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#1 August 30th, 2006 01:08 AM


wowie zowie!

how sweet are the comments on here!  I was really quite surprised at the feedback on my pics.  its pretty awesome that we have this sort of project available to us in this age of sexual frustration.  I feel like there is a wave of emotional and sexual fear of vulnerability due to the overwhelming amount of information being thrown at us from all angles.  (among other reasons)  We keep people and even ourselves at arms length.  Lets get to know ourselves and each other!  'no man is an island'  feel free to comment...
thanks to everybody that posted on my folio xoxo


#2 August 30th, 2006 04:33 AM


Re: wowie zowie!

Well you have a really really nice bum smile thats my first comment smile
You have a really sweet face. I think no matter what crime you committed you'd get away with it easily smile
All your shots are good but I like their intimacy
The 3 Yonni shots if you don't mind me saying
are both honest and beautiful.
All the pics allure,Thanks for a really nice folio smile



#3 August 30th, 2006 08:10 AM


Re: wowie zowie!

kendall wrote:

how sweet are the comments on here!  I was really quite surprised at the feedback on my pics.  its pretty awesome that we have this sort of project available to us in this age of sexual frustration.  I feel like there is a wave of emotional and sexual fear of vulnerability due to the overwhelming amount of information being thrown at us from all angles.  (among other reasons)  We keep people and even ourselves at arms length.  Lets get to know ourselves and each other!  'no man is an island'  feel free to comment...
thanks to everybody that posted on my folio xoxo

wait a minute
don't run away teehee

you did have a fab folio.

no woman is an island indeed.
we do all need each other is some strange way.

please stick around...these forums can be fun.
there a sweepstakes drawings
and many many cool members and fellow artists.

consider this your home away from home, where clothes are an option....;)


'stay beautiful'


#4 August 30th, 2006 09:24 AM


Re: wowie zowie!

its funny bc i am terrified of intimacy.  i am glad that you saw in those pics an intimacy which means there is hope for me yet! 
"yonni"??  never heard that term b4.  Your fav parts seem to be my least fav.!  I guess they aren't so bad...i prefer the clothed pics and maybe some boob shots.  I'm not sure why but they put up my second folio before the first.  Hopefully the other one will be up soon as well.

have a good one!


#5 August 30th, 2006 10:11 AM


Re: wowie zowie!

Hi smile yeah Yonni comes from Yonnic art which is much the same as Phallic art and recognises that there is perhaps something to be proud of in something that is a vital part of making new life and not something to be ashamed of and un-named smile It comes from a long discussion we had here before about whether artists are comfortable with those shots. Sorry if your a little uncomfortable with that part of my post tho. If you were, Just PM me and I'll ask Head to take it out. I think I'd be the same as you when it comes to preffering myself in clothes. but in these shots you look lovely, and for most people who aren't narcasistic, it probably takes someone else to see that, but I assure you it's true smile



#6 August 30th, 2006 09:19 PM


Re: wowie zowie!

thanks for that explanation i'll have to do my research.  i think that the reasons why females do not generally "admire" their yannic art as an objective viewer might (who appreciates art beyond societal boundaries) has to do w/the negative connotations related to it.  ie. dirty, slut, object, stds cant help
why don't we worship the vagina as we did in the pagan age?  i blame christianity...any thoughts?
it is sad we don't relate a vagina to life and beauty at first sight.  I don't blame it on male or female or institutions entirely because women abuse their yonnic power in unethical ways...just look @ Paris Hilton.  And young girls look up to her!  How do you think young western girls are learninig to view their own vaginas?  Either an empowerment tool of love, life and beauty/ a tool to manipulation and the itemization of sex.  I am rambling but hopefully I've made some sense.


#7 September 1st, 2006 10:03 AM


Re: wowie zowie!

Yeah you did smile
The Christian faith has no goddess so fertility isn't worshipped
and the only female icon is a pregnant virgin smile............................................... I'm not impressed with that really smile If you desire someone then yes their an object of your desire, but if you appreciate that this beauty is owned by a person, and if people respect each others feelings and are considerate, there is no guilt in desire.

Many erotic sites assume your guilty for looking at them, so seem to feel free to involve themselves in some form of deceit. This is really the only site I feel is worth paying for because the images are very often unique. I can get loads of erotic images on the net for nothing too and of all the images I prefer, their usually lovely and the people in them are beautiful.  There's no guilt in my desire for anyone to exploit.


#8 September 1st, 2006 08:14 PM


Re: wowie zowie!

blissed wrote:

Yeah you did smile
The Christian faith has no goddess so fertility isn't worshipped
and the only female icon is a pregnant virgin smile............................................... I'm not impressed with that really smile If you desire someone then yes their an object of your desire, but if you appreciate that this beauty is owned by a person, and if people respect each others feelings and are considerate, there is no guilt in desire.

Many erotic sites assume your guilty for looking at them, so seem to feel free to involve themselves in some form of deceit. This is really the only site I feel is worth paying for because the images are very often unique. I can get loads of erotic images on the net for nothing too and of all the images I prefer, their usually lovely and the people in them are beautiful.  There's no guilt in my desire for anyone to exploit.

lets not forget the potential lover/wife of the messiah branded a whore.

'stay beautiful'


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  3. » wowie zowie!

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