#1 November 6th, 2006 10:32 PM


the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

did some of you o.d. on candy this past week? 

let me start a thread that everyone can answer.



'stay beautiful'


#2 November 7th, 2006 04:40 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

I've got 2 actually, green and blue. I haven't a clue why I like them, could be the blue of sky and water and the green of trees but I like autumn reds too I like very small amounts of red and I like very specific tones. I don't like garish colours . I think colours relate to your mood subconsciously so as our subconscious is a store of all our old experiences we've built up complex associations with specific colours and I think thats why we feel comfortable with them. When it comes to colours of walls I'm really really really really  fussy and I probly spend as much on matchpots as I do on the actual paint smile



#3 November 7th, 2006 07:22 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

did some of you o.d. on candy this past week? 

let me start a thread that everyone can answer.



Well Jamie, I can provide an answer but I don't think I will ever manage to completely answer the question. I don't have a favorite colour. It all depends upon context.

I love the soft velvety voilet of the garden flower but only on the flower, not anywhere else.

I adore yellow when seen on a beach but I dislike it when it's worn with brown.

The richness of midnight blue and indigo are a favourite for evening  dresses (not together of course).

I HATE primary red, really I do, but I am told it looks great on me.

I suppose the colours that I truly adore are the pale off-whiteness of the chinese lilly's flower fading into the fine lilac edges of the petals. If you see some sort of erotic imagery in this, you may be right, I don't know but I do know that these colours are only sensual on the lilly. I don't think that they would have the same impact on the female flower.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#4 November 7th, 2006 09:00 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

did some of you o.d. on candy this past week? 

let me start a thread that everyone can answer.



Well Jamie I have found some large forums etc to hang out in where there is always something to talk about so i have not had much time to post here.

The way this site works with being able to comment on the page of the pics, really distracts forums in a way from becomming busy. who knows...

Jamie how have you been hun


#5 November 7th, 2006 10:04 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

So very girly, I just love pink. smile

It's just so lovely to look at, so bright and wonderfully happy and girly.


#6 November 7th, 2006 04:25 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

did some of you o.d. on candy this past week? 

let me start a thread that everyone can answer.



My brothers and I were all assigned favourite colours at birth - why, I don't know.  Mine was Blue.  Funnily enough, blue remains my favourite colour - not 'baby blue' as assigned, but deep sky blue.  Leaf green is also a favourite and chosen without parental influence.  I like both these colours are they are bright and dominant in nature.  In clothes, girldfriends tell me these colours suit me also.

I could never stand red and could never understand the popularity of pink - perhaps it is a gender thing.


#7 November 7th, 2006 09:25 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

blissed wrote:

I've got 2 actually, green and blue. I haven't a clue why I like them, could be the blue of sky and water and the green of trees but I like autumn reds too I like very small amounts of red and I like very specific tones. I don't like garish colours . I think colours relate to your mood subconsciously so as our subconscious is a store of all our old experiences we've built up complex associations with specific colours and I think thats why we feel comfortable with them. When it comes to colours of walls I'm really really really really  fussy and I probly spend as much on matchpots as I do on the actual paint smile


i bet you are a very calm human...;)
love green and blue too.

'stay beautiful'


#8 November 7th, 2006 09:26 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Belgareth wrote:

Well Jamie, I can provide an answer but I don't think I will ever manage to completely answer the question. I don't have a favorite colour. It all depends upon context.

I love the soft velvety voilet of the garden flower but only on the flower, not anywhere else.

I adore yellow when seen on a beach but I dislike it when it's worn with brown.

The richness of midnight blue and indigo are a favourite for evening  dresses (not together of course).

I HATE primary red, really I do, but I am told it looks great on me.

I suppose the colours that I truly adore are the pale off-whiteness of the chinese lilly's flower fading into the fine lilac edges of the petals. If you see some sort of erotic imagery in this, you may be right, I don't know but I do know that these colours are only sensual on the lilly. I don't think that they would have the same impact on the female flower.

what a poetic post...continue please...;)

'stay beautiful'


#9 November 7th, 2006 09:27 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Stoneyyy wrote:

Well Jamie I have found some large forums etc to hang out in where there is always something to talk about so i have not had much time to post here.

The way this site works with being able to comment on the page of the pics, really distracts forums in a way from becomming busy. who knows...

Jamie how have you been hun

yes, but what is your favourite colur teehee!

'stay beautiful'


#10 November 7th, 2006 09:29 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

alyce wrote:

So very girly, I just love pink. smile

It's just so lovely to look at, so bright and wonderfully happy and girly.

i have always loved pink  (wonder why teehee)
it is always happy and bright.

'stay beautiful'


#11 November 7th, 2006 09:30 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Paulie wrote:

My brothers and I were all assigned favourite colours at birth - why, I don't know.  Mine was Blue.  Funnily enough, blue remains my favourite colour - not 'baby blue' as assigned, but deep sky blue.  Leaf green is also a favourite and chosen without parental influence.  I like both these colours are they are bright and dominant in nature.  In clothes, girldfriends tell me these colours suit me also.

I could never stand red and could never understand the popularity of pink - perhaps it is a gender thing.

are you a twin?

'stay beautiful'


#12 November 7th, 2006 10:35 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

are you a twin?

No Paintjam I'm not a twin - why do you ask?


#13 November 8th, 2006 07:06 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

what a poetic post...continue please...;)

How on earth do I continue, when poet I am not.
There are more competent bards than I with greater  works by far extolling the virtues of colour and form.

Colour and form, now there's a thought.

Are these two inseparable qualities not what the duumvirate of ISM and IFM have at their hearts.

The gracious curves revealling their form through the infinite hues of creams, pinks and browns and shadow tones to compliment them.

The deeper pinks and the red of lips standing clearly against these hues, adjuct by the rich greens, blues and greys of the windows to the soul and surmounted by glorious filaments of natural and artificial colour.

The less revealed, yet more revealling, folds and depths of richer hues of pinks and browns. Their ghostly form hidden behind colourful hirsute triangles or displayed like open flowers soaking up the glorious warmth.

It is no small wonder that of the plethora of colours one can name, there is one which carries it's origin within itself and has never been called otherwise. How else does one describe the colour of skin?

I believe I have found the answer to your question. The exploration of the female form has shown more beauty in it's colours than other form in nature. Skin-tone is my favourite colour, whichever one you may choose.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#14 November 8th, 2006 10:46 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

No "favorite" color here. While one compliments the other, I tend to like which ever one compliments, or is being complimented. But it's a good idea to observe the characteristics of color any way you can. Here's how Jimi Hendrix once did..

From "Axis Bold as Love"..

Anger, he smiles,
towering in shiny metallic purple armour
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground

Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted,
They quietly understand
Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready,
But wonder why the fight is on
But they're all bold as love, yeah, they're all bold as
Yeah, they're all bold as love
Just ask the axis

My red is so confident that he flashes trophies of war,
and ribbons of euphoria
Orange is young, full of daring,
But very unsteady for the first go round
My yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I'm trying to say it's frigthened like me
And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from, eh,
Giving my life to a rainbow like you
But, I'm eh , yeah, I'm bold as love
Yeah, yeah
Well I'm bold, bold as love (hear me talking, girl)
I'm bold as love
Just ask the axis (he knows everything)


#15 November 8th, 2006 09:17 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Paulie wrote:

No Paintjam I'm not a twin - why do you ask?

just curious.
something in the way your post was worded made me wonder.

'stay beautiful'


#16 November 8th, 2006 09:18 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Belgareth wrote:

How on earth do I continue, when poet I am not.
There are more competent bards than I with greater  works by far extolling the virtues of colour and form.

Colour and form, now there's a thought.

Are these two inseparable qualities not what the duumvirate of ISM and IFM have at their hearts.

The gracious curves revealling their form through the infinite hues of creams, pinks and browns and shadow tones to compliment them.

The deeper pinks and the red of lips standing clearly against these hues, adjuct by the rich greens, blues and greys of the windows to the soul and surmounted by glorious filaments of natural and artificial colour.

The less revealed, yet more revealling, folds and depths of richer hues of pinks and browns. Their ghostly form hidden behind colourful hirsute triangles or displayed like open flowers soaking up the glorious warmth.

It is no small wonder that of the plethora of colours one can name, there is one which carries it's origin within itself and has never been called otherwise. How else does one describe the colour of skin?

I believe I have found the answer to your question. The exploration of the female form has shown more beauty in it's colours than other form in nature. Skin-tone is my favourite colour, whichever one you may choose.

do you think there are any new colours to be found in the cosmos?


'stay beautiful'


#17 November 8th, 2006 09:19 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paulie_09 wrote:

No "favorite" color here. While one compliments the other, I tend to like which ever one compliments, or is being complimented. But it's a good idea to observe the characteristics of color any way you can. Here's how Jimi Hendrix once did..

From "Axis Bold as Love"..

Anger, he smiles,
towering in shiny metallic purple armour
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground

Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted,
They quietly understand
Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready,
But wonder why the fight is on
But they're all bold as love, yeah, they're all bold as
Yeah, they're all bold as love
Just ask the axis

My red is so confident that he flashes trophies of war,
and ribbons of euphoria
Orange is young, full of daring,
But very unsteady for the first go round
My yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I'm trying to say it's frigthened like me
And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from, eh,
Giving my life to a rainbow like you
But, I'm eh , yeah, I'm bold as love
Yeah, yeah
Well I'm bold, bold as love (hear me talking, girl)
I'm bold as love
Just ask the axis (he knows everything)

i have always liked that song.

'stay beautiful'


#18 November 9th, 2006 03:41 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

do you think there are any new colours to be found in the cosmos?


Interesting question Jamie.

The human species has a very limited colour vision. We can only see the colours between red and violet, whilst other animals can see beyond into the ultravoilet and maybe infrared. Even so, this represents a tny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, although I accept that there are a hugh number of shades between those limits and that we must have been restricted in our colour vision for a reason.

We could go on a fantasy trip for a moment and try to imagine what colours heat may really possess. We think of cold as blue, hot as red  and very hot as white but this is just our way of accomodating what we cannot see. What would we really see, if we could see the colours of heat?

Imagine being able to see radio waves - long, medium and short wave commercial broadcasts, CB and amateur radio, television, mobile phone and Internet wireless.

What on earth would X-reys or gamma rays look like?

What about our own aura, or "brain wave", thought patterns. If we could see these, would we find that we are actually telepathic?

Me thinks I had better call a halt to this conjecture, or I will be here for enternity thinking of the beauty we may be missing, rather than the beauty we are able to behold.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#19 November 9th, 2006 08:48 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Color is situational. I hated girlie pink until I saw it on my 2 day old daughter. Thought anyone wearing red was trying to communicate something strange until I fell in love with my girlfriend's toenails. Thought orange was best kept for jumpsuits worn by clean up crews, until I was willed an orange climbing parka by a tragically deceased friend. How could I possibly say what my favorite color is, when it all depends upon who what when where why. There isn't a color worn by nature that I don't find stunning. And there are so many shades of each color, some that I don't even know what to call them, that are all beautiful. Not to mention the colors that we haven't yet seen.

And if I look at my wardrobe it has just about every color - from the blacks and earthy browns to grays and red to blue  and pink and gold and purple and all shades of green. Oddly, I don't think I have any yellow shirts. What gives there? Perhaps I'd best go score one.

Finally,never understood the dudes that weren't comfortable wearing pink or purple. I'm not gay but find it hilarious when people think I am based upon shirt color.

PS Jamie, I am a twin.


#20 November 9th, 2006 05:38 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

Belgareth wrote:

Interesting question Jamie.

The human species has a very limited colour vision. We can only see the colours between red and violet, whilst other animals can see beyond into the ultravoilet and maybe infrared. Even so, this represents a tny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, although I accept that there are a hugh number of shades between those limits and that we must have been restricted in our colour vision for a reason.

We could go on a fantasy trip for a moment and try to imagine what colours heat may really possess. We think of cold as blue, hot as red  and very hot as white but this is just our way of accomodating what we cannot see. What would we really see, if we could see the colours of heat?

Imagine being able to see radio waves - long, medium and short wave commercial broadcasts, CB and amateur radio, television, mobile phone and Internet wireless.

What on earth would X-reys or gamma rays look like?

What about our own aura, or "brain wave", thought patterns. If we could see these, would we find that we are actually telepathic?

Me thinks I had better call a halt to this conjecture, or I will be here for enternity thinking of the beauty we may be missing, rather than the beauty we are able to behold.

we have so many smart individuals in here it is so comforting...;)
new colours would be good.

'stay beautiful'


#21 November 9th, 2006 05:39 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

jackscratch wrote:

Color is situational. I hated girlie pink until I saw it on my 2 day old daughter. Thought anyone wearing red was trying to communicate something strange until I fell in love with my girlfriend's toenails. Thought orange was best kept for jumpsuits worn by clean up crews, until I was willed an orange climbing parka by a tragically deceased friend. How could I possibly say what my favorite color is, when it all depends upon who what when where why. There isn't a color worn by nature that I don't find stunning. And there are so many shades of each color, some that I don't even know what to call them, that are all beautiful. Not to mention the colors that we haven't yet seen.

And if I look at my wardrobe it has just about every color - from the blacks and earthy browns to grays and red to blue  and pink and gold and purple and all shades of green. Oddly, I don't think I have any yellow shirts. What gives there? Perhaps I'd best go score one.

Finally,never understood the dudes that weren't comfortable wearing pink or purple. I'm not gay but find it hilarious when people think I am based upon shirt color.

PS Jamie, I am a twin.

i have always been fascinated by twins.
are you identical?

'stay beautiful'


#22 November 9th, 2006 05:40 PM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

jackscratch wrote:

Color is situational. I hated girlie pink until I saw it on my 2 day old daughter. Thought anyone wearing red was trying to communicate something strange until I fell in love with my girlfriend's toenails. Thought orange was best kept for jumpsuits worn by clean up crews, until I was willed an orange climbing parka by a tragically deceased friend. How could I possibly say what my favorite color is, when it all depends upon who what when where why. There isn't a color worn by nature that I don't find stunning. And there are so many shades of each color, some that I don't even know what to call them, that are all beautiful. Not to mention the colors that we haven't yet seen.

And if I look at my wardrobe it has just about every color - from the blacks and earthy browns to grays and red to blue  and pink and gold and purple and all shades of green. Oddly, I don't think I have any yellow shirts. What gives there? Perhaps I'd best go score one.

Finally,never understood the dudes that weren't comfortable wearing pink or purple. I'm not gay but find it hilarious when people think I am based upon shirt color.

PS Jamie, I am a twin.

has ism's pages ever been graced with twins?

'stay beautiful'


#23 November 10th, 2006 04:58 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

i have always been fascinated by twins.
are you identical?

Identical, yes. However my twin did not survive birth.

I've long been intrigued with twins too and have wondered about how different my life would be had he of survived. Not so much regret, as much as curious about the differences. And I'm curious about the relationship that is built prior to birth. There have been some studies done with pre-natal twins and pre verbal communications. Coming from the same cell makes for some interesting possibilities.

And to my knowledge there have been no twins on ism, but who hasn't had a fantasy or two  - how much fun would that be? C'mon all you twinsies out there....


#24 November 10th, 2006 07:20 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

paintjam wrote:

we have so many smart individuals in here it is so comforting...;)
new colours would be good.

OK, so I'm a bit of a geek but I'm really a romatic at heart and I'd never take a PDA on a dinner date, let alone my laptop ;-)

I agree new colours would be good - new eyes to see them would be better .You know the sort of eyes I mean. The ones that make things go all pink and fuzzy when you meet someone who makes your heart beat faster and sends your head spinning, even when there isn't a grain of narcotic in sight.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#25 November 10th, 2006 09:26 AM


Re: the silence is deafening - what is your fav ?

jackscratch wrote:

And to my knowledge there have been no twins on ism, but who hasn't had a fantasy or two  - how much fun would that be? C'mon all you twinsies out there....

Then you haven't done your homework, Mr Scratch!  There is at least one set of twins on ISM, who have submitted a handful of shoots between them.  You can find part A [color="Red"]here[/color].


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