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"Me fui a explorar para tomar fotos afuera y encontra' un a'rea verde entre la autopista y unas casas. Al inicio estaba un poco nerviosa porque poda escuchar a alguien trabajando en su jardan al otro lado de la cerca. Pero despuas de 10min pensa, aay vale verga! A alguien le alegrara el da si acasoa 5min despuas de ponerme la ropa un hombre pasa caminando con su perro. Senta full adrenalina, fue divertido! Tambian era daa de darle de comer a mi culebra entonces la saqua' y jugamos un ratito. Compartimos el cuarto entonces verme desnuda no fue nada nuevo para al. / I went exploring to shoot outdoors and found a green area between the highway and some houses. I felt a little bit nervous at start because I could hear someone working in their garden on the other side of the fence but after 10 min or so I thought, aaah fuck it! I'll make someone's day better if anything! 5 min after I put my clothes on, a man and his dog walked by. I felt such an adrenaline rush, it was fun! It was also feeding day for my lovely diamond python so I took him out for a little play. We share a room so he wasn't very surprised to see me naked, just a regular day for us."
"This most recent shoot was in a new house in the suburbs with my most lovely backyard yet. It was a new house with new housemates who I certainly did not want to see me naked! I tried to gauge when they’d be out of the house but that didn’t stop one of them coming home while I was sprawled naked in the back yard! I heard their footsteps and jumped behind a hedge but they definitely saw my nakie booty darting away. Needless to say I did the rest of my shoot in my safe, cosy, very pink room."
"I had such an incredible time doing this video, it was amazing to view and film my body in such a casual manner. I am so accustomed to it being sexualised whether that be for my own empowerment purposes or because of non-consensual objectification but having a camera with me on my day to day routine helped me see and appreciate myself for all that I am - lumps, bumps and all. Each time the power was turned on the more relaxed and less critical I became so I thank the ISM team for giving me the opportunity to feel at ease in myself."
Our Libra libertine Eva is a Spring baby, born with the budding of the trees, and it shows in her bright face and animated demeanor. But who doesn't like to play dress-ups once in awhile? Eva's splashing out into Autumn colours today, all russets, golds and burgundies - but it's not long before those clothes fall just like leaves from the trees, leaving Eva's purest form to shine through to each and every one of your hearts today.
"This project was interesting for myself, I have never inspected myself that closely before. It was funny all of a sudden finding little things about my body like stretch marks. Also finding out that I'm very shy about my naked body which was very interesting to discover. What was even more interesting was the mixed reactions I got about going through with this project, my girlfriends were so accepting and even wanted to do it as well, yet my boyfriend and workmates were very disturbed or skeptical about it. But this is me, this is my body and that should just be accepted."
May 03, 2020 Cayu//"tiger_queen"
"Ce nouveau projet a ete reelement interessant pour moi de voir comment mon corps a change depuis le dernier photoshoot. Pas que je trouve que je vieillisse mais juste que je peux sentir les experiences grandir et germer sur ma peau et meme si parfois ca me fait peur, j adore ca. On peut toujours constater que le meme univers creatif avec lequel j'ai lhabitude de jouer est present car c'est ce qui fait qui je suis et ca ne changera jamais. Comme une grande malle dans laquelle Alice au pays des Merveille tombe et se reinvente. Merci a ISM de me permetre detre le tableaux et la peinture de mon moi grandissant. Car tu n'est jamais trop grand ou trop petit pour te sentir en confiance la ou tu es. / This new project been really interesting for me to see how my body changed since the last shoot. Now that I am getting old I can really experience growing into my skin and even if sometimes I am afraid of it, I love it. We can still see the same creative universe that I use to play with because obviously it is me and that will never change, just like a big suitcase where Alice in Wonderland falls and reinvents herself. Thanks ISM to permit me to be the frame and the paint of my growing self...Because you are never too big or too small to feel confident where you are."
"I really enjoy being in nature, to become one with the energy of the earth and have fun with it and myself, appreciating the sensations and vibrations. I felt in complete bliss in this shoot, feeling and being as natural as possible in the raw aspects of myself and the elements around me, the trees, air, birds and nature smells. Some funny moments I had during the shoot where, a snail crawling beside me then on top of me trying to be part of the shoot and also I had a lot of grass up my booty! Overall this project was one of my favorite fun and exciting projects I have participated in! xx"
"SO MUCH BLOODY FUN! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to celebrate my body, confidence and sexuality through ISM. My first experience with ISM was groundbreaking for me as celebrating myself in this way was a little new. This time around I felt so much more confident which really allowed me to be free and have so much fun with it. I enjoyed utilising the amazing space that I have to really express my authentic lifestyle and how that aligns so perfectly with my nude expression. The dynamism of this shoot has inspired me bunches. Thank you ISM, so much. I look forward to working with you again in the future!"
"This photo shoot was a big challenge as it went against all the 'social norms' I grew up with surrounding nudity. It felt liberating and sexy taking control of my body just for me. I shot myself in my bedroom where I am most comfortable as it's my happy place, as well as outside in our super long grass. I thought the grass would be a sexy place to shoot but after the first few photos I noticed my red skin (ouch) from a rash! As the show must go on I moved it inside and kept shooting!"
"I also had fun using my hands to make things. It was sort of like masturbating but without touching myself. Told you art makes me feel sexy! Overall the shoot was an incredible experience. At first I thought I'd struggle to find things to do that weren't masturbating, but once I got into it and let loose it was so much fun. It helped me explore my body and my sexuality in some different ways that I wouldn't have done otherwise."
Apr 28, 2020 Zara_C//"farm_lyfe"
"This shoot took place at my friend's animal sanctuary, an amazing place to be naked. I got to experience the discomfort of straddling a bail of hay with no underwear on (it's itchy let me tell ya), then I discovered an apparent look of judgement by the roosters, to which I reflected on how strange it is that we are the only animal that wears clothes. I was so busy enjoying flaunting around naked that I did forget to be mindful of the elderly neighbours - I hope they didn't see me squatting over a camera..."
"I had a lot of fun taking these photos, it was like a regular day hanging out with my cats but I was completely naked and it felt natural and normal. It was easier to get past the self-conscious mental barrier the second time around, but it was a little bit harder to get creative and take photos that I hadn't taken for my previous shoot. That is one of the reasons why I set some strict rules for myself around what I could use to assist me in the photo taking process. Setting those rules also allowed me to make my body and my lines the focus of these photos, rather than any creative things I could do with mirrors or interesting locations."
"For my first shoot I thought I would start in the comfort of my own room and eat some of my breakfast (strawberries) while I was at it. I was so surprised how much I got into it and how happy I was with my own photos. I learned that I photograph better naked than with clothes, haha. I also loved the feminine touch of the strawberries, the pop of red, the juiciness, how the shape reminds me of a vagina, and of course eating them! With the morning sun shining through, I thought my shoot was such a success, and I can't wait to do another one."
"My initial inspiration for this shoot was the sunlight pouring through my lounge room window, the beginning of spring shining it's way in and evolving in season from the familiar winter overcast Melbourne days. At the time of the shoot though - the delicate natural light had left entirely. I was devastated that I couldn't control the sun's movements! So while I dwelled in the dark, I looked around at the key elements and furniture in my lounge room and came to the decision that "I have a solution!" - and I brought the indoors - out. All the plants, Moroccan rug, mirror and arm chair out of the house and into the courtyard so that the shoot could go on! I especially enjoyed this chance to tune in and connect with myself."
"Il tempo era nuvoloso e non c'era tanta gente intorno, quindi non ero troppo preoccupata del fatto che qualcuno mi avrebbe visto. Ho speso un bel po' di tempo a fare le foto, e quando ho finito e controllato le foto scattate, ho notato che c'era una persona che mi stava guardando. Mi son recata verso l'uscita della spiaggia e la persona mi stava sorridendo. Credo che mi abbia visto, pero' sto notando che non mi sono sentita a disagio, anzi! / The weather was cloudy and there weren't many people around, so I wasn't too worried that someone would see me. I spent a lot of time taking photos, and when I finished and checked the photos I took, I noticed that there was a person looking at me. I went to the beach exit and the person was smiling at me. I think he saw me, but I noticed that I didn't feel uncomfortable, on the contrary!"
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