#1 November 23rd, 2004 10:58 PM


the hairy and the hairless

And on another note....... just out of curiosity.......how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls? And for those who like it hairless, do you think it is some subconscious kinky desire for pre-adolescent bodies? .......or is it just because you can see it all better?


#2 November 24th, 2004 02:05 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls

Neatly trimmed would be my preference, retaining the naturalness without obscuring the view. I certainly would not like to think a model was pressured either way by mere fashion.


#3 November 24th, 2004 02:51 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

And on another note....... just out of curiosity.......how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls? And for those who like it hairless, do you think it is some subconscious kinky desire for pre-adolescent bodies? .......or is it just because you can see it all better?

I don't really have a preference, it depends upon how attractive, or otherwise, the hair growth appears in the folios. I accept that we can't decide how mother nature combs our body hair but with blow waves and hair gell not being the option that it is on our heads, there are those who benefit from a light trim and those who look great completely bald. Mmmmm maybe there isn't that much difference between the pubis and tonso!

Just to show I'm not a biased male, I have always shaved my pubic hair so, unless I am suffering a narcisistic complex - it isn't a pre-pubescent thing!

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#4 November 24th, 2004 04:00 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

99% of the time I think shaved women just look creepy.  It's almost always all red and bumpy, looking not only unattractive, but painful!  A friend of mine recently hit on what I think is the perfect description - it looks like a plucked chicken.  And for me, plucked chicken = yuck.
I also worry that, as someone already mentioned, a lot of women shave out of some weird fashion pressure, because they think that's what men want.  There is still a lot of shame regarding our genitals, and I think that a lot of people - both men and women - still have this idea that the genitals are ugly and dirty.  Shaving seems to be a way  of "cleaning it up" down there - as if we can erase some of our shame and squeamishness by making it "more attractive."
Also, in response to the "subconscious kinky desire" thing - I think it has a lot to do with power.  Making a woman look like a little girl removes some of her power, makes her small, little, non-threatening - she is literally unprotected and exposed.
Obviously, this is a generalization, and none of these ideas apply to everyone, but in my experience I've found them to be true all too often.

honeysuckle wrote:

And on another note....... just out of curiosity.......how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls? And for those who like it hairless, do you think it is some subconscious kinky desire for pre-adolescent bodies? .......or is it just because you can see it all better?

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
            -Emma Goldman


#5 November 24th, 2004 06:27 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

liz wrote:

A friend of mine recently hit on what I think is the perfect description - it looks like a plucked chicken.  And for me, plucked chicken = yuck.

Great minds think alike, as this post to another forum shows! (Just to show the provenance - sorry the links don't work.)


#6 November 24th, 2004 05:17 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

liz wrote:

99% of the time I think shaved women just look creepy.  It's almost always all red and bumpy, looking not only unattractive, but painful!  A friend of mine recently hit on what I think is the perfect description - it looks like a plucked chicken.  And for me, plucked chicken = yuck.
I also worry that, as someone already mentioned, a lot of women shave out of some weird fashion pressure, because they think that's what men want.  There is still a lot of shame regarding our genitals, and I think that a lot of people - both men and women - still have this idea that the genitals are ugly and dirty.  Shaving seems to be a way  of "cleaning it up" down there - as if we can erase some of our shame and squeamishness by making it "more attractive."
Also, in response to the "subconscious kinky desire" thing - I think it has a lot to do with power.  Making a woman look like a little girl removes some of her power, makes her small, little, non-threatening - she is literally unprotected and exposed.
Obviously, this is a generalization, and none of these ideas apply to everyone, but in my experience I've found them to be true all too often.

I can only speak from my own experience. I shave my genitals for the same reason that I shave my face; it's more comfortable that way. I agree that some women (and men) remove genital hair because they think it is expected but I don't believe that is the only reason. I know a number of people, of both sexes who have been removing their body hair for much longer than fashion dictated that they should.

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#7 November 24th, 2004 08:03 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

My girlfriend and I were looking thru the site one day when she explained to me that most women do not know how to properly shave "down there".  I agree that often women look like a plucked chicken, but if it is done correctly, appearance, sensitivity and feel are much improved.  I can honestly say that her shaven area is almost always as smooth and soft as her cheek...and quite a pleasure to nuzzle! 

liz wrote:

99% of the time I think shaved women just look creepy.  It's almost always all red and bumpy, looking not only unattractive, but painful!  A friend of mine recently hit on what I think is the perfect description - it looks like a plucked chicken.  And for me, plucked chicken = yuck.
I also worry that, as someone already mentioned, a lot of women shave out of some weird fashion pressure, because they think that's what men want.  There is still a lot of shame regarding our genitals, and I think that a lot of people - both men and women - still have this idea that the genitals are ugly and dirty.  Shaving seems to be a way  of "cleaning it up" down there - as if we can erase some of our shame and squeamishness by making it "more attractive."
Also, in response to the "subconscious kinky desire" thing - I think it has a lot to do with power.  Making a woman look like a little girl removes some of her power, makes her small, little, non-threatening - she is literally unprotected and exposed.
Obviously, this is a generalization, and none of these ideas apply to everyone, but in my experience I've found them to be true all too often.


#8 November 25th, 2004 02:38 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

MrLance wrote:

...always as smooth and soft as her cheek...and quite a pleasure to nuzzle!

I have to go with Shaved.


#9 November 25th, 2004 09:57 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

And on another note....... just out of curiosity.......how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls? And for those who like it hairless, do you think it is some subconscious kinky desire for pre-adolescent bodies? .......or is it just because you can see it all better?

I have been giving a lot of thought about this question recently. 

After looking at way too many pictures of pussies on the i'net, I have come to the conclusion that, in a lot of cases, shaving, at least the lips and area betweeen the legs, creates a kind of empowerment for women's parts that an unshaved look does not give. 

The exquisite nature and intricacies of a woman's parts are hidden by a too-thick thatch.  Even in close up, any amount of hair obscures the delicate intertwinings of labia, clit hood, etc. 

I sense in the many photos on this site and at NewbieNudes that the exhibitionist attitude of the shaved women is almost as strident as that of the all-too-prevalent pix of guys thrusting their erections for all to see and presumably admire.  The shaved woman have that same in-your-face attitude whereas those whose parts are still covered and obscured seem to get their pleasure in a less ballsy way.

Reading through this thread, I realize that many will take exception with my thoughts,  but there they are for all to see.

-- Walt


#10 November 26th, 2004 02:23 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

WaltW wrote:

I have been giving a lot of thought about this question recently. 

After looking at way too many pictures of pussies on the i'net, I have come to the conclusion that, in a lot of cases, shaving, at least the lips and area betweeen the legs, creates a kind of empowerment for women's parts that an unshaved look does not give. 

The exquisite nature and intricacies of a woman's parts are hidden by a too-thick thatch.  Even in close up, any amount of hair obscures the delicate intertwinings of labia, clit hood, etc. 

I sense in the many photos on this site and at NewbieNudes that the exhibitionist attitude of the shaved women is almost as strident as that of the all-too-prevalent pix of guys thrusting their erections for all to see and presumably admire.  The shaved woman have that same in-your-face attitude whereas those whose parts are still covered and obscured seem to get their pleasure in a less ballsy way.

Reading through this thread, I realize that many will take exception with my thoughts,  but there they are for all to see.

-- Walt

Given the various male attitudes toward the hiding or revealling of the female genitalia and the differing female attitudes, I have come across, toward the male counterpart. I am begining to wonder what the ladies on ISM think of the bald versus hirsuit in male genitals. Well, we might as well play the game in this thread and throw the ball back ;-)

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#11 November 26th, 2004 09:38 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

And on another note....... just out of curiosity.......how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls? And for those who like it hairless, do you think it is some subconscious kinky desire for pre-adolescent bodies? .......or is it just because you can see it all better?

I have to say I enjoy both.  Although sometimes a particularly hairy  one can be a turn off, as can a particularly plucked chicken looking one.   IMO, if the vagina is 'plump and full', removing the mask of hair makes the women more feminine and attractive.  So yes, I like it because I can see more.  That said, it seems the majority of women on ISM are shaved, and when a natural women does a folio it is very refreshing.  Perhaps neatly trimmed is my preference.

On another note, I have met women who say they shave around their vagina to reduce sweating and associated smell.

From a male perspective, I keep myself neatly trimmed as it is just unatracive on a man to have a big nest.


#12 November 27th, 2004 09:24 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

I say a little variety is the spice.  Hair can be extremely erotic and so can hairless.

sweston wrote:

I have to say I enjoy both.  Although sometimes a particularly hairy  one can be a turn off, as can a particularly plucked chicken looking one.   IMO, if the vagina is 'plump and full', removing the mask of hair makes the women more feminine and attractive.  So yes, I like it because I can see more.  That said, it seems the majority of women on ISM are shaved, and when a natural women does a folio it is very refreshing.  Perhaps neatly trimmed is my preference.

On another note, I have met women who say they shave around their vagina to reduce sweating and associated smell.

From a male perspective, I keep myself neatly trimmed as it is just unatracive on a man to have a big nest.


#13 December 2nd, 2004 12:08 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

liz wrote:

99% of the time I think shaved women just look creepy.  It's almost always all red and bumpy, looking not only unattractive, but painful!  A friend of mine recently hit on what I think is the perfect description - it looks like a plucked chicken.  And for me, plucked chicken = yuck.
I also worry that, as someone already mentioned, a lot of women shave out of some weird fashion pressure, because they think that's what men want.........
Also, in response to the "subconscious kinky desire" thing - I think it has a lot to do with power.  Making a woman look like a little girl removes some of her power, makes her small, little, non-threatening - she is literally unprotected and exposed.
Obviously, this is a generalization, and none of these ideas apply to everyone, but in my experience I've found them to be true all too often.

I have to agree with you in that I do also find totally shaved pussies look a little "strange".........and it is definitely a fact that for those who have very sensitive skin down there, shaving can be a nightmare and can leave you with very unattractive sore red bumps and ghastly prickles!
But apart from the impracticalities of it........... I also just can't get away from the notion that it reminds me of little pre-pubescant girls!
There is something about it that is somhow "in denial" of women-hood, and I do think that our society indoctrinates us (both men and women)to think that there is something more sexy about a young girl than a mature woman! And i agree that this has got to have a disempowering effect on women.

However.......on the other hand, I know in some other cultures (such as India, China and Japan......eg. for the geishas and taoist concubines and tantric consorts) hairlessness is linked to godliness, ......and none of the depictions of deities ever have pubic hair. So perhaps it could also be part of a subconscious cultural yearning for the "perfection of the gods".......?!........ and I guess in this light it is certainly not a disempowering trend, but rather quite an inspired one!


#14 December 2nd, 2004 12:44 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

WaltW wrote:

I have been giving a lot of thought about this question recently. 

After looking at way too many pictures of pussies on the i'net, I have come to the conclusion that, in a lot of cases, shaving, at least the lips and area betweeen the legs, creates a kind of empowerment for women's parts that an unshaved look does not give. 

The exquisite nature and intricacies of a woman's parts are hidden by a too-thick thatch.  Even in close up, any amount of hair obscures the delicate intertwinings of labia, clit hood, etc. 

I sense in the many photos on this site and at NewbieNudes that the exhibitionist attitude of the shaved women is almost as strident as that of the all-too-prevalent pix of guys thrusting their erections for all to see and presumably admire.  The shaved woman have that same in-your-face attitude whereas those whose parts are still covered and obscured seem to get their pleasure in a less ballsy way.

Reading through this thread, I realize that many will take exception with my thoughts,  but there they are for all to see.

-- Walt

I agree with you in that it is nice to be able to see all the exquisite bits without too much hair interfering............ but I think your theory of empowerment might be a little off track. Does strident "in-your-face" exhibitionism and getting pleasure in a "ballsy way" = empowerment to you??

I can see what you're getting at, and I also love to see women so uninhibitedly showing off their beautiful pussies up close(whether bald or not)........but seen in another way..........(perhaps a more "feminine" way) ......pleasure and eroticism are not necesarily made better by being "ballsy" and "strident" are they?
I mean, a little bit of "suggested", veiled or partly hidden sex and body parts can also be extremely erotic.......partly because it tantalizingly leaves a little up to the imagination ........rather than shoving it all "in your face" at once..... like the men with erections that you talk about.
I think having a little restraint and going for the slightly "obscured" erotic approach, doesn't mean one is any less empowered, nor does it have anything to do with how intense or "gung-ho" a woman is about getting her pleasure.
It's just a matter of style and taste and certainly not about women with hairy pussies being less empowered or less powerfully sexy!

(Also has it ever occur to you that perhaps the shaved ISM artists are more "in-your-face" with their pussies than the hairy ones precisely because they know most guys are indoctrinated to find shaved pussies more sexy and more palatable?!............ofcourse I'm not saying this is the case for any of the other artists, but I know when I shave down there.......if i am to be totally honest with myself...... it is partly to do with feeling that pressure to conform to the usual porn image we all get fed. Not only because of that......but partly.........and your statements made me realise this by how much I reacted to what you said with indignation on behalf of all hairy natural women!)


#15 December 2nd, 2004 01:06 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

Belgareth wrote:

Given the various male attitudes toward the hiding or revealling of the female genitalia and the differing female attitudes, I have come across, toward the male counterpart. I am begining to wonder what the ladies on ISM think of the bald versus hirsuit in male genitals. Well, we might as well play the game in this thread and throw the ball back ;-)

(Well since I started the ball bouncing..........)....I would have to say I have extremely enjoyed nuzzling my face into both very hairy male genitalia (and female!) as well as at times enjoyed the direct fleshyness of less hair being in the way, on trimmed and shaved versions.
I suppose I've never found hair to detract from sexiness (as long as it is clean!) but I guess for myself I prefer trimmed and partially shaved just because it is a new phase I am going through........and because it looks better in lingerie!
I agree with some of the other comments that both ways can be very erotic (as long as they come along with all the other traits that make a good lover!).......and an attitude that is free from feeling pressure to conform to conservative social pressures.


#16 December 2nd, 2004 11:18 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

(Also has it ever occur to you that perhaps the shaved ISM artists are more "in-your-face" with their pussies than the hairy ones precisely because they know most guys are indoctrinated to find shaved pussies more sexy and more palatable)

This has nothing to do with indoctrination. Guys are just visual and get turned on easily by "in your face" stimuli (nothing more "in your face" than shaved genitalia) Prefernces vary, of course! I know men who love hairy woman. I do not - but I really don't think I've been indoctrinated. That's the way I've liked it since I was 16 (and asked my girlfriend to shave....she refused, alas!!)


#17 December 2nd, 2004 06:26 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

........ and I guess in this light it is certainly not a disempowering trend, but rather quite an inspired one!

I would say that it is also used as a fashion statement in much the same way thatpiercings, tats, haircolour and clothing are these days.

That said my pref is for shaved if its done well...not necessarily all but certainly the labia area where 'less is more'...not only in images but also very sexy when lovemaking. Like a woman enjoying an erect penis, its very sexy looking at engorged labia and clit wink

Many women don't understand that to avoid a rash you must shave in the direction of growth and always use a sharp razor...and for those that find the rear area difficult....I recomend looking at Dandy's first video


#18 December 4th, 2004 12:19 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

gtrvox wrote:

This has nothing to do with indoctrination. Guys are just visual and get turned on easily by "in your face" stimuli (nothing more "in your face" than shaved genitalia) Prefernces vary, of course! I know men who love hairy woman. I do not - but I really don't think I've been indoctrinated. That's the way I've liked it since I was 16 (and asked my girlfriend to shave....she refused, alas!!)

OK I see your point........and I'm truly glad that what turns you on has nothing to do with indoctrination,....... .and instead, is all to do with genuine appreciation of upclose, unadulterated, unobscured female flesh!
That's how it should be.
Keep it up!.....(!)


#19 December 4th, 2004 02:01 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

It's gotta be hairy for me... natural, unclipped, non-trimmed!

Shaved ladies do nothing for me, it's as if they have been robbed of character and features that distinguish them.

Should there be pressure on this issue? Damn right ;o) Put those razers away girls!


#20 December 4th, 2004 06:52 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

doggie wrote:

It's gotta be hairy for me... natural, unclipped, non-trimmed!

Shaved ladies do nothing for me, it's as if they have been robbed of character and features that distinguish them.

Should there be pressure on this issue? Damn right ;o) Put those razers away girls!

I don't think the male should be applying pressure. Isn't this the choice of the owner of the genitalia in question? Unless, of course, the ladies are doing it because they have been indoctrinated and now think that it is expected of them!

I accept that male preferences vary and I believe that the variations are, in themselves, a culture thing. Whether that cultural preference is due to social influence, creed or colour I cannot say but I would not criticise whichever way it swings.

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#21 December 4th, 2004 10:40 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

It's been correctly observed that most of the artists on ISM are shaved or trimmed.  What I find interesting, because it's relevant to the exploitation and indoctrination questions, is whether they always shave/trim, or whether they do so specifically to shoot themselves.  I've noticed that in reloads, the artist is often less trimmed, or in some cases more trimmed, than she was before.  Any artists care to comment?


#22 December 4th, 2004 05:48 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

centrevom wrote:

It's been correctly observed that most of the artists on ISM are shaved or trimmed.  What I find interesting, because it's relevant to the exploitation and indoctrination questions, is whether they always shave/trim, or whether they do so specifically to shoot themselves.  I've noticed that in reloads, the artist is often less trimmed, or in some cases more trimmed, than she was before.  Any artists care to comment?

I know when I first started doing nude modeling (not here but on other sites) I felt like I should stay shaved for shoots. After thinking on it, I realized I was only feeling that way because of societal images about what is most "beautiful", and experimented more with growing out my pubic hair. Now I prefer to have hair there (but trimmed) and plan to shoot future sets without shaving or feeling any need to. In fact this week I should be shooting a new set for ISM!


#23 December 4th, 2004 09:19 PM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

Merricat wrote:

In fact this week I should be shooting a new set for ISM!

~should~ be?  You'd better!  A little birdie told me your hair is now black, is this true?  Maybe we'll have to wait and see.


#24 December 6th, 2004 02:23 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

honeysuckle wrote:

And on another note....... just out of curiosity.......how many of you guys prefer no pubic hair down there on girls? And for those who like it hairless, do you think it is some subconscious kinky desire for pre-adolescent bodies? .......or is it just because you can see it all better?

A while back, I wanted to see women shaved precisely so I could see all the bits better. Nowadays I kind of prefer a nice bush because it seems so rare. I find partially shaved the least interesting (i.e., landing strip) because it distracts the eye from what could be a more interesting arrangement. Straight lines just don't go with curves.

Stubble can be very interesting, a cool texture, but I totally agree with other posters about raw, lacerated-looking flesh. Skin balms containing cortisone can reduce the inflammation from ingrown hairs. Also, eye treatments that "get the red out" right before the photo shoot might help.


#25 December 6th, 2004 06:38 AM


Re: the hairy and the hairless

Head wrote:

~should~ be?  You'd better!  A little birdie told me your hair is now black, is this true?  Maybe we'll have to wait and see.

It's two colors of red right now, and hot if i do say so myself.

And I shall be shooting a set this week smile


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