OVERLOAD - 30 JUL 2021
Look what else we found hiding away in the archives... here's what she said: "Ahoj ISM :)! Strieľal som si toľko zábavy! Moji domáci boli doma, takže som ma zastrelil v spoločnej kúpeľni. Našťastie som za sebou zamkol dvere, pretože keď som vedel, že mám šťastie, skoro som vošiel dovnútra môjho najlepšieho priateľa zatiaľ čo som si natieral krém po celom tele. To by bolo trápne! Cítil som sa tiež trochu nadšený, keď som natáčal, že ľudia sú doma :) / Hi ISM :)! This shoot was so much fun! My housemates were at home, so I film myself in the shared bathroom. Luckily I locked the door behind me because my boyfriend's best friend almost walked in on me while I was applying cream all over my body! That would be embarrassing! I also felt a little excited when I was filming that people are at home :)"
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