#1 July 12th, 2008 04:01 AM


hairy or not hairy???

hi its cora!

as you can see in my second folio, i have shaved my pussy but let my bum-hair grow. somebody wrote me to shave my ass, too. i thought, it was a good idea have a smooth and a hairy hole... ...but maybe completely shaved seems to be more "in".

now i want to know:
what do you prefer and why?
and why is it hotter to fuck a woman looking like a 10 year old girl (or what do i understand wrong)?



#2 July 12th, 2008 07:22 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Hi Cora! Love your folios. And I think your bum hair is sexy.
I prefer hair down there. (I also find underarm hair on a woman highly erotic as well.)
Now having had no firsthand experience with this I am speaking from an aesthetic (and fantasy) point of view. I find completely shaven women almost resemble mannequins down there, almost sterile and all looking alike. Nothing is left to the imagination, but perhaps that is what some people like. I like seeing women unshaven as it leaves something to the imagination, and to me that inverted v of pubic hair is a major symbol of femininity. There's a raw animalistic quality as well.
I'm just glad there is the internet as otherwise there's not really anywhere to view nude hairy women in the culture here. ( Even in the porno mags).
Can't answer part 2 of your question as I have no experience myself, but I would find a hairy girl hotter....
Anyways, to recap- my vote is for hair down there....


#3 July 13th, 2008 12:57 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I also very prefer a woman with pubic hair, and like Liquid, underarm hair is especially sexy to me.  But I can also understand why some men would prefer a hairless pubic area for reasons of hygeine.  Some men like to smell perfume on a woman, others prefer a natural scent.  A hair covered pussy does tend to retain much more of the day's scents and depending on how you feel, and what sort of scents they are, that can be a real turnoff or a real turnon.  Ironically, while I love a hairy pussy, I also love to shave them, the intimacy of that act and the implied trust is very sexy.

I think the conclusion that men prefer nude pubic areas because it connotes prepubescence is entirely wrong, and unfairly sleights many men.  When I was younger I preferred older women and I also preferred shaved pussies, probably because it was unique to me.  As I get older those preferences have reversed.


#4 July 13th, 2008 03:28 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Please don't worry about what is or isn't in or whether viewers of your pics prefer hairy or hairless.  Just do and be what feels right for you.  You will be at your most beautiful then!!

Last edited by mlwade (July 13th, 2008 03:28 AM)


#5 July 13th, 2008 04:03 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

artist_cora wrote:

what do you prefer and why?
and why is it hotter to fuck a woman looking like a 10 year old girl (or what do i understand wrong)?


A woman who waxes or shaves doesn't look any more like a 10 year old girl than a man looks like a 10 year old boy because he hasn't got a beard. I prefer hairless or trimmed for both my beard and ladies womans parts :) having no hair is nice and smooth and you get an increased sensitivity and as to little girls they can look beautiful too, just as the same woman can like both Brad Pitt and Daniel Radcliffe, there are lots of different looks that people like, Just do what you want and what you think suites you.


Last edited by blissed (July 13th, 2008 04:08 AM)


#6 July 13th, 2008 06:58 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Cora, shaved does indeed seem to be more "in" which a disturbing trend.
Personally I prefer hairy to quite a large margin. I absolutely love underarm hair and find it tremendously sexy, and bum hair too - love yours!
I have been with many women but never with one with a shaved pussy so do not have first hand experience as it were.
However my thoughts are that having hair there is part of being a woman and part of the deal, and a part that I like. I love cunnilingus -  I can spend forever down there and like the feel of hair against my face - prefer it to getting brizzed by stubble!
Having said that, you have a cute muff!


#7 July 15th, 2008 08:22 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

ixnay9 wrote:

...find it tremendously sexy, and bum hair too - love yours!
...Having said that, you have a cute muff!

thank you for your compliments! as anal-sex is important for me, i chose being hairy around my backdoor.



#8 July 29th, 2008 04:36 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

To be honest, I like a good mix: full hair; no hair; the 'landing strip', it's all good.  As carlh said, I also like to shave my girlfriend, and there is that sense of trust which is very important - and if I've trimmed or shaved too, the sensations are terrific!  However, to shave or not is, ultimately, always my girlfriend's decision.
And no, I don't think it has anything to do with pre-pubescent girls: The lady is not just a vagina - the rest of her body and mind is testament to her maturity.


#9 October 11th, 2008 12:48 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

The idea of shaved or not shaved is a personal choice for sure but I do like that smooth feeling and my girlfriend enjoys a very light touch around the pubic area and it drives her wild.  She says it adds to the moment.  I like shaved on myself as well and doing each other is something we both look forward to as it adds to the foreplay.  As to the back door I prefer hair rather that no hair.


#10 October 12th, 2008 08:47 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I think hair can look rather nice but I prefer to shave for the sake of convenience and sensation. The skin down there is so soft and sensitive I want it to be exposed, and more, I want it to be stroked and licked, I want to feet it against someone else's skin (or my own fingers).
In addition to my comfort, well, I've had the unpleasant experience of having pubic hair stuck in my throat before and I would not wish to inflict that on anybody I would get that intimate with.
I defy anybody looking at my folios to mistake me for a 10 year old girl. I definitely wouldn't be interested in sex with anybody that dumb.
Having said all that, I am currently attempting to grow myself a tidy little landing strip, just because I like the look. Unfortunately, being a redhead, the hair is totally a pale ginger colour and is barely visible, so if I don't attempt some sort of dye job soon I will probably give up and shave it off again.


#11 October 15th, 2008 09:17 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I'm a bit of both really, the sensation is great and all but i'm just also to lazy to bother, now that I'm single i have no one to shave my pussy sad 
But i think it's important to be comfortable with what you want if you like it leave it. we are just the adoring audience and contributors alike, we like you most when you like you. and i don't think any one has the right to tell you to shave. its undermining confidence isn't it?


#12 October 16th, 2008 01:41 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Well lea I have looked over your folio and I am sure that you will not have any problem finding someone to help you shave your pussy.  I know it is also a matter of trust as to who you allow down there with such an important mission but I am sure that it will happen if you want it to.  I'm looking forward to your folio that is coming up and can hardly wait.


#13 October 17th, 2008 12:21 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

OK, Cora, I am definitately a fan of hairy women.  I love all female body hair really.  Aside from you, who are the hairiest, fuzziest girls on ISM?  I am a big fan of Aussie girls who seem more inclined not to shave every last hair on their bodies than Americans!


#14 October 21st, 2008 02:26 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I prefer to be completely hairless. But I never disregard a fuzzy snatch.


#15 November 5th, 2008 12:16 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I tried shaving my pubic hair recently-not all of it, as I can't help feeling that it is just a bit prepubescent-and I definitely prefer natural for myself. Sure there's a nice smooth soft feeling, but I can get that from touching other parts of my body, and what I really can't stand is the prickliness after just a few days. I really don't know how that can be preferable to soft, protective hair. Anyway, one of the things I love about this site is people's openness to everything about a person-hairy or not, we're pretty damn gorgeous

Last edited by froggy (November 5th, 2008 12:16 AM)


#16 November 5th, 2008 08:08 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I love hair.  Have experimented with the Brazilian thing and was pubicly bald for oh well 6 weeks, although I had to leave the underarm hair!  Although for me, I definately prefer hairy, and wherever it grows.  Contains the most delicious scents and soft curly springs to feel.....mmm yep, I am a hairy woman and loving it!  So rdzr1, you will enjoy my ISM.  Gladys x x


#17 November 6th, 2008 12:55 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Dear gladys, I fully agree with you. To x x x a hairy pussy tastes at least as good than a shaved one, am I right?


#18 November 10th, 2008 04:29 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

No hair is best, slippery when wet makes the whole experience more sensual...


#19 February 13th, 2009 02:28 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Its personal choice all the way. Hairy, waxed what evs. just do what you want!!!!
also It drives me incessently bonkers when poeple use that old "being hairless is like being with a 10 year old" spiel, The anatomy is completely different. I think people need to stop trying so hard to be as un-creepy as possible.
On that note, Im booking in for a wax.

Bathory loves Black metal, long haired men, blast beats and schofferhoffer


#20 February 13th, 2009 02:29 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Oh, but I loooooooove hairy men. all over plz

Bathory loves Black metal, long haired men, blast beats and schofferhoffer


#21 February 19th, 2009 12:58 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

i've shaved a few times in my younger years, but agree with some about the whole 'prickly after a few days' thing  - that it sucks.
i couldn't get a brazillian anyway - i'm far too scared of the pain! haha
i have found trimming and shaving to neaten my hair is what i like the best. and i love fingers running through it. i don't leave much hair right between my legs though, i like to be smooth there. wink

guys i've been with have liked hair i guess, and that works well for me! though i'm pretty sure none of them would have been put off if i didn't either.


#22 February 19th, 2009 05:11 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I've been forgoing the shaving for a while. Growing my hair in anticipation of a trip to Brazil which I shall take tomorrow wink
Hope the results are better than last time I got waxed. It left me all bruised and was not pretty at all. This time I've done my research on waxers and am not just going to the cheapest I can find.


#23 February 23rd, 2009 09:26 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

waxing bruises are the worst. Means the wax they used is too hard. Yowzer. Go to Brazilian Butterfly if you can, they're the bomb-diggity

Bathory loves Black metal, long haired men, blast beats and schofferhoffer


#24 March 8th, 2009 01:19 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

pubes are what we were born with, shaving is razor blading true beauty.


#25 March 8th, 2009 08:55 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Don't know about you but I wasn't born with pubes! :)



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