New Releases
Jun 25, 2019 Mavi//"sie_platzt"
"Meine Fenster waren sehr klein und mein Zimmer auch, was das Shooting erwschwert hat. Nachdem ich mich dann etwas frustriert mit der Kamera vor den Spiegel stellte hat es aber nicht lange gedauert bis ich warm wurde und richtig viel Spass hatte. Irgendwann waren mir die Fotos zu klassisch schoen und ich wollte dann die nackte Wahrheit zeigen. Auch meine Vagina zu fotografieren war anfangs unangenehm aber dann ist ein Knoten geplatzt. / My windows were really small and so was my room, which made the shoot more difficult. After standing a little frustrated in front on the mirror it didn't take long for me to get really comfortable and have great fun with myself. Soon the photos seemed too classically beautiful to me so I wanted to show the naked truth. Also shooting my vagina made me uncomfortable at first but then the knot burst."
Jun 24, 2019 Mallory//"BringItOnHome"
"During this shoot I played a lot of music - a playlist I've made to connect myself to my work alter-ego. I found that I was easily slipping into Cleo and I had to consciously draw a line between her and myself. It's difficult to create someone who is seen as a fantasy and then stop yourself from being that person in everyday life. Cleo is strong and loud, she doesn't get stepped on and she carries herself differently than I do. I am softer and I like being vulnerable. I've taught myself how to be pretty and how to be wanted but in doing that I think I have been hardened. That is going to take a very long time to dismantle. I think that this has been the first step."
Jun 24, 2019 Elyse_C//"callipygian"
"Honestly, I really struggled with this project in the beginning. I thought I was going to have a really sweet time and feel really comfortable but it brought up some unresolved issues that I obviously still have with my body. By the time I finished the shoot (it took me about 3 days with having housemates etc) I finally felt comfortable and started to have fun! I forgot to check out the other ways people had taken their photos for inspo so I feel like I kind of went in blind but that really helped me to be authentic with the photos I took. Ishotmyself really hit something deep within me and helped me to enjoy getting in front of a camera which is definitely something I have avoided in the past (fully clothed and naked)."
Jun 23, 2019 Celine_H//"ska_vi_bada"
"Det kandes kul, spannande och sexigt att fota mig sjalv pa stranden da manga tittade undrade vad jag gjorde. Jag gar igang pa att visa upp mig pa offentiliga platser. Jag tycker bilderna blir finare nar jag har kul ocksa, da lyser dom pa nat vis. / It was fun, exciting and sexy to photograph myself on the beach when people looked wondering what I was doing. I am starting to show myself in public places for the thrill. I think the pictures are nicer when I have fun too, then they light up in the night."
Jun 23, 2019 Matilda_P//"kinbaku_bi"
"Dieses Portfolio ist ehrlich, bunt, verspielt, kinky. Ich zeige ohne Scham, was ich an meinem Koerper mag, und gebe sogar eine Tour meiner Lieblingsspielzeuge. Als ich die Bilder mit dem gelben Jello gemacht habe, hat der Kopf des Partners meiner Mitbewohnerin ploetzlich durchs Fenster geschaut (er ist 2 Meter gross und ich wohne im Erdgeschoss). Was fuer ein Anblick: ich, auf einem Handtuch am Boden, bedeckt mit Jello, eine Kamera in der Hand. Er hat schnell weggeschaut und wir haben nie mehr darueber geredet. / This folio is genuine, colorful, playful, kinky. I shamelessly show what I like about my body, and give you a tour of my toy collection. As I was taking the yellow jello photos my housemate's partner's head passed by my window (he's 2 metres tall and I live on the ground floor) - our eyes met as I was lying on a towel on the floor covered in jello with a camera in my hand. He quickly looked away and we never talked about it."
Jun 22, 2019 Molly_B//"37_degrees"
"This shoot was so fun!! Even though it was 37 degrees, I somehow had a wonderful time - I guess being naked always helps. Another ISM girl, Catherine, came with me and we did our shoots together. This made the experience even better as we could laugh together (especially when the rowers came past as we were sitting naked on the riverbank, whoops). We ended up with leaves and dirt all over and inside our bodies."
Jun 22, 2019 Ally_D//"body_in_bloom"
"Seeing my naked body on the camera screen was daunting at first, particularly parts of my pussy that I don't see every day, but I became able to really understand my anatomy and loved every bit of the process. I think that if you feel good and happy in your body you should be proud of it, and if you don't, that you should work on loving it because we are all unique and that's why this project is so interesting and important."
Jun 21, 2019 Gemma_J//"string_theories"
"A series of photos taken by an open window that faces onto the street. No one saw me though (I hope). There was a period of about a month between some photos. So it's a kind of before and after I stopped giving a shit about shaving."
Jun 20, 2019 Evie_E//"hurricana"
"What you don't see in the photos is the hurricane I created around me with trying to move things out of the pictures and all the props, my house in the end was a beautiful chaos and it's funny to think my housemate has no clue of it...unless he sees this then he will know I was prancing naked around the house contorting my body into all sorts of strange positions on and against his furniture."
Jun 19, 2019 Nina_C//"l'or_du_soir"
"J'ai beaucoup aime faire ce shooting photo cela m'a permis de decouvrir mieux mon corp tel que je ne l'avais vue et etre plus a l,aise avec moi meme. Au debut me sentais timide face au fait de faire des photos nue et apres j, y pris du plaisir une fois que j,ai vue le resultat de certaine photo qui m'on beaucoup plu je me suis mise a avoir un peu plus d,imagination je pense que c,est une bonne experience pour tout le monde a fin de plus s,accepter. / I really like doing this photo shoot that allowed me to better discover my body as I had seen and be more comfortable with myself. At first I felt shy about taking pictures naked and afterwards, I took pleasure once I saw the results of some photos that I liked a lot I started to have a little more imagination, I think it's a good experience for everyone to end up, accept it."
Jun 19, 2019 Zizzy//"ahoy_poi_1"
"This video shoot was a new type of challenge and exposure, as I've never been nude and dancing in front of a video camera before. Pictures are a bit different, as you can pose til it's perfect. I feel this shoot shows natural, spontaneous, creative movement and expression and I enjoyed shooting every bit of it. Having never done anything like this was my inspiration to do it - once again getting out of my comfort zone and doing something new. That's always refreshing. I felt comfortable the whole time and got more and more used to moving in front of the camera, at times forgetting about it and being fully in the zone."
Jun 18, 2019 Joanna_J//"silvical"
"I was a bit nervous going into the shoot. I was also quite concerned that I would find my insecurities highlighted and I was worried I would feel self-conscious and that this would come across in the photographs. I also have the tendency to be very shy and have never taken naked photos before and thought my inexperience might show. I was really surprised by how enjoyable I found this experience. I think this was, in part, due to my housemates teasing me (I live with my 5 closest friends) as I was stealing all their plants to grow my jungle. But also I'm not too bad at entertaining myself and I enjoyed being silly and naked."
Jun 17, 2019 Tori_T//"hang_tight"
"This shoot took me outside into the the Australian alps with my closest friend - a bit chilly in Autumn! Having the cool breeze on my skin, free of makeup and without bothering to brush my hair. In many ways, this has been my most intimate shoot to date. I'm about ninety percent sure I was spotted by some elderly kayakers in the process but it was totally worth it! It was also beautiful getting to joke with my friend and spend time with her - she's someone who has a bit of a different perspective on getting naked for the camera but she was so supportive and I wouldn't choose anyone else to share this experience with!"
Jun 17, 2019 Natalia_G//"lekker_bezig"
"I enjoyed doing the shoot and the time was passing so fast. I thought it would be hard to take a lot of photos or I would get bored after taking a few but I just kept going and suddenly I took like 115? It also makes me so aware of what my body looks like, but in a good way. I now realize I really like my lips and the curves I've got."
Jun 16, 2019 Rebecca_S//"smart_shots"
"I had more than a few people walk past and look up at my balcony. Lucky them, they got to see this shoot in the making. The first few people I felt weird about and I thought - "I wonder what they are thinking, seeing a girl on her balcony taking so many fully nude pictures of herself" but then I just found it hilarious! If the shoe was on the other foot I would love to walk past someone in the middle of them shooting themselves!"