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Just ring or email Richard and tell him I want you to do one. He has a great deal of respect for me and my opinion So if you mention me, that should clinch it You could go for the bath surrounded by candles and the open fire with the theme being flamelight or firelight and water or something. Lowlight pics are great but they can be a bit blurry. the rules say that you must have one hand on the camera but doesn't say the camera can't be attached to an adjustable tripod. Then lowlight photo's would be pin sharp.
i don't have his email
I'm only joking about Richard respecting me Would be nice if he reads you'd like to do another and offers you a reload. Out of all the people who sponsor ISM, only a tiny fraction post in the forum, I can't speak for everyone but I'm sure if I think it'd be nice if you did another folio, theres quite a few others who'd be happy to see one as well.
Here here! Im sure that Kitten will feature again before too long especially if a warm candlelit bath is the setting - the light would be lovely playing on Katts skin...
I have no idea what your folio is like, Katt, but if it's sanything like this photo you've pulled out for your avatar, I would hope they'd go for it! That's a lovely image; the color is amazing.
There you go Thandi, It's a primary folio so I think anyone can see it. … atts_world
Oh thank you, Blissed!
wow. wow. wow. these are even more interesting looking at them the second time through.
Where does one go to gush here? I guess comments on the folio -- well, I'll just say it here: Katt you are beautiful. Goodness, if I were to wake up in a hospital room and have those glorious green eyes and that perfect smile looking down at me, I'd never want to get well!
Thank you for sharing your "real" body. It's wonderful to see evidence of life lived here.
siobhan thandi
Oh thank you, Blissed!
wow. wow. wow. these are even more interesting looking at them the second time through.
Where does one go to gush here? I guess comments on the folio -- well, I'll just say it here: Katt you are beautiful. Goodness, if I were to wake up in a hospital room and have those glorious green eyes and that perfect smile looking down at me, I'd never want to get well!Thank you for sharing your "real" body. It's wonderful to see evidence of life lived here.
siobhan thandi
thank you so much lets hope i can do another soon tehehe
here here! such cute eyes deserve a reload on there own