#1 August 29th, 2006 09:37 AM


The nature of anonymity

To my mind, Dandy is the most intriguiging girl on the site
I'm sure we all know that she has done 'work' on other sites.
however she just cant keep her incredible individuality under
control, and whatewver she does and whatever her name on the
site she is the same delectable Dandy. I'm sure there are others
on the site who have found the apparent slip where she lets loose
her real name. Do we think it is a real slip? Does it matter? Is it
a shame to know the real name of Dandy? What is the reason
for these wonderful girls to try and keep their anonymity even
though obviously anyone who really knew them would obviously
know who they were. Can anyone who posts a pic on the internet
really be anonymous. Does anyone really want to be anonymous?


#2 August 29th, 2006 02:12 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Dandys real name is Purtunia Marindi Bdoowi. She's from aboriginal decent and invites the whole world to her house to take tea and crumpets wink

Welcome to the forum moonglum71 smile You haven't got any of your own personal details in your profile. If you ask yourself why you haven't put anything in there, you may get the answer to your question smile I might just be that you haven't had time tho.

Anyway, I think Dandy has to protect herself from unwanted attention, I don't think thats unreasonable. So I hope she really doesn't mind me telling you her real name smile



#3 August 29th, 2006 08:41 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

I wonder how Dandy says

Purtunia Marindi Bdoowi when she has had a few drinks lol


#4 August 29th, 2006 09:59 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

moonglum71 wrote:

To my mind, Dandy is the most intriguiging girl on the site
I'm sure we all know that she has done 'work' on other sites.
however she just cant keep her incredible individuality under
control, and whatewver she does and whatever her name on the
site she is the same delectable Dandy. I'm sure there are others
on the site who have found the apparent slip where she lets loose
her real name. Do we think it is a real slip? Does it matter? Is it
a shame to know the real name of Dandy? What is the reason
for these wonderful girls to try and keep their anonymity even
though obviously anyone who really knew them would obviously
know who they were. Can anyone who posts a pic on the internet
really be anonymous. Does anyone really want to be anonymous?


'stay beautiful'


#5 August 30th, 2006 01:15 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Stoneyyy wrote:

I wonder how Dandy says

Purtunia Marindi Bdoowi when she has had a few drinks lol

Purtuoonierrr Balabadabadabadoo



#6 August 30th, 2006 01:16 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

I knew the quality of this forum was gonna plummet smile



#7 August 30th, 2006 08:12 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

blissed wrote:

I knew the quality of this forum was gonna plummet smile



'stay beautiful'


#8 August 30th, 2006 08:23 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Yea it is smile and its a cool site too. You can hit the space bar if you want smile and if we're the only 2 people posting here at the mo that doesn't matter. The forum's been in a lull before and the next thing you know you open it and loads of people have posted. So hang in there we'll see this through together smile



#9 August 30th, 2006 11:17 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

blissed wrote:

Welcome to the forum moonglum71 smile You haven't got any of your own personal details in your profile. If you ask yourself why you haven't put anything in there, you may get the answer to your question smile I might just be that you haven't had time tho.

I didn't even realise we had profile thingys.  done and done! lol.


#10 August 31st, 2006 09:05 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Do you think you'll take up ice cream scooping full time when you leave college.
You've already had experience, so that'll be looked on favourably at your interviews.



#11 August 31st, 2006 11:54 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Well, actually, it's my sister's business.  She wants to buy another one and have me manage one of them.  But I have mixed feelings on the idea.

Firstly, any job is a job.  The pay will be pretty decent and the work is easy, and if I need extra money I can just roster myself on as much as I like. I would most likely manage the store she already has, which has a little apartment thing above it, so I could stay there when I'm working.  This would help me save money.

But, I want to start competing my horses again.  And most of my manager skills will be most needed on weekends. Which is when the competitions are.  If I compete each horse once a month, that's still 2 weekends out of your usual 4 that I can't work.

Also, I now have a contact who can get me work in an abattoir, and I want to do that for 6 months or so after graduation.


#12 September 3rd, 2006 03:08 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

moonglum71 wrote:

What is the reason
for these wonderful girls to try and keep their anonymity even
though obviously anyone who really knew them would obviously
know who they were. Can anyone who posts a pic on the internet
really be anonymous. Does anyone really want to be anonymous?


Just before I read your post, I was on a model forum, where I read:

"One of the models from http://eroticbpm.com/ was being stalked and was recently beaten up. The guy broke her ribs. It's believed that he saw her on EBPM, but we're not sure of the full details of the situation. I will keep everyone updated as we learn more.

Just remember ladies, that you need to be very careful about who you give identifying information to. You never know if the person could be a nutjob."

This is a sad and upsetting reminder why we models take "modelling names" and why we protect our personal information to the best of our abilities.

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#13 September 3rd, 2006 06:48 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Hi guys,

Safety is one reason for modeling names - its handy for avoiding your work colleagues googeling your name and finding it really is the name of a pornstar/model/foot fetishist etc etc... means evil ex's cant find you as easily or new evil people cant stalk you as easily...

But it also offers another freedom - i dont really like my real name much - the real me has a dayjob to pay for college to allow me to do what i really want to do - she has things she cant tell people coz she spends a majority of her time at work or college where the most exiting conversations are 'doing anything nice at the weekend?' or 'so you like girls?!?' - yeah overall life is good and im on track to where i want to be but theres a lot of hard work that just isnt fun...

Alisha gets all of her spare time to model and do art and build websites and be a bit daring - most people i know would faint to think of me modeling nude - and one day when they find out and faint i wont be ashamed - just very very amused - and maybe not allowed to speak to clients anymore... haha.

Thats my 2 pence worth - hope everyone is well - im off to have another drink yikes)






#14 September 3rd, 2006 09:13 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

alisha_x wrote:

Hi guys,

Safety is one reason for modeling names - its handy for avoiding your work colleagues googeling your name and finding it really is the name of a pornstar/model/foot fetishist etc etc... means evil ex's cant find you as easily or new evil people cant stalk you as easily...

But it also offers another freedom - i dont really like my real name much - the real me has a dayjob to pay for college to allow me to do what i really want to do - she has things she cant tell people coz she spends a majority of her time at work or college where the most exiting conversations are 'doing anything nice at the weekend?' or 'so you like girls?!?' - yeah overall life is good and im on track to where i want to be but theres a lot of hard work that just isnt fun...

Alisha gets all of her spare time to model and do art and build websites and be a bit daring - most people i know would faint to think of me modeling nude - and one day when they find out and faint i wont be ashamed - just very very amused - and maybe not allowed to speak to clients anymore... haha.

Thats my 2 pence worth - hope everyone is well - im off to have another drink yikes)

honey i have been caught.
you may just get more longing gazes and drooling mouths thats all teehee

this weekend i have someone in from the west coast who has sent me 18 emails hoping to (ahem) get together in his hotel room.
one does indeed have to careful, especially the younger and more attractive one is.

zille made a good point, about not giving out identifying information on sites.
believe me it is easy enough to find a ton of info online as it is.


I HAVE MISSED YOU my dear younger sister teehee
you missed my contests.

now enjoy that drink.


'stay beautiful'


#15 September 3rd, 2006 10:53 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

paintjam wrote:

believe me it is easy enough to find a ton of info online as it is.

OMG what have I done!!:)

http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q= … arch&meta=



#16 September 3rd, 2006 05:25 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

blissed wrote:

The real Purtunia Marindi Bdoowi is going to be mighty pissed off at you.


#17 September 3rd, 2006 11:20 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

blissed wrote:

it says you purchased a corset in london.
why did you pick a green one?


'stay beautiful'


#18 September 3rd, 2006 11:27 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

You can say what you want to on the internet, you can assume what ever idnenty you want to, you can chosse what you want to talk about... and what does it matter...

some may fall in love with some of the text they read and be taken in by it all, but in reality there os 0.00001% of a chance they may ever meet you

So does it really matter what people put in their profiles etc... answer is no.. after all if you do end up meeting someone in real life they too will be very different to whom they make themselves out to be on the internet.

So you can call yourself Tom, Dick or Harry, or Mary, sharon or Jane.... what does it really matter


#19 September 4th, 2006 09:34 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Stoneyyy wrote:

You can say what you want to on the internet, you can assume what ever idnenty you want to, you can chosse what you want to talk about... and what does it matter...

some may fall in love with some of the text they read and be taken in by it all, but in reality there os 0.00001% of a chance they may ever meet you

So does it really matter what people put in their profiles etc... answer is no.. after all if you do end up meeting someone in real life they too will be very different to whom they make themselves out to be on the internet.

So you can call yourself Tom, Dick or Harry, or Mary, sharon or Jane.... what does it really matter

well, if you are baring yourself for art online as we all are here, one has to be careful.
that is the point of all this i believe.
many women are stalked, even when practically every inch of them is not visible nude online.

you are correct, it is easy to become someone else online, and we really will never meet most of those we come in contact with.

but since the internets arrival into my life, i have had the great pleasure to meet upwards of about 20 individuals.  and i think the reason they are all so cool, is because of my own personal FIREWALLS if you will which are in place, that filter out the odd contacts that come into my life.

so call me paint
or call me jam
just call me if you're cool
and don't call me if you're not.


p.s.   stoneeeeey you can have a piece of artwork if you like.
just msg me at jamiesagirl@gmail.com

'stay beautiful'


#20 September 4th, 2006 02:44 PM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Stoneyyy wrote:

You can say what you want to on the internet, you can assume what ever idnenty you want to, you can chosse what you want to talk about... and what does it matter...

some may fall in love with some of the text they read and be taken in by it all, but in reality there os 0.00001% of a chance they may ever meet you

So does it really matter what people put in their profiles etc... answer is no.. after all if you do end up meeting someone in real life they too will be very different to whom they make themselves out to be on the internet.

So you can call yourself Tom, Dick or Harry, or Mary, sharon or Jane.... what does it really matter

Thats true, but I think if your doing some modelling on the net your likeness is there. so you can't be anyone you like. Your protected by the fact that your work will usually only be seen by the site community which is small and spread right across the world. Which makes the chance that someone local might be in that community quite small. But as I just demonstrated google is the demon here, and once your real name and model name is somewhere together, it's everywhere. So if you have any doubts about someone don't reveal your real name. Dandy has the extra risk that she's practiced as a meritrix and may do in the future. I suppose her latest videos are part of that in a way. They can only serve to improve some peoples sex life and make them a little happier. but if your seeing people alone you need extra protection. So if she never want's to tell me her real name I'm not offended, I still like her.



#21 September 5th, 2006 12:49 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

Yes Jamie and Blissed i do agree, esp when it comes to showing everyone you naked body.

One should be carefull not to let out information that could be crossed checked in a way that would reveal actually whom they are and where they live etc.

I too have met many people from the internet, over the last 10 years or more that would be in the hundreds and some of my closest friends now are people i orginally met on line.

One does have to have their wits about them and tread carefully, but its that way when you meet anyone weather it be from someone online or in a night club.

I could ramble on about this for hours lol but would only bore you...

Thank you Jamie for the artwork your a real sweetheart


#22 September 8th, 2006 12:20 AM


Re: The nature of anonymity

In a rare lucid moment I think I've found the language to sort this, I think.

Sponsors are: Anonymous

Artists are only: Synonymous. A position that's more vulnerable.

Thats it smile just thought you'd like to know smile



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