#51 September 1st, 2009 11:26 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I shot (yet another!) reload on Sunday night.  This is at the point where I've allowed my pubic hair to grow out completely, it's not trimmed/edged at all and my god I felt so damn sexy. 

In theory I love my full pubes, but in actuality I know how many feel about hairiness and it's a pretty negative reaction which can make me feel unsexy even though I know how I feel about it in my head.

When you're in the buff and you turn that camera back around on yourself and start snapping there is no hiding how you truly feel towards your body...  I'm pleased to report I felt hot. 

My feelings on Sunday evening as I was clicking away confirmed my thoughts about my pubic hair, it does make me feel more feminine and definitely more natural, I guess it also adds to the feeling of hotness by seeming much more honest...  Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but me.

I'm not a purist, I don't think I'll keep anything on myself in 1 style for ever and ever but it's really good to feel confident and sexual in whatever appearance mode I choose.


#52 September 2nd, 2009 07:31 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Hi gethsemane,

Glad you had fun for your reload - we will await the results and let you know what we think - I am guessing the reaction will be that your hot! Feeling sexy and having fun is so important to being sexy - the most beautiful girl in the world being moody and unhappy is far less sexy than any of us normal girl next door types having a laugh I think!

Sex and photos are about fun - if you have fun taking them it will always show through and make better photos.

Keep up the good work


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#53 October 6th, 2009 09:40 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I've only been pube free for a brief period of my life and I have to say I missed them... I find them both erotic and comforting somehow.

That being said, I'm at the point where I really don't care what anyone else does. As long as they're happy and all that jazz.


#54 October 6th, 2009 09:48 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Actually I -do- just want to say one thing...

I really don't like it when girls who keep their pubes are called "hairy". Seriously, it makes it sound like they're some sort of werewolf or something.


#55 October 6th, 2009 08:09 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I like both!

I've shaved my head for as long as some of the models have lived.  This is what I've learned. 

Smooth is so much fun to rub.  I never had strangers come up and run their fingers through my hair.  I've had many women do that and make some of the most outrageous remarks.  It also feels pretty nice when I rub my head against my partner.

Hair is something of a lubricant, insulator and shield.  Without it, you're pretty vulnerable.  I have a few scars to prove my point.  I have a huge selection of hats to compensate.

My gray hair doesn't show so people think I'm younger than I am.

It's really easy to apply sun screen evenly!

It's how I got my nickname.  "He's not from Marblehead.  He is Marblehead!"

How much of this applies to women?  Inquiring minds want to know.


#56 October 7th, 2009 09:41 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

ngaio wrote:

Actually I -do- just want to say one thing...

I really don't like it when girls who keep their pubes are called "hairy". Seriously, it makes it sound like they're some sort of werewolf or something.

I really strongly agree with you here.  The whole 'oh so you're hairy' comment pisses me off no end.  Especially seeings as I actually have pretty light body hair. 

I kinda wish I had a little more to be honest...


#57 December 1st, 2009 05:01 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I personally have been shaving my pubes since they started growing.  I just never liked them and like the way I feel clean shaven.  The most I've ever had since then was stubble.  I become very self conscious when I think I need to shave.  Plus, I don't think many people would like a mouth full of pubes when it comes to oral pleasure.  Where I'm from, I don't know of any other females who don't shave down stairs.

"Art can never exist without naked beauty being displayed."-William Blake

Newest folio!
http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … ?g=quicken


#58 December 1st, 2009 09:40 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

kohen wrote:

I become very self conscious when I think I need to shave.  Plus, I don't think many people would like a mouth full of pubes when it comes to oral pleasure.  Where I'm from, I don't know of any other females who don't shave down stairs.

Hey Kohen - I know the whole 'to shave or not to shave' thing is every person's choice, and I'm a big fan of personal choice, believe me...but whenever I see people saying they feel "very self conscious" about a grooming issue (especially one like this), I feel concerned and get a pretty negative knee-jerk reaction, as that to me indicates pressure - either pressure you're putting on yourself or external pressure you're feeling to look a certain way. Being self conscious about your pubic hair regrowing is, in my opinion, a complete waste of time. It's hair, it's there...so what?

The overwhelming prevalence of shaved pubic-areas on women really is our-generation-specific - look at erotica from the 20s and 30s right up to the 80s - it was pube-city. I'm not saying that was better or worse, or that I think you're wrong to like to shave (like I said - personal choice all the way!) but I guess I just wanted to say that no matter how you prefer to groom yourself, being self conscious about your regrowth is silly, and just a pressure you're applying to yourself needlessly.

Also - people tend to stick with like-minded folk, so I'm not surprised you don't know any other non-shavers - but trust me, they're everywhere where you're from! big_smile   

And finally - I know a lot of people who prefer hair when giving head - it offers its own set of textural and sensual advantages, and you don't really get a mouth full of pubes - that's just a line or impression we're fed by companies that are trying to sell mainstream porn and razors and other normalising, homogenising products and services.


#59 December 1st, 2009 07:55 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I enjoy running my fingers through a girlfriends hair - I had a girlfriend who was very ticklish and giggled so much when I gently ran my fingers across without even touching skin!

It is definately personal preference. And what suits you - you wouldnt expect everyone to have the same haircut or colour on their head so why anywhere else?

I must admit I am not a huge bodyhair fan (on men or women, this isnt sexist lol) but I know people who prefer really hairy Italian Stallion style men or very hairy muffs - more hair than I can even grow...

I know a mix of people who are clean shaven, have a little landing strip, just a bit of neat trimming (like me) or full curly natural locks. In the UK a whole range is normal.

Just take a look round the site - to be honest seeing beautiful women on here, with their range of hair and also the way they look in certain areas I was once so shy about - has reassured me that there is no ideal or normal and variety is the spice of life!

Why not try out a few different hair styles? Do one folio with a little, one with full, then go back to slick shaved? See what you prefer and go with that smile

Shaving womens legs was a fad introduced in the 50's by US hollywood films - no women habitually shaved before then in the western world and the habit just grew from there. Fueled by companies who marketed razors basically lol! I am all for choice and, as I said, variety - so just think of hair as a fun thing you can do stuff with...

Might shave mine into a heart for Valentines day if anyone wants to see that for my next folio?


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#60 December 2nd, 2009 08:39 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Well I quite like the spirals and shapes some guys have shaved into their head hair and I think doing something like that with pubes would look quite good. I was trying to find a pic of that hair style and  found this.


I never thought there was so many ways to have a boring hair cut :) ha ha



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