#1 November 29th, 2006 05:42 AM


Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

Why 'ellllo kids,

It's about time to Touch Base in here and see what you cheeky monkeys have been up to.  I must say I've been missing this forum, not to mention the F-Girls quite a rather lot. 

So I'm married and have been living in America for over a month now, and although I've seen one of <a href="http://www.southwestwildlife.org/factsheets/raccoon.jpg"/>these<a>, I've not yet encountered one of <a href="http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0506/tornado_nguyen.jpg"/>these<a>.  Cross your fingers for me.

Rather fammoth thanks to the ever-lovely Blissed for the wedding card, which Max passed on to me just before the event.  You're a big sweetheart, B, thank you.

Hope you're all doing spanking, and I intend to drop back in (a little sooner this time around) to see what mischief you've all been getting yourselves into of late.  I also have a little daily advice for you, if you're ever feeling loose in a mindspace and in need of a little grounding.  I pilfered it from my Bible of the last 15 years (or, Twin Peaks);

"Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee." - Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Cheers, chickens.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#2 November 29th, 2006 05:58 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

Catticus Fabulous!  Yay!  I've missed you!!!

catt wrote:

Hope you're all doing spanking

Actually, my boyfriend and I have been quite a lot, thanks for asking!  On thanksgiving I got quite the spanking -- good times!

It sucks you're in the U.S., yet so far away from me   sad

But I'm glad you're doing well!


~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#3 November 29th, 2006 06:03 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

I was just looking at your latest shoot, Zille, and pondering a comment - but you already know that I think you're utterly marvy, and the nun's buns to boot.

zille wrote:

It sucks you're in the U.S., yet so far away from me   sad

I dunno hon, I do believe we'll meet someday.  I think I owe yer a tasty beverage with a tiny umbrella.

And missed you, too.  Despite occasional absences yourself, you flawlessly drive this forum when at the wheel.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#4 November 29th, 2006 08:53 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

[QUOTE=catt]Why 'ellllo kids,

And right back at you girlie! Great to hear from you and congrats on the new union...

Just wondering if you encountered one of  thesehttp://home.globalcrossing.net/~brendel/cubsit.jpg? Though since you're in the US it's probably more likely you've seen a few of these http://www.thriftstoreart.com/cowboy.jpg

Hope you're all doing spanking, and I intend to drop back in (a little sooner this time around) to see what mischief you've all been getting yourselves into of late.

I for one have been spending most of my time with one of these http://www.studentlife.villanova.edu/pregnancysupport/images/Pregnant%20woman.jpg

And very soon one of these http://www.happy-baby.hu/kepek/LitttleLAmb%20(7).jpg

So there you have it. Hope you're having fun, me bucko. Keep in touch.


#5 November 29th, 2006 04:28 PM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

Hey Catt!
Nice to hear from you. Was wondering how things were going.
I haven't been doing so much spanking - I prefer to be the spankee, but thanks anyway wink


#6 November 29th, 2006 10:14 PM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

catt wrote:

Why 'ellllo kids,

It's about time to Touch Base in here and see what you cheeky monkeys have been up to.  I must say I've been missing this forum, not to mention the F-Girls quite a rather lot. 

So I'm married and have been living in America for over a month now, and although I've seen one of <a href="http://www.southwestwildlife.org/factsheets/raccoon.jpg"/>these<a>, I've not yet encountered one of <a href="http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0506/tornado_nguyen.jpg"/>these<a>.  Cross your fingers for me.

Rather fammoth thanks to the ever-lovely Blissed for the wedding card, which Max passed on to me just before the event.  You're a big sweetheart, B, thank you.

Hope you're all doing spanking, and I intend to drop back in (a little sooner this time around) to see what mischief you've all been getting yourselves into of late.  I also have a little daily advice for you, if you're ever feeling loose in a mindspace and in need of a little grounding.  I pilfered it from my Bible of the last 15 years (or, Twin Peaks);

"Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee." - Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Cheers, chickens.


where are you?
email me your addy for a wedding present...;)

miss you

'stay beautiful'


#7 November 30th, 2006 02:50 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

Hello Catt
Congratulations on your marriage and i wish you lots of happiness and harmony together
and you know i really quite miss eavesdropping on your threads
and thanks for the little daily advice because i am always in a loose mindspace and in need of a little grounding.


#8 November 30th, 2006 08:52 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

Hey catt hope marriage is treating you well, glad you like the card. My present today I think was my lunch, Salmon, mushroom rice and peas it was lovely and then I bought some Rasberries that was my second present and because I eat like a pig I had 2 apples and some pistachios as well and 2 bowls of cereal, OMG!! that is loads of food!!!!! smile If you look at me you wouldn't even think that was possible!! but I'm doing 10 hour shifts leading up to Christmas so I'm just burning it up. I like PMing you and PMs are temperarily off at the mo, so if you make a hotmail account you can send me an email to my hotmail jlara@hotmail.co.uk Hope you like your new home. I've got to go to bed now. Speak to you later smile

P.S. have you got access to IFM forum too.



#9 December 1st, 2006 04:34 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

jackscratch wrote:

[QUOTE=catt]Why 'ellllo kids,

And right back at you girlie! Great to hear from you and congrats on the new union...

Just wondering if you encountered one of  thesehttp://home.globalcrossing.net/~brendel/cubsit.jpg? Though since you're in the US it's probably more likely you've seen a few of these http://www.thriftstoreart.com/cowboy.jpg

Hope you're all doing spanking, and I intend to drop back in (a little sooner this time around) to see what mischief you've all been getting yourselves into of late.

I for one have been spending most of my time with one of these http://www.studentlife.villanova.edu/pregnancysupport/images/Pregnant%20woman.jpg

And very soon one of these http://www.happy-baby.hu/kepek/LitttleLAmb%20(7).jpg

So there you have it. Hope you're having fun, me bucko. Keep in touch.

S'good to see you're still on the forums Mr. Scratch...and obviously been busy.  When is the little bun due, and are you truly prepared for nappy patrol?


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#10 December 1st, 2006 04:38 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

perl wrote:

Hey Catt!
Nice to hear from you. Was wondering how things were going.
I haven't been doing so much spanking - I prefer to be the spankee, but thanks anyway wink

Heya Perl,

Good to see you here still, too!  Speaking of spanking/being the spankee, I'm currently a 'temporary resident of the USA' (for a period of 2 years).  However, if my better half 'spanks' (ie: beats) me, I become a permanent resident immediately.  Isn't that just marvy? 

Tsk, tsk, America has its underpants on backwards.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#11 December 1st, 2006 04:39 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

paintjam wrote:

where are you?
email me your addy for a wedding present...;)

miss you

Hey hon,

Is this 'wedding present' wet and aromatic?  I'm a bit dubious as to what you may send, you cheeky monkey.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#12 December 1st, 2006 04:41 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

pia wrote:

Hello Catt
Congratulations on your marriage and i wish you lots of happiness and harmony together
and you know i really quite miss eavesdropping on your threads
and thanks for the little daily advice because i am always in a loose mindspace and in need of a little grounding.

Hey sweetheart,

Thank you so much - it's a shame I didn't get to know you better in person, but I've always been an admirer of your Mad Skillz with the camera.  There's nothing wrong with a loose mindspace really, but you'd be surprised how valuable a decent freaking coffee is when you live in a place where coffee flavoured water is the norm.  So next time you're in the frame, have one for me.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#13 December 1st, 2006 04:44 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

blissed wrote:

Hey catt hope marriage is treating you well, glad you like the card. My present today I think was my lunch, Salmon, mushroom rice and peas it was lovely and then I bought some Rasberries that was my second present and because I eat like a pig I had 2 apples and some pistachios as well and 2 bowls of cereal, OMG!! that is loads of food!!!!! smile If you look at me you wouldn't even think that was possible!! but I'm doing 10 hour shifts leading up to Christmas so I'm just burning it up. I like PMing you and PMs are temperarily off at the mo, so if you make a hotmail account you can send me an email to my hotmail jlara@hotmail.co.uk Hope you like your new home. I've got to go to bed now. Speak to you later smile

P.S. have you got access to IFM forum too.


Hey hon,

Marriage is treating me well, aside from the constant beatings.  And the card was such a pleasant surprise, and truly, truly thoughtful.  You big sweetheart.  I'm digging your idea of a present, too - I'm a bit of a salmon and raspberries fan myself.

I now have your email address (mwahahah), but I totally suck at online communications - just ask any of the Feck girls.  I do owe them a little something in the mail sometime soon...

Thanks again Sir Blissed, I'll be speaking with you shortly.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#14 December 1st, 2006 12:19 PM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

catt wrote:

I was just looking at your latest shoot, Zille, and pondering a comment - but you already know that I think you're utterly marvy, and the nun's buns to boot.

[grins]  A gal never gets tired of hearing it!

catt wrote:

I dunno hon, I do believe we'll meet someday.  I think I owe yer a tasty beverage with a tiny umbrella.

And missed you, too.  Despite occasional absences yourself, you flawlessly drive this forum when at the wheel.

I do hope we get to meet in person.  I'm not sure why you think you owe me a drink, but I know you'll be a blast to knock back some umbrella-drinks with!

I don't know about driving this forum.  Seems, these days, that when I post something it's the kiss of death for a topic....

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#15 December 2nd, 2006 10:16 AM


Re: Can I Borrow...A Cup Of Sugar...Please?

catt wrote:

Hey hon,

Is this 'wedding present' wet and aromatic?  I'm a bit dubious as to what you may send, you cheeky monkey.


lets just say what i send you will be ONE OF A KIND...;)

'stay beautiful'


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