#51 September 12th, 2005 03:14 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

voyeur2 wrote:

The folio is to be of himself, I believe - as Liandra has a project under way to shoot some male folios to see if they can do it well, and if it shows some sort of new aspect to male self identity that appeals to the public enough to incorporate a site for the shoots.

I for one have had disagreements with MPM in the past, but have never seen a folio he has shot so I have, really, no opinion yet of his ability.  My expectations are another thing; but I will not share them, as - in many things - people tend to see what they expect to see despite the actual thing right in front of their face.  I try to retain an awareness of that but do not want to colour other's viewing by an expectation that does nothing but amuse my vanity.

I think it would be fairest to let his camera shoot off where his mouth has, and judge the results AFTER seeing the shoot.  And in the context that it is MPM's own view of himself, not what we or Liandra are asking for.

Nice to see you back.  BrodyP, Cle, and others came back too.  We should throw a party!!

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#52 September 12th, 2005 08:59 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

MrPicMe wrote:

Here's your message... where do I send it?

MPM, I sent you a private message of where to send it. Did you get it?


#53 September 14th, 2005 05:45 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Then again, what does MrPicMe know?

...Shot this morning...


#54 September 14th, 2005 06:10 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

shot this a few weeks ago...


#55 September 14th, 2005 06:12 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited


I push'n the shutter.


#56 September 14th, 2005 06:15 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

...for the fans.


#57 September 14th, 2005 06:17 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Just a morning stretch for me...



#58 September 15th, 2005 09:13 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Not bad Mr Pic! you should see if you can get that model to do a folio of herself looks like you do have talent afterall.


#59 September 15th, 2005 06:45 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Isn't this just a discussion of fashion? And if it is we'll never agree. Liandra is gorgeous and will look good whatever she does. However fashion can pressure us to wear quite unsuitable garments for our figures (NO EXAMPLES GIVEN, BUT WALK DOWN THE STREET!) So it is possible that some who shave feel they must. Also, some who don't can feel they mustn't.

Personally I find clean shaven girls look too pre-pubescent and that is definitely a turn off.


#60 September 20th, 2005 09:09 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

liandra_dahl wrote:

I find armpit hair really erotic on both sexes. I'm not sure why. I have to agree with the leg hair thing, and this is where gender comes seriously into opposites for me. I grew all my hair but could not get used to the leg hair, and on girls I do prefer smoothe legs, though I am trying to retrain myself. However, on men I like the hair to be quite thick on their legs, I don't know why, I don't really have preferences about chests, but I don't like beards, not even small ones, or moustaches, or back hair. I'm not saying that I would complain if someone had it, I am thinking only about physically aesthetic ideals for me...

I have done a new folio, it's all about hair and hair removal too. I did it just before Zilles shaving vids came up on the site, great minds think alike eh? I used a different method to remove my hair though, and a different medium to show the process through. I don't think it will be up for at least a month or two though.

Looking foward to your hair removal folio Liandra can't wait.  Shannon is it on the horizon?? I think artists that are so involved in the forum should get some kind of extra consideration like the awesome Liandra!!


#61 September 20th, 2005 10:51 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

jayhammer wrote:

As usual Liandra is right on the money, pubic hair doesn't really cause any problems with oral, I also think arm pit hair is sexy on women, the only hair that I don't find as attractive on a woman is coarse black leg hair all the rest is beutiful and of couse natural. Liandra are you planning on any new folios?

I feel like I came to the discussion a little late. My girlfriend and I have both experimented with being shaved and being natural. I must say I prefer both of us being shaved. It does make oral sex easier in our case because she grows a little tuft of hair right around her clit. Having both of our hair removed also provides her with more stimulation during regular sex, especially when using the coital alignment technique. As for the look of it, I would have to say I like shaved better as well, but it's not a very big factor for me.

"This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating."   - George W. Bush, as quoted by the New York Daily News, April 23, 2002


#62 September 23rd, 2005 04:58 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Speaking of pubic hair removal, what techniques do people here use?

I personally haven't found a technique I'm completely satisfied with. Shaving tends to cause ingrown hairs that can become pimples, and I haven't found a waxing product that will remove all of the hair without repeated use.

"This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating."   - George W. Bush, as quoted by the New York Daily News, April 23, 2002


#63 September 23rd, 2005 07:28 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

jdudley76 wrote:

Speaking of pubic hair removal, what techniques do people here use?

I personally haven't found a technique I'm completely satisfied with. Shaving tends to cause ingrown hairs that can become pimples, and I haven't found a waxing product that will remove all of the hair without repeated use.

Actually those ingrowns are a playfull stimulant.  When my gf wants them pulled out I get to use a long pin, (or needle would do) and with the best close-up possible I gently lift the little iritants to the surface.  She not only enjoys the procedure,  but I get to have a snack afterwards.  ;-}

Don't forget to check out her butt and the backs of her thighs while you're at it.  I've gotten so good at it,  I'm thinking of going into it professionally.  Hey, gals.....  Anyone need my "professional" assistance?????????

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#64 September 23rd, 2005 01:05 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

I think I'm gonna grow mine back out. I'm sick of shaving!


#65 April 1st, 2007 12:57 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited


Somebody could give the name to me of the hairy girls here of the site?

Thanks and sorry my bad english.




#66 April 1st, 2007 02:53 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

thecatman wrote:

I saw that the pubic hair thread had been closed, so I decided to start a new one….

My two cents on the matter – it just doesn’t look quite right for a post-pubescent woman to not have pubic hair.  Though some women with shaved or partially shaved pubes still look quite sexy in spite of it.  A caveat for me though is that if some of the pubes are gonna be removed then it’s best that it all be taken off and not partially shaved or cut short – unless of course it’s on its way to growing into a nice full bush again.

One thing I’ve noticed so far on this site is that the women who do the more explicit shoots (the “X rated” ones) are much more likely to have shaved, partially shaved, or otherwise modified pubes.  Have others noticed this too?  Any ideas as to why this might be?  I’ve got a couple theories of my own, but I’ll wait to hear yours first….

to pube or not to pube, that is the question.
i actually restarted this thread when i arrived and felt ridiculous doing so, but was so taken by the variety of beauty here shaved or not and had to ask.
a woman is a gorgeous thing pubed or not pubed.

this topic to me is a LOT like the topic of abortion.
some say let those pubes live
while others say off with their heads.
i personally believe in this being a womans choice.
the pitfalls for that choice are usually razor burn and ingrown hairs.

unless a woman in madly in love with someone and honours their request either way on this topic, the choice is hers.

being the absolute lesbo that i am i think women look beautiful both ways.
i would really miss viewing that curly tattoo on zille if she grew it back, or the better view of the camel toe on darling perl. 
but i would also miss all the beautiful shots of the women who have graced these pages with their pubes, and i could not imagine a natural redhead ever removing matching pubes because that is truly a sight to behold.

this site has a gorgeous balanced blend of both and you will definitely see more pubes on this site than most others.   they must be paying a 'remove your pubes' bonus to some girls who pose on other sites, but then again, THEY ARE NOT SHOOTING THEMSELVES ARE THEY.....;)


To pube, or not to pube: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The razor burns and ingrown hairs of shaving,
Or to take arms against a sea of pubic hairs,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd


'stay beautiful'


#67 April 2nd, 2007 01:14 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

With the whole hair or no hair down there, I'm easy either way. At first, before I even began doing shoots n stuff, I was a waxed girl all the way! But then I grew my hair back for a bit n now I love it! I love my "ginger minge!" I'm pretty lucky with the fact that my pubic hair grows within my undies so I don't have any poking out- easy as to look after! Each to their own though, I'm not fussed either way, as long as you're comfy, that's all that matters!   smile


#68 April 2nd, 2007 07:41 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

I love changing and exploring different things and what better way to do that than with your fluffy bits :-)

And wow - what a surprise if you do something creative or out of the ordinary for anyone who gets to see :-)

It is amazing what you can get done down there - you can get it dyed different colours and waxed into different shapes.  (as pamchiz did her heart shape)

Hmmm...  let the imagination run wild with it - I wouldn't mind trying a bit of sparkle down there!  Maybe for my next folio :-)

Big Smiles

miss x


#69 April 2nd, 2007 07:46 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

miss wrote:

I love changing and exploring different things and what better way to do that than with your fluffy bits :-)

And wow - what a surprise if you do something creative or out of the ordinary for anyone who gets to see :-)

It is amazing what you can get done down there - you can get it dyed different colours and waxed into different shapes.  (as pamchiz did her heart shape)

Hmmm...  let the imagination run wild with it - I wouldn't mind trying a bit of sparkle down there!  Maybe for my next folio :-)

Big Smiles

miss x

'fluffy bits'
i like that.

'stay beautiful'


#70 April 3rd, 2007 05:07 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

thecatman wrote:
cagney wrote:

Of course I'm a hypocrite because I'm with two gorgeous girls at the moment, one with a full hairy bush and underarm hair, the other completely shaved, so I've either got the best of both worlds or I just can't make my mind up.  I think perhaps I just don't care either way.

Maybe not a hypocrite, but just too bloody lucky :-Þ

Yeahhh....I agree there...too damn bloody lucky.

...if I were THAT lucky......   wink


#71 April 3rd, 2007 07:48 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

turtleman wrote:
thecatman wrote:
cagney wrote:

Of course I'm a hypocrite because I'm with two gorgeous girls at the moment, one with a full hairy bush and underarm hair, the other completely shaved, so I've either got the best of both worlds or I just can't make my mind up.  I think perhaps I just don't care either way.

Maybe not a hypocrite, but just too bloody lucky :-Þ

Yeahhh....I agree there...too damn bloody lucky.

...if I were THAT lucky......   wink

ah   variety is the SPICE of life

'stay beautiful'


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