#1 October 10th, 2006 11:19 PM


G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

G'day everyone!
Just popping my cherry on the forums tonight and thought what better way than to start my own thread! Soz haven't chatted sooner but have been bogged down with stacks of hw- but really, what can I really expect cos it's my last year and there's only 3 weeks to go! YAY! Well, actually, I'm doing honours next year but it's technically my last year of my course! So definately will be going out after to celebrate!  smile
Crikey, soz I keep blabbing on... so, since some of you might know, I'm a pretty big fan of footy (AFL) and was wondering what my fellow posters here think of it and who do you all go for! I'm still sticking by my boys (Geelong) though they haven't won in ages!!!
I've never really had much of a squiz on here before, but omigosh, there are soooo many hotties on here! SO MANY!!!   smile   I think I'm going to becoming a regular on ere!
Anywho, gonna choof off now and see what else there is going on in the forums! xo


#2 October 11th, 2006 12:44 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Hi Chloe, welcome to the forum!

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#3 October 11th, 2006 06:00 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

strawberry wrote:

G'day everyone!
Just popping my cherry on the forums tonight and thought what better way than to start my own thread! Soz haven't chatted sooner but have been bogged down with stacks of hw- but really, what can I really expect cos it's my last year and there's only 3 weeks to go! YAY! Well, actually, I'm doing honours next year but it's technically my last year of my course! So definately will be going out after to celebrate!  smile
Crikey, soz I keep blabbing on... so, since some of you might know, I'm a pretty big fan of footy (AFL) and was wondering what my fellow posters here think of it and who do you all go for! I'm still sticking by my boys (Geelong) though they haven't won in ages!!!
I've never really had much of a squiz on here before, but omigosh, there are soooo many hotties on here! SO MANY!!!   smile   I think I'm going to becoming a regular on ere!
Anywho, gonna choof off now and see what else there is going on in the forums! xo

strawberrry you are such a darling.
hello and smooches

'stay beautiful'


#4 October 11th, 2006 12:42 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Hi Chloe!! hey it would be nice if you could post a hello at IFM forum, you have some video's up there smile If you do anything with Cle you'll have a good time. Got any plans for the hols, probably work I expect. Getting an honours degree, that would be great, all that hw tho, that would seriously get to me. I think for all the effort you've had to put in to get this far, you should get a round of applause *applause* smile I must admit I get a bit bored watching football, but if you get the same pleasure that I can from watching netball or women's figure skating I can understand smile I suppose theres a certain elegance to football when you get world class playing, but do you see that in Oz smile Sorry smile  just kidding. That nipple piercing looked good but that must've made your eyes water getting it done and getting it caught in your bra, (you didn't wanna do that did you smile Anyway, Welcome to the forum smile and if you wanna just put a hello in IFM forum too, they'll be loads of people who are pleased to see you there smile I'm glad your posting in this one, it's nice to see you here smile



#5 October 12th, 2006 09:08 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Aaaaaarrrgh!!! that looks like a really weird post!!! smile I've been doing really weird hours at work. haven't you ever had the balance of your mind altered by extreme tiredness!! smile You can't alter stuff on here either once it's posted it's there for forever to show what a jerk you definitely/probably are smile
Oh well, I've made worse posts than that. I'm not telling you where they are tho smile
Welcome to the forum Chloe!! smile



#6 October 15th, 2006 09:27 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Hey Blissed! Thanks heaps for that! N liani too for the warm welcome! Omigosh yes, I totally know what you're talking about (the tiredness thing!) I'm kinda in that zone at the mo, what with all the w n stuff but hopefully it'll all pay off with me finishing next year with an honours degree in Indonesian! and, I'll only be 22! yay!   smile   crikey, hell no, after the hell of getting my nipple pierced the last thing I wanted to do was stuff it up... tho I somehow managed to do so! I think it's cos i had a pretty dangly one in and yeah... rip!!! Ouch! Oh well, will just hafta get something else to replace it! Might get my belly repierced again, what do ya think? Not a huge fan of getting anymore on my face, except perhaps a nose stud (cos got my tongue) cos don't really think it'll suit me! anywho, better choof back to the hw, it's not going to do itself! Talk to you all later! xo


#7 October 15th, 2006 09:28 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

oops, a big hello to jamie too! you're so sweet!    smile


#8 October 15th, 2006 09:33 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

strawberry wrote:

Hey Blissed! Thanks heaps for that! N liani too for the warm welcome! Omigosh yes, I totally know what you're talking about (the tiredness thing!) I'm kinda in that zone at the mo, what with all the w n stuff but hopefully it'll all pay off with me finishing next year with an honours degree in Indonesian! and, I'll only be 22! yay!   smile   crikey, hell no, after the hell of getting my nipple pierced the last thing I wanted to do was stuff it up... tho I somehow managed to do so! I think it's cos i had a pretty dangly one in and yeah... rip!!! Ouch! Oh well, will just hafta get something else to replace it! Might get my belly repierced again, what do ya think? Not a huge fan of getting anymore on my face, except perhaps a nose stud (cos got my tongue) cos don't really think it'll suit me! anywho, better choof back to the hw, it's not going to do itself! Talk to you all later! xo

to be 22 again with a degree in indonesian and about to get another piercing.

i can't wait til my next life teehee

stay beautiful

'stay beautiful'


#9 October 15th, 2006 10:57 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

strawberry wrote:

Hey Blissed! Thanks heaps for that! N liani too for the warm welcome! Omigosh yes, I totally know what you're talking about (the tiredness thing!) I'm kinda in that zone at the mo, what with all the w n stuff but hopefully it'll all pay off with me finishing next year with an honours degree in Indonesian! and, I'll only be 22! yay!   smile   crikey, hell no, after the hell of getting my nipple pierced the last thing I wanted to do was stuff it up... tho I somehow managed to do so! I think it's cos i had a pretty dangly one in and yeah... rip!!! Ouch! Oh well, will just hafta get something else to replace it! Might get my belly repierced again, what do ya think? Not a huge fan of getting anymore on my face, except perhaps a nose stud (cos got my tongue) cos don't really think it'll suit me! anywho, better choof back to the hw, it's not going to do itself! Talk to you all later! xo

No. No. No-no. No!  No more holes.  They're not sexy they're disgusting.  If guys thought holes in something were sexy, we'd be humping swiss cheese 24-7.  It is quite beyond me, why beautiful women (please include yourself) feel the need to ugly themselves up with bits of hardware.  I s'pose it wouldn't matter if you were a barker and lapped water out of a bowl ('cause nobody thinks of an arf-arf when they're rubbing one out), but Shiva H. Vishnu, woman; on a scale of 1 to 2.54 you're a goddamn 5.  So no more hardware or holes.  Got it?  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go rub one out.  Please arch your back, tilt your head down, that's it...now..purse your lips...  Perfect. yes! yes!! yes!!!    CLEANUP ON ISLE FIVE!

Whew that's better.  Now,  what are you going to do with a degree in Indonesian?


#10 October 16th, 2006 01:43 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Ha ha ha ha ha smile WTF!!! smile I've never seen anyone wank while posting before!!! smile Chloe your so lucky  to have someone show their appreciation like that smile Anyway, I think dangly belly piercings look great!! I know someone whos got an emblem and a little chain of jewels, it looks sooo cute.  I haven't got any piercings. I'm such a coward, you wouldn't even get me anywhere near the shop that does them and they usually do tattoos and I don't like them, I know a lot of people do but I'd be stuck with them forever. If I had an honors degree I'd put letters after my name and be earning 12 times what I earn now!. I just hope you'll be able to handle all that money smile I better go to bed now, it's 4.30 am and I have to be up at noon smile well I don't have to, it's my day off but if I stay in bed after 12 even till 12.30 it's like the days gone. I have a clock thats always 20 mins fast too, so that if I have to be anywhere for 8am and the clock says 7.50am I get a move on even tho I know it's still only half past 7 smile Well anyway, it's 5 to 5 now which means it's probably 4.35 so I'd better go to bed smile

paintjam wrote:

to be 22 again with a degree in indonesian and about to get another piercing.

i can't wait til my next life teehee

Oh Jamie your doing pretty well in this one smile



#11 October 26th, 2006 10:16 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

you are a GODDESS!

<-- HUGE fan, love your sets! smile


#12 October 29th, 2006 10:48 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!


I can't say I follow AFL at all, quite the opposite really. I avoid contact with it as much as possible.

Congrats on nearly being there! I too am finishing up my degree, but not going back for honours. I hate school with a passion and I'm too broke and tired for another year.


#13 October 29th, 2006 09:19 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Woah! Psychoeddie, what a compliment hey!? smile I can totally understand where you're coming from with the piercings thing, my dad is against them too.. although he's kinda become accustomed to my tongue (which when you think about it, isn't that bad at all!)   tongue
With my degree, I'm hoping to become an interpreter and translator for the department of immigration or something like that.. I just love it!   smile
Blissed... great to hear from you again... still haven't hit IFM yet but will get there soon. I hear that Cle, Dandy's n my shoots are up... gosh they were soooooo much fun! So rewarding too... especially with the two of them at the same time!   smile  yeah, I'm not a super fan of tatts for myself, tho I do like them on other people... it's just that I'd be worried I'd get something 'good at the time' and then later on, totally regret it! I reckon that's a great idea with the clock (setting it forward), that way you're never late (unless you're like me who sets the alarm early but then still keeps pressing snooze button anywayz!)
Hey Alyce, what are you studying at uni? I know what it's like, I'm absolutely buggered at the mo, got so much to do n so little time! I've been a little hermit, hitting the books (cos it' technically my last year too!) Whatcha going to get up to after you finish? With footy, I guess it depends on what you were brought up with. My whole family are footy nuts so obviously I followed suit... tho lotsa my other friends are rugby people instead! Good luck for your exams n stuff!    smile


#14 October 29th, 2006 09:20 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Hey acidrock69! Thanks heaps for that, I'm glad to hear that you liked them.. I had an absolute ball doing them, especially the ones with CLe!!   yikes)


#15 October 30th, 2006 08:25 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

I'm doing Animal Science.

After uni I'm going to do something completely unrelated and manage on of my sister's stores for a year, then after that I'm moving to a 30 acre horse property to run that for a few years while I decide what to do next!  Unfortunately if the drought doesn't break, there might be no farms for me to work on (my reason for going to uni was so one day I can farm).

I'm presenting my research to a panel of assessors today and I am so nervous!  Argh.  Must calm down, I know my project, I know my results. It will be all good.

My dad played rugby, and while I prefer it to AFL, I don't follow either... Just never been one to sit and watch much sport when I was a kid - I was always outside causing mischeif - so I never go into it.


#16 October 30th, 2006 09:15 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

alyce wrote:

I'm doing Animal Science.

My dad played rugby, and while I prefer it to AFL, I don't follow either... Just never been one to sit and watch much sport when I was a kid - I was always outside causing mischeif - so I never go into it.

In my best Yoda voice:  "Yes. Doer, are you.  Not a watcher.  Serve you well it will.  People who do, make world work.  Yes.  Now, come!  Good Food. Yes."

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#17 October 30th, 2006 11:02 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

strawberry wrote:

Hey acidrock69! Thanks heaps for that, I'm glad to hear that you liked them.. I had an absolute ball doing them, especially the ones with CLe!!   yikes)

don't mention it, the pleasure is all mine. and yes, you're shoots with cle are wonderful. not only a pair of pretty girls but we can see the fun you two have and we can't help but experience it as well. i couldn't start to count the number of times your names have come up on the ISM forum. kinda like a cult following, but a good one. lol.


#18 November 1st, 2006 10:42 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

hey Alyce! animal science sounds great! One of my friends is finishing her last year too and is absolutely loving it! How'd you end up going with your assessment task?
That sounds awesome about the farm n horses, tho I'm kinda nervous around them a bit cos I fell off a horse twice when I was a kid. i can still ride tho, although I only ever go as fast as a trot and grip on for dear life!!!   smile   crikey, 30 acres is heaps! I grew up on 3 acres and thought that was stacks when I was little!   smile
Good luck with the rest of your uni essays n exams... not long now!!!   smile


#19 November 15th, 2006 12:07 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

I think I did alright, thanks for asking!  Of course, we still have not been given any marks...

One more exam, I really need to study but finding it hard to be motivated. *sigh*


#20 November 29th, 2006 08:27 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Hey Alyce- fingers crossed you go well! Do you know when you find out? I hafta wait another 2 weeks or so before I find out!!!
Hmmm.... so what have I been up to? Well, since I've finished uni now, I'm not being a little hermit anymore, just been up to the usual- catching up with mates, gigging it up, n just basically chilling out. Funny (or hot) story recently, was at a mate's party with Lily and had had a few too many red wines, n one thing led to another and had a wank- off! Was awesome, soooo hot, tho Lil ended up winning, only because she had the skirt advantage whereas I had to rip my pants off then get to it! But yeah, twas pretty fun!
Also been gigging it- should really check out RattPoison- 80's Hair Metal band... gunners, crue etc.... all I can say is AWESOME!!!!!!
Since that, haven't been doing much, just holding out til mid Dec to find out whether I get accepted into honours for Indonesian... fingers crossed!!!!   smile


#21 November 30th, 2006 09:04 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

OMG!! a wank off at a party! smile thats something else! as I don't drink I'd probly need only a thimble full of the stuff and god knows what I'd do smile fingers and toes crossed for you in mid Dec smile I thought of you while I was looking on the net at some building plots in the Basin Melbourne. If I built a western red cedar house, could I fly in  cheap Indonesian chippy's to build it. Is that a stupid idea cuz I thought it was rather good, it's actually one of the best ones I've had lately.



#22 December 5th, 2006 09:57 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

hey blissed!
I'm not sure- I reckon you probably could if you rang around- tho you'd probably need help interpreting... which is where I'd come in handy!!!
Well, GOOD NEWS- the Asian Studies Faculty has accepted me in doing honours in Indonesian next year, so now all I'm waiting for is for the overall Humanities Faculty to give me the thumbs up too then it'll b smooth sailing from then on!!!   smile
I know, I'm the same... tho I can drink more than a thimble full!   smile  I only need like 6 or 7 drinks (Vodka's my drink of choice) a night n I'm set!!!
Hope everythings going well for you too, and for everyone else for that matter. Will catch you around soon, will be popping in to the boards from time to time so don't hesitate to drop me a line.


#23 December 5th, 2006 11:44 PM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

Yeah you can interpret for me, thanks smile, if their all straight guys tho you might be a little distracting for them, but I think thats easily solved, they'll only be getting 2 bucks an hour so they'll be sleeping on site, so if I'm cooking all their meals I can dose them with some sort of chemical sexual inhibiter smile Actually, if their cute, you might get a little distracted yourself smile Nice to hear about your honours, hope you get the final approval. When you finish that year you can then go out to work and start paying off your debt, tho with all the modelling you do I don't suppose you've got one, you've probly got a pot of gold instead smile My pot of gold is getting a bit smaller with all the Christmas shopping, but I love Christmas and I love getting all the cards and presents ready.



#24 December 11th, 2006 01:06 AM


Re: G'day Everyone, it's Strawberry (Chloe)!

congratulations on being accepted into honours!

I got my results back and they were surprisingly excellent and now I have changed my tune and am waiting to see if I will be accepted to do my honours part time... as much as I dislike uni, letting an opportunity like this pass would be something I would most likely regret.


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