#1 February 26th, 2007 03:55 PM


I'm too shy to say.....

I have a question I want to ask any bi/lesbian girls out there, but I'm not gonna say till someone writes saying they reckon they know they're stuff.......ha ha ha


#2 February 27th, 2007 03:23 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

Don't be shy smile

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#3 February 27th, 2007 04:01 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

ok, so you obviously reckon you know your stuff? First can I say that these guys should do...We shot ourselves...how fun would that be. But I guess it's not their style. Anyway, I want to know: um...ah....ok see I'm new at all this ok, so forgive me...can you give me some advice on...Am I allowed to talk about this on this forum?


#4 February 27th, 2007 06:08 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

Adalida, you're allowed to talk about anything you want.  We are a mature, open minded community. The only thing not welcome on the forum is gratuitous abuse of fellow members or artists.


#5 February 28th, 2007 10:32 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

adalida wrote:

ok, so you obviously reckon you know your stuff? First can I say that these guys should do...We shot ourselves...how fun would that be. But I guess it's not their style. Anyway, I want to know: um...ah....ok see I'm new at all this ok, so forgive me...can you give me some advice on...Am I allowed to talk about this on this forum?

well i can't claim to offer *expert* advice...but i'll take my best shot.
as far as i know, there aren't any 'off-limits' topics. 
gee, i'm really curious now :)
so come on,  i know you can't be THAT shy---cause you've done ISM :)

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#6 February 28th, 2007 03:35 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

Oooohhh I've got you curious. Ok liani, I am hopelessly conservative and shy when it comes to sex, which is a real problem obviously because the person (girl, usually) thinks that I'm not into it or don't know what to do...I know what I want to do but I'm worried if I do it I might freak her out. Like, it's a fine line between evolution (that is to say, letting it evolve step by step and happening naturally) and it just not going anywhere because one or both are too shy. I am thinking about it way too much and ruining the spontinaity ( i don't know how to spell that) aren't I!! What would you do/how do you like to go about it Liani??xxx


#7 February 28th, 2007 09:03 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

just take the plunge my dear.
you are at least on the diving board by opening this topic.
the water is fine, believe me.
so just take the plunge.

that beautiful pool of delights awaits both of you.

one day you will both be laughing off your current lovers limbo....;)


'stay beautiful'


#8 March 2nd, 2007 04:17 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

adalida wrote:

ok, so you obviously reckon you know your stuff? First can I say that these guys should do...We shot ourselves...how fun would that be. But I guess it's not their style. Anyway, I want to know: um...ah....ok see I'm new at all this ok, so forgive me...can you give me some advice on...Am I allowed to talk about this on this forum?

OK. We guys should shoot ourselves? No problem.   smile
Is somebody gonna look at it? Sure hope so! 

To be honest I was thinking about the same thing for weeks. Is there a good way to so this?
I know "officially" ISM do this...except here and there I saw some portfolios were the male partner was part of the shoot.

mmmhh....I'm curious.....



#9 March 2nd, 2007 04:56 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

adalida wrote:

Oooohhh I've got you curious. Ok liani, I am hopelessly conservative and shy when it comes to sex, which is a real problem obviously because the person (girl, usually) thinks that I'm not into it or don't know what to do...I know what I want to do but I'm worried if I do it I might freak her out. Like, it's a fine line between evolution (that is to say, letting it evolve step by step and happening naturally) and it just not going anywhere because one or both are too shy. I am thinking about it way too much and ruining the spontinaity ( i don't know how to spell that) aren't I!! What would you do/how do you like to go about it Liani??xxx

Well, I can see how this could be a problem....not necessarily a lesbian/bi issue either, but more general.  There always has to be someone to get the ball rolling so to speak.  So if you are shy and tend to be attracted to other shy people (boy or girl) then how do things ever get going?  It's never really been a problem for me, because though I'm shy, I find outgoing, more aggressive girls to be my cup of tea...and my husband is usually the *starter* (until things are underway and then I turn into a wild woman!)  Well, that's probably not a very helpful answer smile

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#10 March 2nd, 2007 01:39 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

adalida wrote:

Oooohhh I've got you curious. Ok liani, I am hopelessly conservative and shy when it comes to sex, which is a real problem obviously because the person (girl, usually) thinks that I'm not into it or don't know what to do...I know what I want to do but I'm worried if I do it I might freak her out. Like, it's a fine line between evolution (that is to say, letting it evolve step by step and happening naturally) and it just not going anywhere because one or both are too shy. I am thinking about it way too much and ruining the spontinaity ( i don't know how to spell that) aren't I!! What would you do/how do you like to go about it Liani??xxx

OK, let me tip the boat way over one way and see if that's too far, and you can try and tip it back.  Anal sex is a big thing, nowadays.  Yet every woman I know (and I know many strippers and a few porn stars)  find it painful or uncomfortable.  Yet they do it with a smile just to please their partner.

I refrain from it because of the stories I've been told.  Yet I've also been told that lightly touching the anus is pleasurable,  like a light tickling.  So light fingering or frigging (that's tongue action for you closet people) is OK.  But some people find it disgusting.  So, how to find out?

You can either have an 'accidental' slip or just ask.  Here in the forum, you can't do anything to anyone,  so you gotta ask.

That's actually a pretty tame action compared to some of the stories my girlfriends have been asked to do.  So ask away,  and be graphic if you want a honest and correct answer.  Part of the function of this forum is to dispel myths and tales and get some honest truth on things.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#11 March 3rd, 2007 01:04 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....


thanks for being so straightforward. That's very clarifying and refreshing at the same time. I'm glad you tipped the boat this far. I'm still in the boat, LOL!

Mmmhh...so I see....
Q: do some get real pleasure out of anal sex or is it for most painful?

I never had it and did it, so I ask stupid questions (<grin>.

Is it OK to ask what stories you heard?

I think it's not good if sex is painful, it should always be very pleasurable and satisfying in a good way.



#12 March 3rd, 2007 04:22 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

turtleman wrote:


thanks for being so straightforward. That's very clarifying and refreshing at the same time. I'm glad you tipped the boat this far. I'm still in the boat, LOL!

Mmmhh...so I see....
Q: do some get real pleasure out of anal sex or is it for most painful?

I never had it and did it, so I ask stupid questions (<grin>.

Is it OK to ask what stories you heard?

I think it's not good if sex is painful, it should always be very pleasurable and satisfying in a good way.


The most strange (to me) recent story was from my dancer friend who I will just call L.  She works at a local club and is pretty shy, straight, conservative and very much a homebody,  which are unusual traits for a stripper.  In the club is a shower area which is behind a curtain and therefore very private.  The girls get asked to do all kinds of weird things in the shower.

I refer to L as the "Roman Goddess" of the club.  She is gorgeous and in wonderful proportion and is very elegant in how she moves.  She is ballet trained and it shows.

L tells me that recently a patron in the shower asked to suck her toes and offered a $100 tip.  L is private enough that she doesn't let the customers touch her (except only long known and trusted friends), and the toe sucking thing struck her as too weird.  She turned him down.

So he asked if he could lick the bottom of her platform shoes for $100.  She figured this couldn't be too icky and he wouldn't be touching her, so she agreed.  Now you have to understand that this club is a real dive.  The rug in the place is so matted and sticky,  you probably wouldn't let your dog in there. Virtually none of the girls will go barefoot,  and most wear shoes even in the shower.

L said the moment he started licking his tongue came away licorice black.  She had to look away and after he appeared to be finished,  she ended the show.

The point here is that both L and I thought the whole thing disgusting.  But obviously,  this guy was willing to pay $100 for the fantasy. My curiosity is:  Did this guy now go around bragging that he has licked a strippers soles?  Is this a high honor in the world of bragging rights??

Last edited by SCSIgirl (March 3rd, 2007 04:27 PM)

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#13 March 4th, 2007 02:36 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

Mmmhh....I dunno....

My feeling is that he some kind of slave complex or whatever you call it. You know like the ones that want to be beaten, be humiliated, etc.

Very sad thing though....at least in my opinion.

I'm not judging these people. There are reasons for all this...



#14 March 5th, 2007 05:30 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

That is the most revolting thing I have ever heard! oh my god....There is no explaining that man's desires in any reational sense! Sex is fun and you have to let go and use your imagination, but as far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for that kind of behaviour!! Uh-ah, not the done thing my friends!! I'm not judging either. I have not generalised at all!!


#15 March 5th, 2007 06:03 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

adalida wrote:

That is the most revolting thing I have ever heard! oh my god....There is no explaining that man's desires in any reational sense! Sex is fun and you have to let go and use your imagination, but as far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for that kind of behaviour!! Uh-ah, not the done thing my friends!! I'm not judging either. I have not generalised at all!!

So, my point here was that nothing you might be too shy to ask can be all that outrageous.  We speak candidly here and we love you.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#16 March 6th, 2007 11:19 AM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

turtleman wrote:

Q: do some get real pleasure out of anal sex or is it for most painful?

Here's a gal that geniunely enjoys anal sex. The secret I've found is taking it slow (at first, anyway) plus breathing and a liberal amount of good lube wink


#17 March 6th, 2007 11:58 PM


Re: I'm too shy to say.....

Phew....OK, good.

Now I wish (again) I had taken up that offer of sooooo long ago.

I'm learning new things here.

Thanks delia.



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