#1 September 11th, 2006 08:51 PM


where are you?

i know that many of our NEW fellow artists are visiting our forum but are not joining in.

come out now and say hello...;)


'stay beautiful'


#2 September 12th, 2006 08:44 AM


Re: where are you?

Hello Hello Hello!!!

Hi guys! I'm new to ISM and this post from paintjam just got me posting! I'll try and hang around a bit more but I gotta go now coz I have a Chemisty exam tomorrow and I gotta study....gggrrrr.




#3 September 12th, 2006 08:51 AM


Re: where are you?

ainslee wrote:

Hello Hello Hello!!!

Hi guys! I'm new to ISM and this post from paintjam just got me posting! I'll try and hang around a bit more but I gotta go now coz I have a Chemisty exam tomorrow and I gotta study....gggrrrr.


Easy.  Remember:  Almost anything disolves in water,  given time.  Nothing can disolve your spirit, given time.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#4 September 12th, 2006 08:27 PM


Re: where are you?

ainslee wrote:

Hello Hello Hello!!!

Hi guys! I'm new to ISM and this post from paintjam just got me posting! I'll try and hang around a bit more but I gotta go now coz I have a Chemisty exam tomorrow and I gotta study....gggrrrr.



thanx for stopping by luv.
this is a nice place to unwind from your studies so come back soon.

'stay beautiful'


#5 September 12th, 2006 10:26 PM


Re: where are you?

This forum is becoming rather quiet and empty isn't it. I guess that people must come here to ISM to look and not to chat ... maybe it is all the great art and it makes people feel like they are in a gallery and they are all like "shhhhhhh we are looking at art be quiet" yes .. it must be that.

I dare EVERYONE all artists and sponsors who are lurking (like I have been) to just write something on this thread .. anything even if it is just hello.

If less then 9 people reply .. then I will interpret it as "yes we all just want everyone to shut up so we can look in art in peace" yeah and then i'll write to head and tell him I think he should close the forum because it might start being haunted by ghosts.

OK ...  on your marks ....  get set .... GO!


#6 September 12th, 2006 10:40 PM


Re: where are you?

pia wrote:

This forum is becoming rather quiet and empty isn't it. I guess that people must come here to ISM to look and not to chat ... maybe it is all the great art and it makes people feel like they are in a gallery and they are all like "shhhhhhh we are looking at art be quiet" yes .. it must be that.

I dare EVERYONE all artists and sponsors who are lurking (like I have been) to just write something on this thread .. anything even if it is just hello.

If less then 9 people reply .. then I will interpret it as "yes we all just want everyone to shut up so we can look in art in peace" yeah and then i'll write to head and tell him I think he should close the forum because it might start being haunted by ghosts.

OK ...  on your marks ....  get set .... GO!

I think the writers are getting too spread out.  Between ISM, BA, IFM, AW and others,  there isn't enough time to get around to all.  I really miss Liandra but she is wrapped up in keeping IFm going.  Threr's just too many forums to cover and still do something else for the day.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#7 September 13th, 2006 06:58 AM


Re: where are you?

SCSIgirl wrote:

I think the writers are getting too spread out.  Between ISM, BA, IFM, AW and others,  there isn't enough time to get around to all.  I really miss Liandra but she is wrapped up in keeping IFm going.  Threr's just too many forums to cover and still do something else for the day.

Me thinks you may well be right SCSI, although my excuse is that I just haven't got enough time at the moment - full stop. I've even cancelled some of my subscriptions because they were just going to waste. If I'm luck, I manage to catch the folios on here and the videos on IFM. Maybe I should just skip the images and post instead.

I miss the lovely Liandra in here also but she is lost forever to the annals of a sister site.

Sorry, that sounded rather disrespectful to the other ladies who do take the time to post to this forum but it certainly was intended that way. It's simple the fact I'm biased. Liandra was around from quite early on in the life of ISM and, at that time, she represented the epitome of an intelligent, witty and, at times, very outspoken lady, who knew her own mind and was quite prepared to defend her thoughts and feelings.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#8 September 13th, 2006 10:46 AM


Re: where are you?

pia wrote:

This forum is becoming rather quiet and empty isn't it. I guess that people must come here to ISM to look and not to chat ... maybe it is all the great art and it makes people feel like they are in a gallery and they are all like "shhhhhhh we are looking at art be quiet" yes .. it must be that.

I dare EVERYONE all artists and sponsors who are lurking (like I have been) to just write something on this thread .. anything even if it is just hello.

If less then 9 people reply .. then I will interpret it as "yes we all just want everyone to shut up so we can look in art in peace" yeah and then i'll write to head and tell him I think he should close the forum because it might start being haunted by ghosts.

OK ...  on your marks ....  get set .... GO!

bravo pia

'stay beautiful'


#9 September 13th, 2006 11:41 PM


Re: where are you?

I suck. I have been slacking. Wasting time on schoolwork instead of concentrating on forums. Naughty perl!


#10 September 14th, 2006 03:58 AM


Re: where are you?

perl wrote:

I suck. I have been slacking. Wasting time on schoolwork instead of concentrating on forums. Naughty perl!

Somehow I can't find it in my heart to castigate you for deviating in such a fashion Perl, so I will very gently slap your virtual hand, instead of spanking your bottom ;-)

Weyhey, I've just noticed your signature! At last, some recognition of a real Op Sys but being as there's no code below it, does it mean that nothing runs under Perl, or everything runs under Perl?

Pretty Eclectic Rubbish Linker?

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#11 September 14th, 2006 10:09 AM


Re: where are you?

ainslee wrote:

Hello Hello Hello!!!

Hi guys! I'm new to ISM and this post from paintjam just got me posting! I'll try and hang around a bit more but I gotta go now coz I have a Chemisty exam tomorrow and I gotta study....gggrrrr.



How do you think you went?

Chemistry is my arch enemy.  I went to uni having never done it before and failed first year chem twice before scraping through on my last shot (you get three tries then your out).


#12 September 14th, 2006 11:51 AM


Re: where are you?

Ah unfortunately I don't think i did too well.  It was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I do think I passed though (fingers crossed). I haven't done chem before either so I'm sort of in the same position, but I think I should be ok.  To top it off though, I have a Physics exam next week.  Arrrgghh damn uni.  Wish me luck...


#13 September 14th, 2006 01:36 PM


Re: where are you?

perl wrote:

I suck. I have been slacking. Wasting time on schoolwork instead of concentrating on forums. Naughty perl!

you've got your nerve teehee

are you studying hard?


'stay beautiful'


#14 September 14th, 2006 01:38 PM


Re: where are you?

Belgareth wrote:

Somehow I can't find it in my heart to castigate you for deviating in such a fashion Perl, so I will very gently slap your virtual hand, instead of spanking your bottom ;-)

Weyhey, I've just noticed your signature! At last, some recognition of a real Op Sys but being as there's no code below it, does it mean that nothing runs under Perl, or everything runs under Perl?

Pretty Eclectic Rubbish Linker?

TO </p> or not to </p>
THAT is the <p>


hey my code is not listed. it is invisible.
well is looked something like this but without the spaces.

TO < / p > or not to < / p >
THAT is the < p >

'stay beautiful'


#15 September 14th, 2006 01:41 PM


Re: where are you?

ainslee wrote:

Ah unfortunately I don't think i did too well.  It was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I do think I passed though (fingers crossed). I haven't done chem before either so I'm sort of in the same position, but I think I should be ok.  To top it off though, I have a Physics exam next week.  Arrrgghh damn uni.  Wish me luck...

all of those delightful sciences.
what are you majoring in?

'stay beautiful'


#16 September 14th, 2006 06:28 PM


Re: where are you?

I am here, however the forums here are dead slow


#17 September 14th, 2006 09:44 PM


Re: where are you?

ah i don't have a major, i'm just doing a bachelor of biomedical science its sort of a major in itself.  it's pretty good; pretty hard, but good haha. It does mean I'm a poor broke student who has to drink goon and eat vegemite on toast a lot.  But it also means I have a lot of poor broke friends who drink goon a lot too haha.  Is anyone else around here studying?


#18 September 14th, 2006 10:10 PM


Re: where are you?

Belgareth wrote:

Somehow I can't find it in my heart to castigate you for deviating in such a fashion Perl, so I will very gently slap your virtual hand, instead of spanking your bottom ;-)

Weyhey, I've just noticed your signature! At last, some recognition of a real Op Sys but being as there's no code below it, does it mean that nothing runs under Perl, or everything runs under Perl?

Pretty Eclectic Rubbish Linker?

Ok, so that sig should be at the top of my posts since perl is my preferred language for everything, but top-posted sigs aren't an option.
Anyway, I'm changing it in response to your lack of castigation.


#19 September 15th, 2006 06:17 AM


Re: where are you?

perl wrote:

Ok, so that sig should be at the top of my posts since perl is my preferred language for everything, but top-posted sigs aren't an option.
Anyway, I'm changing it in response to your lack of castigation.

I must glean from the change that you prefer a red bum to caressed fingers.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#20 September 15th, 2006 12:46 PM


Re: where are you?

Belgareth wrote:

#! /bin/bash



#21 September 15th, 2006 06:45 PM


Re: where are you?

ainslee wrote:

ah i don't have a major, i'm just doing a bachelor of biomedical science its sort of a major in itself.  it's pretty good; pretty hard, but good haha. It does mean I'm a poor broke student who has to drink goon and eat vegemite on toast a lot.  But it also means I have a lot of poor broke friends who drink goon a lot too haha.  Is anyone else around here studying?

there are many students through here.
vegemite to the rescue again huh?
i think here in the states its kraft macaroni and cheese and pizza. teehee
college students eat enough pizza to cover the north american continent twice in a single school year.


'stay beautiful'


#22 September 15th, 2006 07:38 PM


Re: where are you?

ainslee wrote:

Is anyone else around here studying?

yep!  Ba Animal Science.

Fingers crossed come November it will be over for me.


#23 September 16th, 2006 02:09 AM


Re: where are you?

perl wrote:


Mmmm. That ain't like any Perl struct that I've ever come across, or is it a search engine for coke?

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#24 September 16th, 2006 09:35 AM


Re: where are you?

hey alyce does that mean you are third year or fourth year?  way to go


#25 September 16th, 2006 10:24 AM


Re: where are you?

Belgareth wrote:

Mmmm. That ain't like any Perl struct that I've ever come across, or is it a search engine for coke?

It's simply the appropriate response to nerd jokes. Everybody knows that nerds snort when they laugh.


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