#1 November 13th, 2006 09:11 AM


To deny or not to deny...

OK. SO i thought I'd start two threads instead of cramping one.

This girl said to me yesterday

"I dont believe that i am repressed because i am a girl. What makes me above men is that I dont have sex with everyone i see or want too. People who do that are like animals, thats why people hate slutty girls, because they degrade themselves to the animalistic level of men. That why men are in awe of girls. And that is why I am not repressed"

Ok. Ok. Ok. Stop laughing at the cute bimbo who obviosly has no idea - she has only slept with one person. But she actually said this while i was in the room. Gutsy bitch hey? Its a pity shes is the person i have known longest in my life. What a waste of space.


sometimes enough is not enough and i want MORE


#2 November 13th, 2006 11:35 AM


Re: To deny or not to deny...

dandy wrote:

OK. SO i thought I'd start two threads instead of cramping one.

This girl said to me yesterday

"I dont believe that i am repressed because i am a girl. What makes me above men is that I dont have sex with everyone i see or want too. People who do that are like animals, thats why people hate slutty girls, because they degrade themselves to the animalistic level of men. That why men are in awe of girls. And that is why I am not repressed"

Ok. Ok. Ok. Stop laughing at the cute bimbo who obviosly has no idea - she has only slept with one person. But she actually said this while i was in the room. Gutsy bitch hey? Its a pity shes is the person i have known longest in my life. What a waste of space.


She'll have to come up for air eventually.  Unless someone flushes first.

It sounds exactly like the arguement a virgin uses.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#3 November 13th, 2006 11:53 AM


Re: To deny or not to deny...

dandy wrote:


In most animal species the females choose the males and the fact that they are choosey means that only the males they think are the best get to mate. The choosier they are the better the quality the next generation is. So thats why  the choosiest females get the most respect. along with the males who are chosen the most. This is an instinctive reaction based in the Libido and can easily be overridden by a psychological moment of enlightenment smile

Prof. Blissed      BSe HmOBS



#4 November 13th, 2006 03:21 PM


Re: To deny or not to deny...

Just read that again and it sounds like a load of crap smile but it's not, I believe it to be true. Therefore I rest my case.



#5 November 13th, 2006 09:20 PM


Re: To deny or not to deny...

dandy wrote:

OK. SO i thought I'd start two threads instead of cramping one.

This girl said to me yesterday

"I dont believe that i am repressed because i am a girl. What makes me above men is that I dont have sex with everyone i see or want too. People who do that are like animals, thats why people hate slutty girls, because they degrade themselves to the animalistic level of men. That why men are in awe of girls. And that is why I am not repressed"

Ok. Ok. Ok. Stop laughing at the cute bimbo who obviosly has no idea - she has only slept with one person. But she actually said this while i was in the room. Gutsy bitch hey? Its a pity shes is the person i have known longest in my life. What a waste of space.


wait until she gets dumped (to some degree).
wait until she meets someone who sends her to the moon and back orgasmically and acts as if she does not even exist.

oh noooooooooooo, women are not repressed....teehee


'stay beautiful'


#6 November 15th, 2006 04:36 AM


Re: To deny or not to deny...

dandy wrote:

OK. SO i thought I'd start two threads instead of cramping one.

This girl said to me yesterday

"I dont believe that i am repressed because i am a girl. ............. "

I don't think I need to go beyond her first sentence. Being the cynic that I am, does she mean that she would be repressed if she were not a girl ................. ?

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#7 November 26th, 2006 10:00 AM


Re: To deny or not to deny...

most definately belagareth, we all know of historical repression of men! particularly the white of skin variety.

haha, that the best thing about it though, its like, yeah... you have fun with that lady...

sometimes enough is not enough and i want MORE


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