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#1 July 18th, 2006 12:48 AM


Alisha X

Dear Alisha

This is my second mail to you today.

i have to appologize for what i said in my first mail. Cle is really on the top of my favourite list. i know her 2 or 4 years ago on Abbywinters. i hope i did not offend you. i know you only todays ago. what attracted me to your portfolio is your sweet face. to me the sweet face, eyes and smile comes first. then comes the boobs, nipples, bum and of course the pussy.

After viewing your portfolio, i have to admit that you are gorgeous.

First you have a beautiful face beautiful eyes. but no smile. why? a smile adds much to the beauty of the girl. this is why i call Cle my sweet love. look at her pic that is on my wallpaper.

Second you have delicious small boobs. Small boobs can be sometimes more sexy than big ones.  Your nipples are good. I have to criticize that you have no close-ups for your nipples.

Your pussy is delicious and nicely trimmed.

one thing i did not like is that there is no good pic for your bum except the one attached. there are lots of shots in mythical, but your butts were painted.

waiting to see and hear much of you




#2 July 18th, 2006 04:46 AM


Re: Alisha X

Hi Kronful, hope you enjoy the site smile could you read my post here http://www.ishotmyself.com/forums/showp … ostcount=2



#3 July 18th, 2006 04:20 PM


Re: Alisha X


What is the problem with my email to Alisha X?
It is a normal expressing my admiration to her beautiful face. What is the offensive thing in this email? Please be specific.



#4 July 18th, 2006 04:32 PM


Re: Alisha X

Kronful, I believe Blissed is referring to your text perhaps not being as subtle as what he/the forums may be used to...but I'm also guessing that English may be your second language? 

If this is the case, I'm certain that Alisha_X, Cle and whomever will understand that your desire to communicate with (and compliment) them is with the best intentions, and to the best of your ability. 

P.S.  Blissed, you're such a knight in shining armour *winks*  It's very sweet.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#5 July 18th, 2006 07:30 PM


Re: Alisha X

Dear catt.

thank you for your email.

it is the first time any body complains about my English language. my job is to write engineering documents in English which i cannot do in my native language.



#6 July 18th, 2006 08:35 PM


Re: Alisha X

Hi kronful,

They do not mean to complain - just to help - English is a tricky language (and your doing a lot better at it than I can speak any other language lol) smile

I got your PM and I wasn't offended by it - I didnt read your other posts yet.

Have a look at some of the other posts on the forum and see how we write - we are not as explicit in our language and use of desciption - I think is the main thing they mean - I agree with the others you seem very sweet.

Take care.






#7 July 18th, 2006 08:50 PM


Re: Alisha X


I am astonished why every body is criticizing my English. This is strange and never happened before. My job is to write engineering documents in English. This I cannot do in my native language.




#8 July 18th, 2006 09:44 PM


Re: Alisha X

kronful wrote:

Dear catt.

thank you for your email.

it is the first time any body complains about my English language. my job is to write engineering documents in English which i cannot do in my native language.


I'm not complaining about your English Kronful, just attempting to smooth some creases...I'm a Virgo, it's what I do *S*.  It's good to have you on the forums.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#9 July 19th, 2006 12:49 AM


Re: Alisha X

kronful wrote:


I am astonished why every body is criticizing my English. This is strange and never happened before. My job is to write engineering documents in English. This I cannot do in my native language.



Thats interesting because your posts do sound mechanically discriptive smile If you can say what your native language is, it might make it easier to show you how to use English in the forum. If you learn something, it may be useful to you and possibly stop you from getting arrested if you ever come to England smile just kidding. I think English is really hard to learn too, I'm really glad I can speak it already or I'd be as hopeless with it as I am with French. Anyway, can we know what your native language is.

catt wrote:

Blissed, you're such a knight in shining armour *winks*

I knew you were gonna say that smile this is the internet tho. In the the face of real danger, you just don't know how good I am at running away do you smile



#10 July 19th, 2006 01:24 AM


Re: Alisha X

blissed wrote:

Hi Kronful, hope you enjoy the site smile could you read my post here http://www.ishotmyself.com/forums/showp … ostcount=2


Hi Blissed

I waited some time before replying, in order to be able to write in a cool reasonable language. You took a phrase out of its context and inserted it multiple times on many posts even though your phrase does not fit. You are referring to AW discussion boards, so I will answer you from there even though this does not apply to ISM. The post that was deleted was because I mentioned that the model had a baby face that did not show her real age. Vid at that time thought that what I wrote might create a confusion. I do not remember exactly what I said, but certainly I did not say she was under 18. This case should not be under consideration here. I am comfortable with my English. I deal with US consultants and manufacturers. Nobody has ever complained.

Forgive me; my English might be different from yours. In your English telling a girl that she is sweet might be “offensive”. Even the girl in consideration, Alisha X, was not offended by it “I got your PM and I wasn't offended by it - I didnt read your other posts yet”. I apologized for my first email because I said that she is next to my favorite. After a second thought, I considered that it was not appropriate to say that to the sweet girl.

Forgive me; my English might be different from yours. In your English telling a girl that she is sweet might be “offensive” whereas posting threads such as:

“Question for girls - small or large penises?”
“Sex question about orgasm?”
“how often do you play with yourself?”
“What do you guys prefer: Cumming inside a woman or on her body? And what do you women prefer? Perhaps some models have an opinion on this?”

These threads are not offensive in your opinion!!!! In your “civilized” opinion asking a sweet young girl if she prefers cumming inside her is better or coming on her body is rather a polite question that is not offensive.Do you want me to write in that language?

Do not try to create a problem between me and Cle. I did not make an issue to your reply on my thread regarding Paula on AW. Paula knows exactly what my opinion about her is. I like to make it very clear that to me Cle or Paula is very charming young college student that works partly as model to support herself. I admire and respect that sweet girl and find absolutely nothing offensive in her work. She knows that very well. I was referring to the pics in roadtrip and said that “I finally downloaded your.… pics. I immediately deleted that sentence. Forgive me for my ignorance of your English language. Please tell me what do you call pics 228 and 169.

Please excuse me Cle for raising this issue because I am fed up with that gentle man repeating his comment from AW message board. I deleted that sentence immediately because I care about your feeling. But there was no sense in bring his comment here in ISM and insert it for no valid reason.

Finally I like to repeat that to me Cle or Paula is very charming young college student that works partly as model to support herself. I admire and respect that sweet girl and find absolutely nothing offensive in her work. I hope that She knows my feeling very well.




#11 July 19th, 2006 01:50 AM


Re: Alisha X

Kronful please don't take offence. My post to you at Abby winters was about you using the term fuck pics to describe Cle's folio with Axle. I wasn't aware you'd had a post deleted there.  All those threads you quoted are from Abby winters too and this is ISM, which is in many ways quite different. Cle is her own person, theres no way I could stop her from replying to you and I have no interest in doing that at all.

As you had a thread removed here too because it contained the term fuck pics, and because your posting has come under the attention of the moderaters on both sites, (and that very rarely happens at ISM) I thought I'd assist you in writing posts that aren't deleted and that people are happy to respond too, and I'm still happy to do that.



#12 July 19th, 2006 05:40 AM


Re: Alisha X

Couldn't resist speaking up about this one. Here goes - I too have been on the receiving end of your opinions, Bliss, reference my "skank" message a while back. My hunch is that your intentions are noble, perhaps even galllant, but in my view you sometimes overstep your boundaries. Your approach comes across as somewhat paternalistic - protecting those who are unable to protect themselves, which is not something I would consider of the contributors of this site. One of the most attractive things about ISM is that the women are not being exploited, they're typically strong, confident and smart, certainly not women in need of male overprotectiveness. Protective attitudes, while perhaps endearing to some, are particularly  problematic in that it limits open communication for fear of saying the "wrong" thing and being scolded by the righteous. Filtered communication, in my view, only creates more of a schism between individuals. If you can't tell, I cannot STAND political correctness; sometimes people say shit that, while ignorant, is often innocent. And if people feel that they can't speak their minds for fear of being wrongly judged, then the problems only go underground, and then we're really fucked.

Do not misunderstand me, I would be the first to speak up if it felt someone was being a creep to a contributor, but my understanding is that the editors have done a nice job of shielding the women from weirdos. So take a rest, dude. Let the women speak up if they have an issue, and if they need some help then let the system work. And if it doesn't then I'll be speaking up too.


#13 July 19th, 2006 08:23 AM


Re: Alisha X

I've made a zillion posts since October all over the place and I like to chat and have fun and I hardly ever take issue with anyone...................................but first I have a proclamation:)

P C stands for polite and courteous I think political correctness is a term invented by people who don't want to  consider other peoples feelings.

Thats not open to argument I'm afraid, I know I'm absolutely right there because I am smile

When you said "doubtful that it's from the babes that are often pictured but probably more likely from some truly scarey skank" I thought it sounded disrespectful to women in general so I told you, and because  I haven't got any hard feelings towards you I did it in the nicest most fluffy way I could smile Anyway because I like to spend most of my time doing the things I love I work part time and my job on a Sunday involves working in a warehouse and I love the fact that I'm a man right inside a sometimes brutally minded male environment and able to influence it. A lorry driver said to me "lesbians I don't believe in it, give her a night with me, I'll give her a good fucking and turn her round" and I said to him "spend the night with me and I'll give you a good fucking and turn you round" smile and he looked astonished, or secretly delighted I couldn't tell smile Theres also 2 sapphic women I work with in another place who can get away with saying things that are much more suggestive than a man could to all the other women there, because their not a perceived threat at all, and that is the central issue that this whole thing swings on and that is that men are. Women can can be assaulted, and in the areas of society were that culture of abuse exists the tip of the iceberg is casual verbal abuse that creates an atmosphere of disrespect. So thats what I'm aware of and if I get called gallant for doing something about it I'll have to put up with that, and if me and a fork lift driver have to chase a lorry driver round the back of his trailer and pull his pants down I'll do it smile because I'm fearless me smile Actually it didn't happen in the end, apparently theres a health and safety problem, Damn!! smile



#14 July 19th, 2006 02:47 PM


Re: Alisha X

blissed wrote:

Thats interesting because your posts do sound mechanically discriptive smile If you can say what your native language is, it might make it easier to show you how to use English in the forum. If you learn something, it may be useful to you and possibly stop you from getting arrested if you ever come to England smile just kidding. I think English is really hard to learn too, I'm really glad I can speak it already or I'd be as hopeless with it as I am with French. Anyway, can we know what your native language is.

I knew you were gonna say that smile this is the internet tho. In the the face of real danger, you just don't know how good I am at running away do you smile


cool down i have been to England many times. the last trip few months ago. i have not been arrested yet.



#15 July 19th, 2006 05:16 PM


Re: Alisha X

blissed wrote:

I've made a zillion posts since October all over the place and I like to chat and have fun and I hardly ever take issue with anyone...................................but first I have a proclamation:)

P C stands for polite and courteous I think political correctness is a term invented by people who don't want to  consider other peoples feelings.

Thats not open to argument I'm afraid, I know I'm absolutely right there because I am smile

When you said "doubtful that it's from the babes that are often pictured but probably more likely from some truly scarey skank" I thought it sounded disrespectful to women in general so I told you, and because  I haven't got any hard feelings towards you I did it in the nicest most fluffy way I could smile Anyway because I like to spend most of my time doing the things I love I work part time and my job on a Sunday involves working in a warehouse and I love the fact that I'm a man right inside a sometimes brutally minded male environment and able to influence it. A lorry driver said to me "lesbians I don't believe in it, give her a night with me, I'll give her a good fucking and turn her round" and I said to him "spend the night with me and I'll give you a good fucking and turn you round" smile and he looked astonished, or secretly delighted I couldn't tell smile Theres also 2 sapphic women I work with in another place who can get away with saying things that are much more suggestive than a man could to all the other women there, because their not a perceived threat at all, and that is the central issue that this whole thing swings on and that is that men are. Women can can be assaulted, and in the areas of society were that culture of abuse exists the tip of the iceberg is casual verbal abuse that creates an atmosphere of disrespect. So thats what I'm aware of and if I get called gallant for doing something about it I'll have to put up with that, and if me and a fork lift driver have to chase a lorry driver round the back of his trailer and pull his pants down I'll do it smile because I'm fearless me smile Actually it didn't happen in the end, apparently theres a health and safety problem, Damn!! smile


you said

"When you said "doubtful that it's from the babes that are often pictured but probably more likely from some truly scarey skank" I thought it sounded disrespectful to women in general so I told you, and because I haven't got any hard feelings towards you I did it in the nicest most fluffy way I could smile "

was that directed to me??????
i have never said that. give exact reference or at least say what the matter is. i do not care how many posts you have made. but it seems you are neither P nor C



#16 July 20th, 2006 01:53 AM


Re: Alisha X

No it wasn't you who said that.
Kron, I've PM'd you, just try and chill smile



#17 July 20th, 2006 11:12 AM


Re: Alisha X

kronful wrote:

you said

"When you said "doubtful that it's from the babes that are often pictured but probably more likely from some truly scarey skank" I thought it sounded disrespectful to women in general so I told you, and because I haven't got any hard feelings towards you I did it in the nicest most fluffy way I could smile "

was that directed to me??????
i have never said that. give exact reference or at least say what the matter is. i do not care how many posts you have made. but it seems you are neither P nor C


Yowza. That would be me who wrote that. Mr. Politically Incorrect (and usually with one foot in my mouth because my humor can be inappropriate). And as I said in the reply to Bliss (which was never responded), it was done with HUMOR. SO, the message here, my friends, is ENOUGH with the judgement and need to jump on someone's posting. I live in enough of a police state (thank you George Bush) with self righteous people wanting to impose their values on the rest of us well intentioned folks. Relax and enjoy the scenery. Make love to someone you love. Go surfing, or at least spend time doing something you love. It tends to get those groovy endorphines into ones brain and keeps things in perspective. Love and peace, JS


#18 July 20th, 2006 08:05 PM


Re: Alisha X

jackscratch wrote:

Yowza. That would be me who wrote that. Mr. Politically Incorrect (and usually with one foot in my mouth because my humor can be inappropriate). And as I said in the reply to Bliss (which was never responded), it was done with HUMOR. SO, the message here, my friends, is ENOUGH with the judgement and need to jump on someone's posting. I live in enough of a police state (thank you George Bush) with self righteous people wanting to impose their values on the rest of us well intentioned folks. Relax and enjoy the scenery. Make love to someone you love. Go surfing, or at least spend time doing something you love. It tends to get those groovy endorphines into ones brain and keeps things in perspective. Love and peace, JS

well i live in that same state as well and i agree with you.
love how many times you used the word love.

this is a forum full of beautiful women (and i truly do believe there is beauty in each and every artist in here) who have voluntarily decided to post images of themselves in various states of undress.
the reasons we have all had to do so vary, but i bet there is not one person who has reviewed these folios who could say they did NOT LOVE at least one image in here.

there is a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE on this website, for sure.



p.s.  did i just quote led zeppelin teehee

'stay beautiful'


#19 July 21st, 2006 05:37 AM


Re: Alisha X

Jackscratch, My life revolves around something I love doing I am pretty much self actualised and I don't need advice from you about how to live my life or use my time. When you made your skank comment I told you how I felt about it and we discussed it a little but I didn't feel it was important enough to argue about so I dropped it. I even let you have the last word.

It's you who've  brought this up again. not me. So what happened, did you take a break from surfing and making love? smile

I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not part of  a police state either smile I'm an individual exercising my free speech. I'm just  saying something you don't like. I'm not imposing my will  on you either, how can I do that. have I got a camera in your house smile 
I'm not upset either or angry at you or unfocused, I'm quite chilled and happy. I think your skank comment was disrespectful to all women whether it was humourus or not. this is not a porn site, this is a site that celebrates female beauty (in it's entirety if the artist chooses) and where theres an attitude that respects the artist and women in general and irrespective of whatever sex I am myself, I'm gonna play my part in making sure it stays that way.
Anyway, I think we all know what we all think about this by now and I'm going to echo paintjams sentiment in that in my experience the only place to go from here is for us to put our  arms around each other and have a good tongue in mouths kiss smile If you want to have the last word again you can, but I think we should take our example from good marshal arts that teach men to control their aggression,  I don't have any hard feelings towards you and I think we should bow to each other, shake hands and leave it at that.

Peace, Blissed



#20 July 21st, 2006 04:52 PM


Re: Alisha X

paintjam wrote:

well i live in that same state as well and i agree with you.
love how many times you used the word love.

this is a forum full of beautiful women (and i truly do believe there is beauty in each and every artist in here) who have voluntarily decided to post images of themselves in various states of undress.
the reasons we have all had to do so vary, but i bet there is not one person who has reviewed these folios who could say they did NOT LOVE at least one image in here.

there is a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE on this website, for sure.



p.s.  did i just quote led zeppelin teehee

i fully agree with you.
"this is a forum full of beautiful women (and i truly do believe there is beauty in each and every artist in here) who have voluntarily decided to post images of themselves in various states of undress"


#21 July 21st, 2006 04:53 PM


Re: Alisha X

blissed wrote:

Jackscratch, My life revolves around something I love doing I am pretty much self actualised and I don't need advice from you about how to live my life or use my time. When you made your skank comment I told you how I felt about it and we discussed it a little but I didn't feel it was important enough to argue about so I dropped it. I even let you have the last word.

It's you who've  brought this up again. not me. So what happened, did you take a break from surfing and making love? smile

I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not part of  a police state either smile I'm an individual exercising my free speech. I'm just  saying something you don't like. I'm not imposing my will  on you either, how can I do that. have I got a camera in your house smile 
I'm not upset either or angry at you or unfocused, I'm quite chilled and happy. I think your skank comment was disrespectful to all women whether it was humourus or not. this is not a porn site, this is a site that celebrates female beauty (in it's entirety if the artist chooses) and where theres an attitude that respects the artist and women in general and irrespective of whatever sex I am myself, I'm gonna play my part in making sure it stays that way.
Anyway, I think we all know what we all think about this by now and I'm going to echo paintjams sentiment in that in my experience the only place to go from here is for us to put our  arms around each other and have a good tongue in mouths kiss smile If you want to have the last word again you can, but I think we should take our example from good marshal arts that teach men to control their aggression,  I don't have any hard feelings towards you and I think we should bow to each other, shake hands and leave it at that.

Peace, Blissed


Dude! You've really got me laughing here - do you think no one has gotten your viewpoint on your personal crusade against presumed disrespect and the term skank? I mean really....like how many times have you said that - you smell of obsession, which has me curious about what all this is really about for you. And thanks, the surfing today WAS glorious, small but perfectly shaped, so I'm feeling pretty stoked right now, the love making part I'll leave as a mystery known only to my lover. PS Sorry, I don't kiss on the first flame out, and I get nervous when marshals, deputies or other law enforcement mix with art, though sometimes I do pay attention to martial masters if they wear those really cool pants. Namaste.


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  3. » Alisha X

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