#1 January 4th, 2007 10:01 PM


mena planetary beauty makes me wish

for some reason, menas shoot makes me wish that in addition to the forum we could post a comment for our dear artistic sisters under their wonderful folios.

just a wish!

(is anyone open to bribes down there?) teehee

happy 007

'stay beautiful'


#2 January 5th, 2007 04:46 AM


Re: mena planetary beauty makes me wish

There are systems around that allow you to put comments on a web page that can be seen by all the people that us that system. They have been around for a while. Place like http://trailfire.com/ provide this and there is a Firefox plugin to make it even easier. Haven't used that one but if we agree on a system we then install it on our PC's and you will be able to get your wish without ISM lifting a finger.


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