20:32 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 16 AUG 2020
"In my folio I wanted to convey a sense of divine feminine energy. I did this through use of the colour pink - my favourite colour; a colour that is often related to femininity; the colour of the parts of the body we are told to keep secret, that I have on display in the images. Upon realising the lighting in my own bedroom was not going to cut it for my shoot, I moved the shoot to the well-lit bedroom of my housemate who was staying at his girlfriend's house. Every time a car drove down the street I couldn't help but look out the window to see if it was him. Luckily he didn't come home and I didn't have to deal with the awkwardness of explaining why I was doing a naked photo shoot in his room."

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