#1 October 11th, 2006 01:16 AM


a question for the aussies & europeans

As I've been looking through the site, I came across the folio ratings and explanations.  This isn't a question about the ratings, per se, but about one of the explanations.
The middle rating R says something like "send the kids out for fish-n-chips," which brings me to my question.
Is nudity so accepted in Australian culture that the plain old 'N for Nudity' folios are considered fine for anyone, including kids, to see?  Or was that not to be taken literally?
Just curious, because here in the US, for instance, most people would rather their kids see someone gunned down on tv/movies than even catch a glimpse of a naked body.  Remember the Super Bowl nipple incident?  It's pretty messed up here.
So, is the Australian attitude towards nudity more relaxed?  If so, or if not, does it vary by region?  Do most European countries have a similarly relaxed attitude (or not)? 
I think one of the coolest things about this site is the opportunity to converse with people from other cultures.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#2 October 11th, 2006 02:35 AM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

liani wrote:

As I've been looking through the site, I came across the folio ratings and explanations.  This isn't a question about the ratings, per se, but about one of the explanations.
The middle rating R says something like "send the kids out for fish-n-chips," which brings me to my question.
Is nudity so accepted in Australian culture that the plain old 'N for Nudity' folios are considered fine for anyone, including kids, to see?  Or was that not to be taken literally?
Just curious, because here in the US, for instance, most people would rather their kids see someone gunned down on tv/movies than even catch a glimpse of a naked body.  Remember the Super Bowl nipple incident?  It's pretty messed up here.
So, is the Australian attitude towards nudity more relaxed?  If so, or if not, does it vary by region?  Do most European countries have a similarly relaxed attitude (or not)? 
I think one of the coolest things about this site is the opportunity to converse with people from other cultures.

I don't know about the Aussie approach to nudity, although it does appear to be more relaxed than in most places. However, the good ol' USof A really does have it's priorities in a twist. I thought that the UK was rather staid in it's attitude to the naked form, until I came across the American culture. Correct me if I'm wrong but may be it's due to the differences in attitude between the various states and their ability to have differing laws which reflect those attitudes.

I admire and respect the Swedish nation for their approach. In my experience they are not prudish in any way and are open about all things sexual but they are very moral in the areas which truly matter and it seems to work extremely well.

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#3 October 11th, 2006 02:58 AM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

Belgareth wrote:

I don't know about the Aussie approach to nudity, although it does appear to be more relaxed than in most places. However, the good ol' USof A really does have it's priorities in a twist. I thought that the UK was rather staid in it's attitude to the naked form, until I came across the American culture. Correct me if I'm wrong but may be it's due to the differences in attitude between the various states and their ability to have differing laws which reflect those attitudes.

I admire and respect the Swedish nation for their approach. In my experience they are not prudish in any way and are open about all things sexual but they are very moral in the areas which truly matter and it seems to work extremely well.

I think that may be part of it, having fifty states, all with differing opinions and laws.  I look at it more loosely in terms of regions, with the midwest and south being generally more prudish (the south more so) and the east and west coasts more liberal (with California and the Pacific Northwest being most liberal.)  But these are generalizations, of course. 
Regarding morality, I think the US as a whole is very confused.  We have too many people aspiring to "police" everyone else.  And this, I'm afraid, applies not only to American behavior, but apparently to other nations, as well...What a pickle!

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#4 October 11th, 2006 04:32 AM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

liani wrote:

I think that may be part of it, having fifty states, all with differing opinions and laws.  I look at it more loosely in terms of regions, with the midwest and south being generally more prudish (the south more so) and the east and west coasts more liberal (with California and the Pacific Northwest being most liberal.)  But these are generalizations, of course. 
Regarding morality, I think the US as a whole is very confused.  We have too many people aspiring to "police" everyone else.  And this, I'm afraid, applies not only to American behavior, but apparently to other nations, as well...What a pickle!

So true, and ironic as well. There used to be this thing called the "Constitution" which used to protect people's freedoms and liberties. Now we just have lawers and freedom takers that just want to flex a little personal power over somone else. It's similar, here too, when threads and opinions are deleted without explanation or causationt all too often...

...Now ask yourself; If I was your neighbor and I frequently sunbathed nude in plain view, are you sure you wouldn't object and call the police as well?


#5 October 11th, 2006 04:33 AM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

liani wrote:

I think that may be part of it, having fifty states, all with differing opinions and laws.  I look at it more loosely in terms of regions, with the midwest and south being generally more prudish (the south more so) and the east and west coasts more liberal (with California and the Pacific Northwest being most liberal.)  But these are generalizations, of course. 
Regarding morality, I think the US as a whole is very confused.  We have too many people aspiring to "police" everyone else.  And this, I'm afraid, applies not only to American behavior, but apparently to other nations, as well...What a pickle!

So true, and ironic as well. There used to be this thing called the "Constitution" which used to protect people's freedoms and liberties. Now we just have lawers and freedom takers that just want to flex a little personal power over somone else. It's similar, here too, when threads and opinions are deleted without explanation or causationt all too often...

...Now ask yourself; If I was your neighbor and I frequently sunbathed nude in plain view, are you sure you wouldn't object and call the police as well?


#6 October 11th, 2006 09:37 AM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

...Now ask yourself; If I was your neighbor and I frequently sunbathed nude in plain view, are you sure you wouldn't object and call the police as well?

Hello MrPicMe...I have a feeling that if you WERE my neighbor I might really have to worry about that smile

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
--Kurt Vonnegut


#7 October 11th, 2006 12:13 PM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

I can't really speak for all of australia but i think it's just our lazy attitude that contributes to our openness to nudity.  Australia is pretty strict with its censorship laws and I'm pretty sure (though i've never been to US) these laws are similar to those in the US. But as a whole, the attitude of australians isn't too uptight about nudity.  In comparison to europe, australians are pretty prude, but i think we're a lot more open than a lot fo other places.  Um.. For example, when I went to austria I stayed with some extended family.  They have a sauna and i was told we were all going to go in the sauna, which i thought was cool.  When we got in there though, everyone just stripped off totally nekkid, mum dad grandad cousin and the two little kids.  this was fine by me but it wouldn't happen in australia.  That didn't relaly get my point across haha.  WHat i'm trying to say is that most aussies in that position would drop their dacks and not bat an eyelid, but at home, they wouldn't dare.  I dunno really.  I think we're just too lazy to care.


#8 October 11th, 2006 12:47 PM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

liani wrote:

Hello MrPicMe...I have a feeling that if you WERE my neighbor I might really have to worry about that smile

If you spend a lot of time looking in your neighbor's yards, perhaps.


#9 October 11th, 2006 01:30 PM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

You've got a good body Mr PicMe, but if you were disgusting, I don't think I'd complain, I'd just build a higher fence smile



#10 October 11th, 2006 05:19 PM


Re: a question for the aussies & europeans

blissed wrote:

You've got a good body Mr PicMe, but if you were disgusting, I don't think I'd complain, I'd just build a higher fence smile


That just about sums up my attitude to nudity. If I don't like it I don't look. On the other hand, if I do like it, I compliment it - I don't just stare!

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