#1 July 21st, 2005 03:16 AM


Pubic Hair Revisited

I saw that the pubic hair thread had been closed, so I decided to start a new one….

My two cents on the matter – it just doesn’t look quite right for a post-pubescent woman to not have pubic hair.  Though some women with shaved or partially shaved pubes still look quite sexy in spite of it.  A caveat for me though is that if some of the pubes are gonna be removed then it’s best that it all be taken off and not partially shaved or cut short – unless of course it’s on its way to growing into a nice full bush again.

One thing I’ve noticed so far on this site is that the women who do the more explicit shoots (the “X rated” ones) are much more likely to have shaved, partially shaved, or otherwise modified pubes.  Have others noticed this too?  Any ideas as to why this might be?  I’ve got a couple theories of my own, but I’ll wait to hear yours first….


#2 July 21st, 2005 09:28 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

QUOTE [One thing I’ve noticed so far on this site is that the women who do the more explicit shoots (the “X rated” ones) are much more likely to have shaved, partially shaved, or otherwise modified pubes.]

Well I guess there are many different reasons.  Most of which have been covered on previous posts. Women feel sexier?  Believe they will be regarded as sexier?  Simply don't like pubes? Know/believe their partners don't like pubes?  Think it's more artistic?  Want to give viewers a better look at their pussies?  All very probably true in some cases.

I repeat the question I posed before in another thread, because I think the answers might be revealing, but the question got lost.  Ladies, those of you whose folios show you shaven, do you always shave, or did you shave in order to shoot yourself?


#3 July 21st, 2005 08:46 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

centrevom wrote:

One thing I’ve noticed so far on this site is that the women who do the more explicit shoots (the “X rated” ones) are much more likely to have shaved, partially shaved, or otherwise modified pubes.

Well I guess there are many different reasons.  Most of which have been covered on previous posts. Women feel sexier?  Believe they will be regarded as sexier?  Simply don't like pubes? Know/believe their partners don't like pubes?  Think it's more artistic?  Want to give viewers a better look at their pussies?  All very probably true in some cases.

I repeat the question I posed before in another thread, because I think the answers might be revealing, but the question got lost.  Ladies, those of you whose folios show you shaven, do you always shave, or did you shave in order to shoot yourself?

Well, I've done a few shoots and untill recently I had never ever taken ALL my pubes off. I don't know why there is a correlation between de-pubed girls and explicit shoots. Perhaps girls that remove their pubes are more familiar and comfortable with every aspect of their vulva so they feel more at ease spreading it wide for all the world to see. There is the possibility that some girls have removed all their pubes because they feel an association with the sexualised image of women in mainstream pornography and would like to recreate themselves into the images of women they have seen. Thus, due to a perceived affiliation with the sex industry they associate their folios more with sex, and their sex organs, and reacreating poses they have seen in pornography. Perhaps these women think there vulva is another beautiful part of their body, they don't want it hidden by hair and they want to show it off. Perhaps it's just coincidence.

I've actually just finished a shoot all about body hair growth and removal. I did remove my hair for the shoot, in fact it was the shoot, but I won't do it again. I didn't shave, I waxed and I nearly did my labia some serious damage due to my inexperience.


#4 July 21st, 2005 11:27 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

PLEASE be careful down there..  It is so precious....

liandra_dahl wrote:

Well, I've done a few shoots and untill recently I had never ever taken ALL my pubes off. I don't know why there is a correlation between de-pubed girls and explicit shoots. Perhaps girls that remove their pubes are more familiar and comfortable with every aspect of their vulva so they feel more at ease spreading it wide for all the world to see. There is the possibility that some girls have removed all their pubes because they feel an association with the sexualised image of women in mainstream pornography and would like to recreate themselves into the images of women they have seen. Thus, due to a perceived affiliation with the sex industry they associate their folios more with sex, and their sex organs, and reacreating poses they have seen in pornography. Perhaps these women think there vulva is another beautiful part of their body, they don't want it hidden by hair and they want to show it off. Perhaps it's just coincidence.

I've actually just finished a shoot all about body hair growth and removal. I did remove my hair for the shoot, in fact it was the shoot, but I won't do it again. I didn't shave, I waxed and I nearly did my labia some serious damage due to my inexperience.


#5 July 22nd, 2005 12:16 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

meristim wrote:

PLEASE be careful down there..  It is so precious....

Believe me I won't ever risk it again, it was bad, I needed stitches! I've got an unusually high pain threshold so intially I found the situation immensely commical, I was shocked to see the blood spurt out! After I stemmed the flow of blood and made a few phonecalls to my best buddies to share in the hilarity of the circumstances, I suddenly became terribly afraid I might have done something to hinder my sexual enjoyment, and that made the panic set in. However the nurses face when I explained my predicament was enough to get me (and her, and all the triage nursing staff) giggling again.


#6 July 22nd, 2005 01:39 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

thecatman wrote:

I saw that the pubic hair thread had been closed, so I decided to start a new one….

My two cents on the matter – it just doesn’t look quite right for a post-pubescent woman to not have pubic hair.  Though some women with shaved or partially shaved pubes still look quite sexy in spite of it.  A caveat for me though is that if some of the pubes are gonna be removed then it’s best that it all be taken off and not partially shaved or cut short – unless of course it’s on its way to growing into a nice full bush again.

One thing I’ve noticed so far on this site is that the women who do the more explicit shoots (the “X rated” ones) are much more likely to have shaved, partially shaved, or otherwise modified pubes.  Have others noticed this too?  Any ideas as to why this might be?  I’ve got a couple theories of my own, but I’ll wait to hear yours first….

i am new to the site. i am not big on pubic hair... mostly becaues it is hard to keep clean.. i find it holds the sweat more then shaved. but that is just me..
Junk Lord


#7 July 22nd, 2005 04:03 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

I have sort of a counter-intuitive take on this question. One of the prevailing thoughts on this matter is that women who shave their pubic hair allow themselves to be more greatly exposed. I hold a different opinion on this. To me, it seems like some of the women who are fully shaved are to some extent hiding themselves. That is to say, to see a woman with pubic hair is to see her in her natural state. A shaved pubic area is artificial, and thus a barrier.

I have a hunch that the current fad of shaved pubic hair in the pornography industry is motivated in part by the desire by women in that business to erect a boundary between themselves and the viewer. Individuals who view women who are shaved and otherwise artificially changed (e.g., with breast enhancement surgery) are not seeing these women as they naturally are, but rather, an altered version of them. It allows women (and men in the adult industry as well, for that matter) to hide behind a distorted image of themselves. By contrast, women (or men) who present themselves as they naturally appear are more plainly exposed, without artifice or alteration.

So my preference for a natural pubic area is motivated by my appreciation for women who are comfortable presenting themselves as they are in their natural state, without modification.


#8 July 22nd, 2005 04:51 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

liandra_dahl wrote:

I've actually just finished a shoot all about body hair growth and removal. I did remove my hair for the shoot, in fact it was the shoot, but I won't do it again. I didn't shave, I waxed and I nearly did my labia some serious damage due to my inexperience.

oh no!!!! i hope it grows back just as thick!!!! in a previous post (other thread), i explained my eyebrow-to-pubes-correlation theory. you've got BEAUTIFUL thick hair!!!!!

things like that upset me disproportionately, what can i say?


that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#9 July 22nd, 2005 08:20 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

My opinion on this is simple. Do what you want with it and I'll adapt as necessary. My preference, which is: trimmed or bare is better, should not sway your opinion as to your 'style' of pubes. I like it when you trim or shave it for me, but never think you have to. It's yours and you're free to do, or not do, anything you want with it.


#10 July 22nd, 2005 02:07 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

liandra_dahl wrote:

I've actually just finished a shoot all about body hair growth and removal. I did remove my hair for the shoot, in fact it was the shoot, but I won't do it again. I didn't shave, I waxed and I nearly did my labia some serious damage due to my inexperience.

Do we get to see the shoot????  (hope hope)

I think a bald deck is sexy.  But then Liandra is sexy no matter what.

How about guys?   Do they shave their heads to look sexy?  And I'm not talking about guys with friar fringes,  I'm talking about guys with full heads of hair that shave it all off.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#11 July 22nd, 2005 07:38 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

SCSIgirl wrote:

Do we get to see the shoot????  (hope hope)

You will, but you'll have to be patient.  I think Liandra looks prettier in this shoot than any other.


#12 July 22nd, 2005 08:27 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Hell, Liandra would look good in a burlap sack and a rag.


#13 July 22nd, 2005 10:53 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Head wrote:

You will, but you'll have to be patient.  I think Liandra looks prettier in this shoot than any other.

the day that shoot hits the floor, i'm reupping my sub.

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#14 July 23rd, 2005 09:44 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

I am glad to see this discussion up again. I fell in love with this site the moment I joined mainly because there are real women with real boobs no plastic , and the folios show them in their glory without I lot of pretense. I am a big fan of the natural bush!! Like Lindras she is one of the hottest woemn on this site natural big titties and natural bush. !!  I also like to be with women who don't shave their pussy, but can certainly see advantages of shaving.
As far as the different folios on this site I like the varity, sometimes a completly shaven pussy is hot as hell you can get a better look at the natural juices that way. As you can probally tell the art is cool but I just like seeing naked women and don't tend to get into the agruments of "art versus porn" I would guess that the majority of members on this site are men who are "Horndogs" and love looking at young naked horny women.


#15 July 25th, 2005 06:52 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Pubes sticking out of bathing suit bottoms (unless very fair) don't look good to most women and they do some grooming. Why stop there?

Most young women in the states seem to have a little, neatly trimmed hair on top so they don't look pre-teen, and the rest gone clear around to the tail bone. Some of the photos here look odd to me when a girl has a bare vulva, but long hairs around her anus. Girls here often expect no less of men - neatly trimmed above, shaved c&b's. I don't shave all my head, just my neckline and face; get haircuts; manage eyebrow length and merger; trim ear and nose hairs. I'm not for body shaving, but many (college-aged) American women do like that look on young guys. Oh, and they say Veet is better than any similar Yank products.

Porn has certainly been a big influence in other ways too- I've even told girls they've watched too much: "No, I don't want to come on your ..., I like where I am now!" or "Huh, I don't care if you spit - it still feels great! Thankfully, for the last several years natural breasts have been in. Long nipple hairs are still out, however!

Shaving and trimming pubes is just grooming like doing the same to head hair, eyebrows, nose, ears etc.. I think it is less unnatural than using coal tar based chemicals to alter hair color. Anybody in favor of saying no to any body mods (tattoos, piercings, surgery, stiches), hair coloring, hair bleaching, blackhead or whitehead removal, teeth cleaning, leg shaveing, ear cleaning, and wearing of any makeup? Makeup is just plain bad for skin unless its a rare mineral based one. The organic solvents in nail polish, remover, repair etc don't strike me as natural or healthy either. My final grooming pet peeve is having clean hands, especially when going places.

Its just custom and preference. Mine is to see a beautiful sight and not get hair in my teeth!


#16 July 25th, 2005 02:07 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

I HATE shaving anything and everything, but I do it anyway. I bleach my hair, and I think it looks a little odd because the curtains don't match the carpet. I at least trim, if not get rid of most of it when modeling. As far as on other grrls, I like it all!! Hairy or shaved, I'll take whatever you have!


#17 August 6th, 2005 05:14 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

liandra_dahl wrote:

it was bad, I needed stitches!

OMG! What are you thinking of! Hope all is well now ;o)

I've said this before, but I have next to zero interest in girls that have shaved...

It's just sooooo boring!

If I open a 'hair free' folio I'm just inclined to close it and move on.

But hey, that's me!


#18 August 6th, 2005 05:21 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

doggie wrote:

OMG! What are you thinking of! Hope all is well now ;o)

I've said this before, but I have next to zero interest in girls that have shaved...

It's just sooooo boring!

If I open a 'hair free' folio I'm just inclined to close it and move on.

But hey, that's me!

I'm inclined to agree. There is no balance here at ISM. Leans heavy towards shaven. I do the same....hair free set = close. I know to each his own, but can we have a balance?
Second I've noted that the sets are not as visual as say 2003/2004.


#19 August 6th, 2005 06:50 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

skytobird wrote:

I'm inclined to agree. There is no balance here at ISM. Leans heavy towards shaven.

Are you kidding?  Have you been to a porn site lately?  Compared to those, ISM is completely ferral.  Anyway what you see here more or less reflects what's out there in the community, at least we suppose so, since our contributors are "ordinary women".  Perhaps some of the female forum members could comment on that?


#20 August 6th, 2005 11:02 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

I agree head unless a site is advertised as a "hairy girl" site most other sites that show naked women are generally shaven. I am a big fan of the natural look but I think this site does give us a good variety, and we all know variety is the spice of life right?


#21 August 7th, 2005 12:44 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

Head wrote:

Are you kidding?  Have you bene to a porn site lately?  Compared to those, ISM is completely ferral.  Anyway what you see here more or less reflects what's out there in the community, at least we suppose so, since our contributors are "ordinary women".  Perhaps some of the female forum members could comment on that?

I think that ISM probably does feature a higher percentage of shaved ladies than the "normal population at large" - but I believe this is largely due to the fact that many women who are inclined to contribute to/participate in a porn site (please don't turn this into the porn versus art debate - we already did that, thanks) are likely to be more "porny" to begin with.  Even if contributors are supposed to be "ordinary women" there is still, in general, a particular sort of woman that is more likely to want to be involved in something like this.  In my experience shaved ladies tend to be not more sexual, but more likely to "put it out there."  I don't really have the energy today to go into why I think that is, especially since it will most certainly be a feminist diatribe that will offend the sensitve anti-feminists out there (maybe another day!), but suffice it to say, for me it's a very viable explanation of why ISM may have smooth ladies more often than furry ones.

I must admit, though, that through ISM I have definitely come to a greater appreciation of the shaved coochie.  I still prefer the natural look, but I can now appreciate a nicely done shave job, and it certainly does give a different view of things. smile

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
            -Emma Goldman


#22 August 7th, 2005 01:22 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

liz wrote:

>>>> snipped for brevity <<<<
I must admit, though, that through ISM I have definitely come to a greater appreciation of the shaved coochie.  I still prefer the natural look, but I can now appreciate a nicely done shave job, and it certainly does give a different view of things. smile

I did stumble across a site about 2 years ago that was dedicated to the variety of haircuts.

It was a "send in your favorite pattern" site but I didn't bookmark it and don't remember the name.  It is amazing how inventive the designs got.  I particularly remember the "sunburst"  which was radiating wavy lines from the hood. 

Or maybe that was just for the nearsighted to find the target......

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#23 August 7th, 2005 01:24 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

ProfessorSM wrote:

A shaved pubic area is artificial, and thus a barrier.

I have a hunch that the current fad of shaved pubic hair in the pornography industry is motivated in part by the desire by women in that business to erect a boundary between themselves and the viewer.

I had never thought about it in this fashion until recently when I went to an expensive strip joint in the city.  When I walked in there were a dozen girls on a long stage in the middle of the room, moving ever so slowly in time to a heavy beat.  There was not a body hair in sight.  With the dim light, bass-heavy music and front row businessmen staring at the girls through a haze of smoke I felt like I had walked onto the set of a sci-fi movie.  It struck me immediately that the girls did not look real - the fact that they were all tall, slender and shaved meant they looked more like fashion mannequins than women, albeit very beautiful ones.  So I have a tendency to agree with you that shaving can often represent a de-sexualisation.

Of course I'm a hypocrite because I'm with two gorgeous girls at the moment, one with a full hairy bush and underarm hair, the other completely shaved, so I've either got the best of both worlds or I just can't make my mind up.  I think perhaps I just don't care either way.


#24 August 7th, 2005 08:54 PM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

My preferences for sexiness:

Totally all natural.

If ya gotta do the pits, at least un touched pubes, and especially exciting to see a few peeping out at the crotch.

A very light trim at the edges.

All bare

Least attractive are various landing strips, heart shapes, gotees.

Its just me, A visual thing.

Oh and don't get me ranting on about the thong. 
I hate them.  They are not sexy to me at all.  And I can't stop thinking about exactly where that little string has been all day long.  Not to get all anal about it, but it looks kind of gross to see this string thing disappearing down the back of a pair of jeans when a woman bends over a bit.

Have I ever lied to you before?


#25 August 14th, 2005 08:35 AM


Re: Pubic Hair Revisited

cagney wrote:

Of course I'm a hypocrite because I'm with two gorgeous girls at the moment, one with a full hairy bush and underarm hair, the other completely shaved, so I've either got the best of both worlds or I just can't make my mind up.  I think perhaps I just don't care either way.

Maybe not a hypocrite, but just too bloody lucky :-Þ


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