New Releases
Jun 19, 2018 Natasha_C//"eating_in"
"This shoot was a totally different thing for me. I've taken so many nude selfies, but always with the intention of sending them to someone I was trying to impress. Sucking in, weird angles, hiding the bits of my body that I'm not 100% confident about. During this shoot I let all of that go and just accepted my body for what it is. I felt silly but I also felt so sexy. I love to eat, and taking nudes with food was so much fun. I was a little nervous about the chilies though! Luckily there were no spicy casualties."
Jun 18, 2018 Evelyn_Z//"peach_daydream"
"I took the camera and went to a lovely sunny balcony in a friend's apartment in Melbourne. As always, a chilly day in Victoria but the sun was so nice I kept taking breaks just to soak up some rays, totally relaxed. The stone walls were a bit chilly but an outdoor seat that was out there was perfect to lie around on. I probably took more selfies just then than I have cumulatively over the rest of my life - I'm not really a selfie person but it was really fun!"
Jun 17, 2018 Hannah_M//"romanticfem"
"I wanted to shoot outdoors, but I was in a residential neighborhood! Then I found a nice shady spot, until the sun came out five minutes later. It may have taken me a while to find the perfect spot to run around naked, but I think it was worth the struggle. I had even more fun with this shoot than my first one, and I felt a lot more comfortable experimenting with my body and photographing myself from different angles. Playing around with flowers felt very feminine and romantic, and I'd love to keep exploring the relationship of my body in nature in future shoots!"
Jun 17, 2018 Sandrina//"zeit_fur_mich"
"Ich bin nicht der Mensch, der immer wieder Selfies von sich macht. Dementsprechend war dieses Projekt eine grosse und spannende Herausforderung fuer mich. Da ich mein Zimmer mit mehreren Leuten teile, musste ich einigen von Ihnen auch erstmal erklaeren, warum ich jetzt erstmal ein wenig Zeit fuer mich brauche. Anschliessend habe ich alles weitgehend praepariert. Spiegel bereit gestellt, Blumen, Hoola Hoop und MICH. Ich muss zugeben, ich fand es erstmal etwas neu, interessant... und vielleicht irgendwie seltsam. Mit der Zeit habe ich wirklich Spass daran bekommen mich auszuprobieren und und war ueberrascht, wie sehr mir meine eigenen Bilder gefallen. Das ganze hat mir irgendwie eine ganze Menge Selbstvertrauen geschenkt. / I'm not the person who always takes selfies. Accordingly, this project was a big and exciting challenge for me. Since I share my room with other people, I had to explain to some of them first, why I needed a little time for me now. Afterwards I have prepared everything largely. Mirror ready, flowers, hula hoop and ME. I have to admit, I found it a bit new, interesting ... and maybe weird. Over time, I really enjoyed trying it out and was surprised how much I liked my own pictures. The whole thing gave me a lot of self-confidence."
Jun 16, 2018 Stussy//"lucky13"
"13 years later...I've taken a trip down memory lane to revisit my exhibitionist activities, this time with a lot more maturity and growth as a woman and with my sexuality. This outdoor shoot was lots of fun and gave me that feeling in my stomach like, "Am I going to get caught right now? Is anyone going to come past and see me with my clothes off posing in the bush?". It's not the usual thing you do in public but I've always loved to push the boundaries. That feeling of freedom and confidence was back in an instant by the time I had started taking the first few shots. All in all I love to have fun and don't mind showing off a little."
Jun 16, 2018 Tulip_B//"pavonated"
"My ISM shoot was so fantastic. It started out a little awkward and with a few minor injuries, as I was posing with each leg on a different chair, I leaned a little too far forward and almost faceplanted. After I was finished and I started reviewing the photos I found that they all looked much better than I could have imagined. My whole experience has been affirming and amazing and I would do it over again a million times."
Jun 15, 2018 Shera//"donotdisturb"
"I never realised how hard yoga is to do while operating a camera! I need to kick up the yoga game for sure. Taking pictures with your foot is far more fun than I initially thought. Trying to get all the takes in was a bit difficult because mother nature simply would not agree. The natural light just makes the pictures so awesome! I fell on my face more times than I'd like to admit with this shoot."
Jun 14, 2018 Stacey_O//"agelesswisdom"
"This shoot made me feel very sensual and sexy and very erotic. It made me see that when you take care of yourself the only age barrier is your mind. I might have a few more wisdom lines but I can hold my own. The power of a woman at any age should be something to celebrate."
Jun 13, 2018 Hyperballad//"hyper_diaries_4"
"Part 4 & the final installment of the hyper_diaries. You really couldn't ever accuse me of lacking honesty &
heart. I am too much of these things for some people, but I've finally learnt to unapolocetically not give a
fuck. I happily take up space, I happily fill your screen & I happily show you all of my heart, I invite you to
join me in this celebration of joy & freedom. Big love, your queen Hyperballad. x"
Jun 13, 2018 Kash//"geen_kwaad"
"Mijn huisgenoot heeft best wel wa roet in't eten gestrooid want wou wa meer met planten en in de woonkamer trekken maar helaas net extra veel in huis toen ik eindelijk de inspiratie had... Denk dat de werkmannen in mijn straat wel een aantal glimpsen hebben opgevangen van mijn shoot. Ook content da ik de camera of mijn bakkes nie gebroken heb, fotos trekken met uw voeten hoog boven uw kop is niet het beste idee! En dan was er nog geen enkele foto van gelukt haha. / My roommate was home making food for their friends which made it tricky because I wanted to get more shots with plants and in the living room but unfortunately having extra people in the house made that very difficult. I think the workers in my street did have some glimpses of my shoot though. I was very happy that I have not broken the camera or my back, taking pictures with your feet high above your head is not the best idea! And then no photo of it had succeeded anyway haha."
Jun 12, 2018 Larla_Frost//"clear_view"
"This shoot was a bit difficult at points. Until I went to take well lit photography shots I never realised how badly lit my house is! The first day it was very bright so I had to take outdoor shots in very specifically shaded areas, and there's only one window inside that I can use (which is in the loungeroom, I was scared my housemate would be home early every second of the shoot) because the two bedrooms face out into the street and right across the road is a school and I am not looking to traumatise kids any time soon! The other bedroom window has a clear view directly to my neighbour's front door which I didn't realise until I was very nearly caught, I had to roll off the bed and crawl out of the guest bedroom so the poor old Italian lady next door didn't have a heart attack! Otherwise it was a very fun shoot and I'd love to get involved in more things like this."
Jun 11, 2018 Mew//"multichromatic"
"I've been getting naked for the camera for a long time now - in a strange way this was the most confronting shoot I've done. I was on the other side of the lens for ages - it's so much easier to find the beauty, vulnerability, emotion and strength in other people. ISM forces you to take a good hard look at yourself, put yourself out there and accept what you've got. For better or worse - its me."
Jun 11, 2018 Violette_M//"myownxanadu"
"An intimate look within my personal Xanadu. This collection of images expresses the kinky, sophisticated and feminine side of me that is often concealed to the naked eye. The candle wax smells like roses. I once had someone beg me to kick them in the balls with the shoes I am wearing in this shoot."
Jun 10, 2018 Olivia_O//"essencia"
"Shooting myself is always a great experience, it makes me feel free and connected with my body. Feeling confident that everybody is beautiful in their own way and the feeling that it's the little differences that make each single one of us unique. It's all about accepting how and who you are with or without clothes, what really matters is the essence."
Jun 10, 2018 Masie//"dental_exam"
"I had been sitting on doing this for years but never had an idea that felt good enough. A friend of mine came by an old dentist chair and it was the chance I have been waiting for - I get a bit turned on by scary situations so had amazing fun with this - there was even an old drill!!"