordinary morning for me and I wanted to capture that feeling of just waking up and connecting with myself. I love every part of myself and I think I've captured that here, my smile my nose my eyes my breasts, everything. It's so important to really take time to touch and look at yourself especially when you have major life events, to reconnect and take stock of who you are today."
Oct 04, 2021 Jhadenga//"bell_jar"
"I went into this (as I usually do with my creative projects) with big ideas and a perfect vision of how it would turn out. As I went on, I realised that I needed to remember the essence of why I was doing this, to be free, myself, and give back to the female artists who inspire and liberate me. I had a magical time in my apartment on my own with records playing, getting comfortable and teaching myself how to love myself, because sometimes I forget."