#1 August 3rd, 2006 06:48 AM


incorrigible tease...

That's me!

My newest folio has been held up with delivery issues, but now I think the lovely folks here at ISM have all they need to put it up.

So I can tease you all with a sample image...


If you want to see the rest of that folio, you'll just have to bother Catt, and Fi, and the rest of them to get it up for your viewing pleasure...

[laughs seductively and teasingly]

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#2 August 3rd, 2006 07:42 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

That's me!

My newest folio has been held up with delivery issues, but now I think the lovely folks here at ISM have all they need to put it up.

So I can tease you all with a sample image...

If you want to see the rest of that folio, you'll just have to bother Catt, and Fi, and the rest of them to get it up for your viewing pleasure...

[laughs seductively and teasingly]

Z,  you've tortured me unmercifully since the begining.  Between you and Liandra,  I don't know which way I'm going.  It should be a crime the way you boggle this poor boy's mind and yet stay just a tantilizing fingertip out of reach.  You're cruel to us poor Bay boys.

OW!!!!  I just stepped on my tongue!   See what I mean???

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#3 August 3rd, 2006 07:58 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

SCSIgirl wrote:

Z,  you've tortured me unmercifully since the begining.  Between you and Liandra,  I don't know which way I'm going.  It should be a crime the way you boggle this poor boy's mind and yet stay just a tantilizing fingertip out of reach.  You're cruel to us poor Bay boys.

OW!!!!  I just stepped on my tongue!   See what I mean???

Aww, Scuzzy, don't go tripping on your tongue just yet -- the set's not even up!  [grins]

But, really, don't you see, it's the "tantilizing fingertip out of reach" that's the hottest part -- right now I can be as perfect (or inperfect in interesting ways) as you'd like me to be.  It's the shimmering veil of not knowing everything that makes me so tantilizing.  IT's like how being not-all-the-way-naked is sometimes way hotter than butt-nekkid -- that little whisp of qauze, that shimmy of fringe, all add tantilization to drab reality.

So I'll just dance here, a fingertip out of reach....

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#4 August 8th, 2006 02:39 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

That's me!
If you want to see the rest of that folio, you'll just have to bother Catt, and Fi, and the rest of them to get it up for your viewing pleasure...

[laughs seductively and teasingly]

oh Zille, you minx...

Guess What?!!!

That's right, it's rock and roll for your Reload, and because it's been so long in coming, I've bumped up the calendar for you, m'lady.  Wheee!  Coming soon to an ISM near you...


#5 August 8th, 2006 09:23 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

Aww, Scuzzy, don't go tripping on your tongue just yet -- the set's not even up!  [grins]

But, really, don't you see, it's the "tantilizing fingertip out of reach" that's the hottest part -- right now I can be as perfect (or inperfect in interesting ways) as you'd like me to be.  It's the shimmering veil of not knowing everything that makes me so tantilizing.  IT's like how being not-all-the-way-naked is sometimes way hotter than butt-nekkid -- that little whisp of qauze, that shimmy of fringe, all add tantilization to drab reality.

So I'll just dance here, a fingertip out of reach....

what a beautiful poetic and arousing post.
i'm wet and ready already teehee

'stay beautiful'


#6 August 8th, 2006 09:55 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

::Drools over lips and bootay::

in the name of all that is holy, someone please get this folio posted big_smile


#7 August 8th, 2006 11:31 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

acidrock69 wrote:

::Drools over lips and bootay::

in the name of all that is holy, someone please get this folio posted big_smile

if there is a FORCE in the universe, for the sake of all of humanity, PLEASE get this folio online ASAP!


'stay beautiful'


#8 August 9th, 2006 06:18 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

here here! that teaser pic raised my eyebrow in mischevous pleasure - if i were male it wudda raised something more formidable wink






#9 August 9th, 2006 11:25 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

alisha_x wrote:

here here! that teaser pic raised my eyebrow in mischevous pleasure - if i were male it wudda raised something more formidable wink


'stay beautiful'


#10 August 10th, 2006 10:44 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

fi wrote:

oh Zille, you minx...

Guess What?!!!

That's right, it's rock and roll for your Reload, and because it's been so long in coming, I've bumped up the calendar for you, m'lady.  Wheee!  Coming soon to an ISM near you...

Oh, yay!  Thank you, fi!

I really love seeing my thumbnail up in the "Coming up on ISM" section!  If any members wonder how ISM girls feel about their stuff going online ... I have to say that the first time I saw my thumbnail there I got all excited, and the excitement has never worn off!  And the day that the big pic of my first folio was on the front page ... I just kept coming back to the site over and over and sitting in front of my computer grinning my head off!

Wheee, indeed!  I tried to take that folio to a new level, and I hope the members like it!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#11 August 10th, 2006 10:45 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

paintjam wrote:

what a beautiful poetic and arousing post.
i'm wet and ready already teehee

Jamie, ain't no better compliment than "wet and ready already!"  As an artist yourself, I am of course looking forward to your comments on that folio!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#12 August 10th, 2006 10:47 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

acidrock69 wrote:

::Drools over lips and bootay::

in the name of all that is holy, someone please get this folio posted big_smile

Hehehe!  That's why I used that image!  It was the most teasing one I could find!  (And being a bootay fan myself, I always like to include some shots for the bootay lovers out there!)

And -- talk about teasing -- I'm actually wearing clothes in the shot, for once!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#13 August 10th, 2006 10:54 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

alisha_x wrote:

here here! that teaser pic raised my eyebrow in mischevous pleasure - if i were male it wudda raised something more formidable wink

Alisha, your lovely eyebrows are quite formidable, at least in the "stops to make one check them out again" kind of way.  (I do like nice eyebrows, and your's have that ring to add to the loveliness!

I just actually read your profile, which I'd somehow missed before, and discovered you like Skinny Puppy and Heinlein!  We really must get together next time I'm in London!!!  I didn't see you in any latex on your modelling site, which we really must remedy!  big_smile

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#14 August 10th, 2006 05:16 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

That's me!

My newest folio has been held up with delivery issues, but now I think the lovely folks here at ISM have all they need to put it up.

So I can tease you all with a sample image...


If you want to see the rest of that folio, you'll just have to bother Catt, and Fi, and the rest of them to get it up for your viewing pleasure...

[laughs seductively and teasingly]

Loved this shoot, Zille, and can't wait 'til it hits (and defeats) the Internet.  So good to have you back.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#15 August 12th, 2006 04:31 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

Hey zillie - as well as listen to music  and read books together - feel free to come to the UK and slide me into a latex catsuit of some sort wink lol.






#16 August 12th, 2006 04:34 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

Also thanks for the compliment on my eyebrows - nice to know my being too lazy to pluck them is a good thing!

Cant wait to see your folio smile






#17 August 12th, 2006 01:47 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

catt wrote:

Loved this shoot, Zille, and can't wait 'til it hits (and defeats) the Internet.  So good to have you back.

Quite simply, Catt, you delight me to no end.  I really hope to get to meet you in the flesh someday and give you the hug I'm saving up for you!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#18 August 12th, 2006 01:55 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

alisha_x wrote:

Hey zillie - as well as listen to music  and read books together - feel free to come to the UK and slide me into a latex catsuit of some sort wink lol.

And, you went right for the catsuit.  I should have known you had impeccable taste!  Yes, you'll look quite delicious in a latex catsuit!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#19 August 12th, 2006 01:57 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

alisha_x wrote:

Also thanks for the compliment on my eyebrows - nice to know my being too lazy to pluck them is a good thing!

I read women's style mags when I work out at the gym, and this season is so all about not plucking!  So you're just the hippest thing right now!   big_smile

alisha_x wrote:

Cant wait to see your folio smile

Tommorow!  I hope you like it!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#20 August 12th, 2006 03:02 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

I'm fairly new here and I just checked your previous work. You are so beautiful and creative. I can't wait to see more.


#21 August 12th, 2006 03:36 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

I read women's style mags when I work out at the gym, and this season is so all about not plucking!  So you're just the hippest thing right now!   big_smile

Tommorow!  I hope you like it!

I'm bummed!!  I have a Hispanioc dance tomarrow  (read:  I work until 4am) and then go right to Faith Hill/Tim McGraw on Sunday.  I won't get to see your shoot until I wake up on Monday.

Is that being "just tantilizing out of reach"??

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#22 August 13th, 2006 12:06 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

I read women's style mags when I work out at the gym, and this season is so all about not plucking!  So you're just the hippest thing right now!   big_smile

Tommorow!  I hope you like it!

it is really gonna happen today?
and it is such a perfect day here...


'stay beautiful'


#23 August 14th, 2006 04:13 PM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

Quite simply, Catt, you delight me to no end.  I really hope to get to meet you in the flesh someday and give you the hug I'm saving up for you!

Give me a week's warning on that hug, Zille - I'll need to tidy up my hobo self.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#24 August 15th, 2006 01:47 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

catt wrote:

Give me a week's warning on that hug, Zille - I'll need to tidy up my hobo self.

You're just doing your koala impression, Catt.  They can get a bit scruffy, sometimes!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#25 August 16th, 2006 11:57 AM


Re: incorrigible tease...

zille wrote:

I read women's style mags when I work out at the gym, and this season is so all about not plucking!  So you're just the hippest thing right now!   big_smile

Tommorow!  I hope you like it!

Which reminds me.......   When is that Life Altering Event,  when two super novas meet,  Zille and Liandra ever going to occur???

Better do it down in Oz,  'cause I don't think the Bay Area can take another 9.0 quake so soon.  And, of course,  I'll have to put a sheet of infared blocking gel over my monitor so I don't suffer EMF overload...   maybe I'd better wear my welder's helmet just in case.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


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