#1 July 26th, 2006 01:53 AM


to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

Im ill today so sitting at home all alone sad

This has left me far to much time to think - and i have been wondering if i will start my own blog - everyyone i know has a blog or a myspace or a something and I never really got why - so im looking to you guys - the only sort of online community I have really ever got into to help me with this one - what am i missing? why does everyone have blogs?

Thanks in advance!






#2 July 26th, 2006 03:29 AM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

alisha_x wrote:

Im ill today so sitting at home all alone sad

This has left me far to much time to think - and i have been wondering if i will start my own blog - everyyone i know has a blog or a myspace or a something and I never really got why - so im looking to you guys - the only sort of online community I have really ever got into to help me with this one - what am i missing? why does everyone have blogs?

Thanks in advance!

Alisha, I'm sorry to hear you're unwell. If I could I'd send round the bestest fairie potion to make you better immediately - or maybe even two for good luck.

I've always considered that most blogs and information placed on myspace, are a sign of someone being hopeful that they will get lots of communication going with themselves as the central attraction. Sadly most fail to achieve this.

If you are an outgoing, self-confident person, why bother putting a raft of information about yourself and the highlights of your life on the Net. Natural communities of people aren't made they are born and this forum is a prime example. There are many hundreds of members and contributors who will never write a word in here yet, of those who do   provide input have formed an intellectual, funny, serious, sad and, at times, completely ridiculous community.

I will now await a slapping from all of those people who have a blog or a entry in myspace.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#3 July 26th, 2006 08:14 AM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

I won't slap you because I've heard you'd rather enjoy it smile

Alesha, hope you start feeling better soon. smile

If ISM is like a village, myspace is a city of 93 million people, so you have to collect your own community around you. If you make a myspace page, go to a group that shares your interests like fashion or art (groups are an option on the header menu) once you join a group post in the forum and meet a few people, it takes a little while but when you do meet  someone good there, it's brilliant!!!!! smile I don't know about blogs like iblog, I'm just finding out about them. Many of them look pretty dull visually so hopefully if you find one that looks good you'll let me know smile



#4 July 26th, 2006 11:03 AM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

alisha_x wrote:

Im ill today so sitting at home all alone sad

This has left me far to much time to think - and i have been wondering if i will start my own blog - everyyone i know has a blog or a myspace or a something and I never really got why - so im looking to you guys - the only sort of online community I have really ever got into to help me with this one - what am i missing? why does everyone have blogs?

Thanks in advance!

don't feel bad my dear, i am sitting home with a horrible summer cold.   yuck!

blogs are cool if one has something to say and the time to maintain it.

on another note...i have never visited anyones blog.

aren't they kinda like fake diaries that give out info that you can read, and not the stuff you would not want read teehee

feel better darlin


'stay beautiful'


#5 July 26th, 2006 01:18 PM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

www.livejournal.com is a much better than MySpace, in my opinion (less pretention/posing, although you'll find that stuff anywhere online).  It takes a bit of getting used to, but you find some incredible people and communities on LJ, and I've made many friends there. It's also much more convenient than a blog, as everything and everyone's at your fingertips, plus it's free to set up and simple to use.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#6 July 26th, 2006 06:04 PM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

There is some interesting stuff to be read on LJ.  There was a user called Saralev who traveled extensively throuhgh the middle east and related her experiences.  They were very eye opening and very much worth reading.  A few other people I read because I am aquainted with them in one way or another.  i was trying blogging myself to try to get used to writing again.  I'm not sure its working for me, though.


#7 July 26th, 2006 10:16 PM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

nikkibrand wrote:

There is some interesting stuff to be read on LJ.  There was a user called Saralev who traveled extensively throuhgh the middle east and related her experiences.  They were very eye opening and very much worth reading.  A few other people I read because I am aquainted with them in one way or another.  i was trying blogging myself to try to get used to writing again.  I'm not sure its working for me, though.

see now you and catt have me wanting to visit live journal blogs....;)

'stay beautiful'


#8 July 27th, 2006 05:01 AM


Re: to blog or not to blog, that is the question...

Thanks for all your insight guys - i think Im gonna try with a sort of blog on one of my sites to see how it goes rather than use a proper blog site thing to start with - see if i like it -

I used to have a website with all my thoughts and news on for my friends when i was about 15-16 (yes im a nerd i started building websites as a teeneager!) but the web was so new then and i was just trying to keep in touch with people going off to colleges etc - i got bored pretty quick though... i guess this makes me just think of it as a young trying to be noticed/rememvbered by the world thing - i dont really need to tell anyone about anything anymore that badly to put it on the web - i guess a blog of my modeling experiences might be useful to other models? nosey people who contact me? I dunno - we shall see.... lol!






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