New Releases
Apr 18, 2021 Gizelle_Z//"luna_llena"
"Esta vez toma mis fotos en un lugar muy especial: mi cuarto de meditacion. Adema¡s fue un dia muy especial, ya que habia luna llena, por lo que hice una pequena ceremonia quemando un poco de copal y ofrendando unas frutas para agradecer por todo lo lindo que sucede en mi vida (aunque me comi una de las frutillas). No me presta atencion y no pude tomarme fotos con. Me senti segura, expresa¡ndome, me senta hermosa y femenina. / This time, I was in a very special place: my meditation room. And it was a special day as well, full moon. That's why I did a little ceremony, burning a bit of coal and offering some fruit (though I ate one of the strawberries), to thank for all the nice things that happen in my life. I felt confident, expressing myself, I felt beautiful and feminine."
Apr 17, 2021 Yolanda_C//"ascension"
"Fue muy interesante ir con un grupo de chicas a hacer este proyecto. Estabamos todas en la misma situacion, nos entendiamos. Empezamos muy timidamente, y fue paradojico, porque esta¡bamo en el medio de un parque nacional, subiendo una montana, y a medida que fuimos ascendiendo fuimos capaces de liberarnos ma¡s y ma¡s, al punto de que finalmente llegamos a una playa y terminamos corriendo desanudas hacia el mar. / It was very interesting to go with a group of girls to do this project. We were all in the same situation, we understood each other. We started very shyly, and it was paradoxical, because we were in the middle of a national park, climbing a mountain, and as we were ascending we were able to free ourselves more and more, to the point that we finally reached a beach and ended up running naked towards the sea."
Apr 16, 2021 Lucy_B//"invigorated"
"For my second shoot, I shot myself mostly outdoors, in my back garden. The weather was constantly changing but that gave me the opportunity to play with different degrees of natural lighting! One housemate did walk out on me half naked with the camera in my hand... but he has respect for the arts, so it wasn't too awkward ;). I felt much more confident after that was out of the way! The sun (and rain) on my skin was invigorating, and I eventually became one with the dirt and leaves outside. How natural to be nude in nature!"
Apr 15, 2021 Katharina_D//"Frauenkommune"
"Ich wohne seit neustem in einer wundervollen Frauenkommune. Ausserdem bin ich Yogalehrerin und liebe es meinen Koerper zu bewegen. Ich habe mich auf eine Reise der Selbstliebe und koerperlicher Positivitaet begeben und bin dabei auf die Idee gekommen, an diesem wunderbaren Projekt teilzunehmen. Ich liebe es nackt zu sein und mich frei zu fuehlen. Es hilft mir meinen schoenen Koerper wertzuschaetzen. / The house I am living in is an open, body positive and sex positive community of women. I am a Yoga teacher and love to move my body. I came to the idea to be part of this amazing project through a journey of self love and sexual awakening. I love to be naked and free. It makes me extremely comfortable in my own, beautiful skin."
Apr 13, 2021 Nadia_D//"HeadOverHeels"
"My folio is an exploration of my body. Falling head over heels for all my rolls which I'm always trying my best to hide, now they go and be free in all their glory. My body is a beautiful place. My stretch marks are beautiful and didn't they make for some lovely texture. The most fun part of my shoot was sending a non specific text to my Puppa asking to use his mirrors for nakey photo and he didn't reply but called my Mother."
Apr 12, 2021 Abby_B//"sigh_of_ease"
"I was shooting in the morning when I woke up. I saw the bright sun and I was in a great mood for a photo shoot. I started shooting while still in my pajamas. I didn't prepare for this photo session, I decided that if it turns out badly, I'll try it next time, but it seemed to work out well :). The photo session lifted my spirits for the rest of the day."
Apr 11, 2021 Natalia_S//"quite_fetching"
"I shot this at a relative's house when it was a bit warmer! My dogs were around while I was shooting outside and were requesting that I didn't stop playing fetch with them while I was shooting, which I couldn't say no to. There was a walking track visible from the verandah where I was shooting, so hopefully a lucky hiker got a free show. Afterwards I felt really positive and warm about the experience and excited to submit the photos and see how they turned out. I loved being around the tulips and flowers that were growing outside and shooting really close to the bush, it felt really peaceful and wholesome."
Apr 10, 2021 Lena_M//"bits_of_home"
"I decided I'd focus on small details I love - small pieces of 'home', being outside, the contrast of soft and harsh, light and shadow, nature and man made. But above all, watching my body twist and turn and create shapes I never expected. It's so wonderful feeling that creativity come back and flow through you. I could feel that sense of quiet confidence I pride myself on flowing back through me, as I focused on how I feel when I'm surrounded by life's small pleasures, and how varied and beautiful the world around us can be. By the end, the only trouble was deciding when to stop!"
Apr 09, 2021 Raela//"ink_story"
"In a way this shoot is a little homage to my favourite things about my body which is my tattoos! I love each and everyone of my tattoos - my little fairy garden, my cute stars and symbols, my playful dolphin. All of them have stories and feel like such an essential part of who I am. My ink, my body, my life. It's all part of my story."
Apr 08, 2021 Pearline//"bold_move"
Here's a special treat for you today, ISM. Those of you who've been around with us from the start will recognise this cherry-haired wonder, and for everyone else, welcome to heaven. This never-before-seen super special Pearline folio is coming to light today - much like Pearline herself did, when she stripped down on that playground in broad daylight, naked without a care in the world.
Apr 07, 2021 Yuno//"selfie_sesh_2"
"I have very sensitive nipples and it's very easy to make them really hard. That's why in public places I try to wear my bra always, because just a little bit wind and oops! My nipples are hard. And everybody can see that. I'll tell you about my hairstyle. I change it whenever I have mood. Last few weeks I grow hair down here... and I like it. And I like to do dirty pictures. Dirty and naughty."
Apr 07, 2021 Kath_H//"siehe_die_Kunst"
"Als ich angefangen habe die Bilder zu schiessen, hab ich mich irgendwie total unwohl gefuehlt. Es war total komisch sich die Bilder anzugucken und meine ganzen Ecken und Kanten so offen zu essen. Aber dann habe ich realisiert, das dieses Shooting nicht darum geht. Es geht nicht darum sich selber und die Fotos zu kritisieren, sondern sich selbst zu akzeptieren, sie wert zu schaetzen und die Schoenheit und kunst in den Bildern zu sehen. / When I was first starting to shoot myself, I felt really shy. It was weird to look at the pictures and see all my flaws so shamelessly captured. But I thought to myself, this is not what the shoot is about. It's not about criticizing yourself and your pictures, but to appreciate them and see the beauty and art in them."
Apr 06, 2021 Elsa_S//"lunch_break"
"Working independently as a maid for apartments around the city, often I get turned on while working, and spend my lunch break masturbating. One day while cleaning I decided to take photos while I started pleasuring myself. While I knew it was risky, the thought of someone walking in made it even more exciting. A part of me hoped they would. This is the first time I've shared that I have these secret sessions and I hope you feel some of the pleasure through these photos that I felt while taking them."
Apr 05, 2021 Elliot_B//"WankAndAHaircut"
"I decided to take the afternoon off work and relax in the sun by masturbating in my bed. That's the cosiest place in the world and where I feel most safe and like myself. I love seeing myself on the screen, trying to get the prettiest light fall over my skin, or that makes my pussy glisten. I orgasmed in the shoot, but it was really hard to focus on taking pictures while cumming, and my face looks hilarious. My favourite part of the shoot was giving myself a backyard haircut in the nude. I cropped my curly bush, buzzed my hair off, and then had a scrub down with my rose-soap and scented water."
Apr 04, 2021 Hannah_P//"droplets"
"I wanted to do a casual morning shoot so waking up, having a shower, and getting wet and slippery, then laying in the sun drying off in my bed. I wanted to mix in the colour teal to go with water and summer and it's just a gorgeous colour. I then got a bit playful with the mirror in the spare room and also trying out new shapes with my body, moving my legs around my head to get some interesting visual angles. I was completely make up free and it felt raw and freeing showing my morning routine wet and soapy and then lounging, I didn't want it to feel rushed because that part of my day never is. I wanted to enjoy the moment (while not getting the camera wet haha)."