#1 February 17th, 2007 12:05 AM


Midriff Beauty - genral comments

I have an intense interest in a woman's face and intelligence but from a purely "bodily" perspective I absolutely adore the midriff area.  From all angles and senses - sight touch AND sound this is a most beautiful area to experience.

From the rear we have the small of the back with the spine forming its characteristic "S" varying geometry with posture, and the two dimples at about the position of the kidneys.

It is from the front that I think this part of a woman's body (the abdomen) is most exquisite.   As the area bounded by sternum, ribcage, hips and pubis has no bone structure it's changing shape and character as the woman's position changes is truly beautiful.  Whilst in the standing position the internal pressure leads to a wonderful convex form.   While bending the abdomen may further bulge out or fold in.  Stretching causes tension and flattening and when flat on her back we have a wonderful flat landscape of smooth skin framed by its salient borders.  It is because of this organic muscular formation that the abdomen, I think, exhibits more character than even breasts.  Even simple lighting leads to beautiful curves and shadows.

The navel too, sitting in its plateau,  may go through an endless series of transformations during movement and each appears unique to a particular woman.  From deep to shallow, protruding or intruding, round, elongated vertical or horizontal, it's shape presents an endless variety of subtlety.  Decoration, by piercing, is of course the prerogative of the woman herself, but I personally adore the way the navel forms itself of its own accord and without such attachments.

I wonder, do others (male and female) feel the same way about this area.  I know a number of artists list their abdomens (using various terms) as their favorite body part but I'm speaking here as an admirer.

I could give examples to illustrate some of these points as all my comments are inspired from actual folios but I honestly dislike singling individual artists out in such a way.

I'm ranting aren't I sad


#2 February 17th, 2007 07:54 PM


Re: Midriff Beauty - genral comments

the midriff is a very sexy place to hang out...;)

'stay beautiful'


#3 February 17th, 2007 08:19 PM


Re: Midriff Beauty - genral comments

I'm a midriff (or belly) lover as well. It's such a problem for me as they're on display all over the place these days. I think I'd be less interested if women went topless - but the exposure of belly flesh on city streets is a real turn on for me.  It's all too much.

Oh - I also adore those two little dimples at the bottom of the back, as well.  The more well defined they are the better.


#4 February 18th, 2007 04:46 PM


Re: Midriff Beauty - genral comments

paintjam wrote:

the midriff is a very sexy place to hang out...;)

As a photographer,  I find the most sensuous place for me is the front hip bone and the lower tummy.
It is a slow graceful curve that reminds me of sand dunes.  Or maybe it's sanddunes that remind me of hips...  either way it is soft, easy curves and I love photographing that area and running my fingertips over it.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#5 February 18th, 2007 11:34 PM


Re: Midriff Beauty - genral comments

Hi Silvatek,

I empathize totally.  Life would be so much easier if we were all "Bums and Boobs" admirers but that's the price one pays for being an individual.

Hi SCSIgirl,

I have the same feeling.  I enjoy landscape photography (having attained an almost exceptional level of mediocrity) but am yet to try doing nudes.  Lighing of the tummy area can be incredible.  I wasn't going to name names but a case in point is ARIEL's set "Dido". #20-25, #50, #55, $56 and #104 are a couple of spectacular abdominal studies that illustrate your point.  There are some other beautiful landscapes in this set as well.  It's interesting she mentions her "stomach and it's curves" as her favorite body part and photographs it beautifully.  There are heaps of other equally valid examples, on this site, of course.

Last edited by Agamemnon (February 18th, 2007 11:44 PM)


#6 February 19th, 2007 03:50 AM


Re: Midriff Beauty - genral comments

SCSIgirl wrote:
paintjam wrote:

the midriff is a very sexy place to hang out...;)

As a photographer,  I find the most sensuous place for me is the front hip bone and the lower tummy.
It is a slow graceful curve that reminds me of sand dunes.  Or maybe it's sanddunes that remind me of hips...  either way it is soft, easy curves and I love photographing that area and running my fingertips over it.

then i bet you enjoy tillys portfolio today...;)

'stay beautiful'


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