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#1 November 13th, 2004 09:44 PM


Ode to ISM

Earlier this year I felt a strange compulsion
On my boyfriends discovery
it caused him much revulsion
Which consequently proved to me
He was never really the man for me
For I think it is nothing but a joy to see
So many gorgeous girlies
Express them selves so naturally
With, or with out, their ‘short and curlies’


#2 November 14th, 2004 01:15 AM


Re: Ode to ISM

liandra_dahl wrote:

Earlier this year I felt a strange compulsion
On my boyfriends discovery
it caused him much revulsion
Which consequently proved to me
He was never really the man for me
For I think it is nothing but a joy to see
So many gorgeous girlies
Express them selves so naturally
With, or with out, their ‘short and curlies’

Though the scansion is a little off, I simply can't deny,
I agree with where you're coming from
And I know the reason why.
These girlies who enjoy themselves, in natural nudity,
Are so beautiful to gaze upon,
No signs of prudity.
Some like to leave their hair in place, some bare all their parts
But in either case they're wonderful,
Bless their hearts!!!

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#3 November 14th, 2004 11:22 PM


Re: Ode to ISM

Belgareth wrote:

Though the scansion is a little off, I simply can't deny,
I agree with where you're coming from
And I know the reason why.
These girlies who enjoy themselves, in natural nudity,
Are so beautiful to gaze upon,
No signs of prudity.
Some like to leave their hair in place, some bare all their parts
But in either case they're wonderful,
Bless their hearts!!!

You rightfully comment on my loose adherence to poetic meter
as with scansion I have always been found to be a cheater
I acknowledge your agreement with the content of my ditty
but I notice now we have both failed to praise the titty
Nipples dark or light, large or small
through ISM.com we come to love them all
a mouthfull, a handful, sitting high or low
The size and shape of breasts these lovely ladies show
Are beautiful in every way
so all that remains for me to say
is thank you most sincerely
all contributions are received dearly



#4 November 16th, 2004 05:48 AM


Re: Ode to ISM

liandra_dahl wrote:

You rightfully comment on my loose adherence to poetic meter
as with scansion I have always been found to be a cheater
I acknowledge your agreement with the content of my ditty
but I notice now we have both failed to praise the titty
Nipples dark or light, large or small
through ISM.com we come to love them all
a mouthfull, a handful, sitting high or low
The size and shape of breasts these lovely ladies show
Are beautiful in every way
so all that remains for me to say
is thank you most sincerely
all contributions are received dearly


At least you're honest and, in truth, I like the cheating in your ditty
But as for admirable praising the titty,
Well, the beauty of the female form I see in whole and not in part,
So cannot choose which takes my heart.
Eyes are the gateway to the soul and draw me onward to the rest,
Still I cannot choose which part's the best.
Downward onto mouth and breast, now what do I consider next;
Maybe the navel, now I'm perplexed
By all the possibilities I see and though I try to segregate one bare
Body part, it so hard and so unfair
To say that one is better than another. Now I see the mount of Venus,
And lips that so well define the genus.
Not even that part of the female form can focus this frustrated male.
I like it all. I guess this test I fail!

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#5 November 16th, 2004 07:14 PM


Re: Ode to ISM

Belgareth wrote:

At least you're honest and, in truth, I like the cheating in your ditty
But as for admirable praising the titty,
Well, the beauty of the female form I see in whole and not in part,
So cannot choose which takes my heart.
Eyes are the gateway to the soul and draw me onward to the rest,
Still I cannot choose which part's the best.
Downward onto mouth and breast, now what do I consider next;
Maybe the navel, now I'm perplexed
By all the possibilities I see and though I try to segregate one bare
Body part, it so hard and so unfair
To say that one is better than another. Now I see the mount of Venus,
And lips that so well define the genus.
Not even that part of the female form can focus this frustrated male.
I like it all. I guess this test I fail!

Now you have opened the Pandora's Box of rhymes
I could not resist and will share a few lines
Without delay I'll make my start
I am with Begareth's line...there is beauty in every tart

The eyes also draw me first
On viewing those I aquire a thirst
To look further than the visage
At every woman, be she small or large

Slender neck, arms and fingers with nails unchewed
Modest poses or the other type [rude]
I have a preference for those less hairy
but any woman could change my view [contrary]

Like us all here, you could call me voyeur
and without a doubt I would concur
ISM, no doubt a facility 'top notch'
As Peter Sellers said in 'Being There', "I like to watch!"


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