#26 July 15th, 2006 09:23 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

jayhammer wrote:

I am only going back since I joined  ISM in March 05 but the one folio that totally blew me away is one that didn't have my two favorites qualities in a folio. ( Natural bushes and umm brad is trying to be delicate here, oh yea bigger breasts with large and aroused nipples)  Zille's Reflexion caught my eye is so many diifferent ways and then when she did her videos her personality really made it clear my number one folio for sure.

Thank you, Jayhammer!  What kind words!

I'll try to make future folio's live up to that!  And, I hope you like the one I've already submitted, which I hope they put up soon!

My favorites ... generally involve Liandra.  I can remember wonderful images that caught my eye from any number of gal's folios, but can't remember who's who....

I was very jealous of Sassyoh's folio , I know!  (I wish I'd done it!)

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#27 July 16th, 2006 12:39 AM


Re: what is your favourite folio

kronful wrote:

Dear Cle

or shall i call you Paulal

Thanks, kronful. I had had an idea that Cle was on AbbyWinters but couldn't find her. Now at last I can go and pay my respects to her there.
Why do so many of you change your names there? I don't suppose some kind soul could give a quick check-list of girls on both sites with different names?


#28 July 16th, 2006 02:31 AM


Re: what is your favourite folio

cle wrote:

Hi everyone,

I would like to know what everyone's favourite folios are????? Not favourite model, but If you feel like adding that to your answer, feel free, but let me know which folios you like the best and why/what make them so special to you.....

luv Cle xxxxx

just thinking of all the gorgeous photos in here i simply could not say.
i do however really love images with reflections (and there are so many gorgeous ones)
but i guess if i had to pick a top 'reflections' folio it would be the latest by lucy sinclair
lucy sinclair - tall poppy
http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … =TallPoppy

i have been able to find beauty in each and every folio and really do love them all.


'stay beautiful'


#29 July 16th, 2006 02:45 AM


Re: what is your favourite folio

and in the non-reflection category

slippink by everlong

http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … g=SlipPink

'stay beautiful'


#30 July 16th, 2006 06:40 AM


Re: what is your favourite folio

LeoBloom wrote:

Why do so many of you change your names there? I don't suppose some kind soul could give a quick check-list of girls on both sites with different names?

Oh I'm really glad at the moment. I've just found one of my favourite people at AW who is Anneke. Here she's Wendy
http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … oodmorning
Actually I think I'm going to make a big point of this as I've just finished at AW. Here the artists get respect  as people  and aren't ludicrously objectified, labelled and categorised under big boobs, tight asses, or floppy ears. You can send a dildo into the ISM office if you like, but you'll never see it again smile End of rant smile

Gracie----- Grace

I only used AW to chat in the forum and these are the people I met there that I really like, so I'm sure there's quite a few more.

Oh theres Kat_w------kitty_kat.


#31 July 16th, 2006 06:28 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

Max - Maximal. It's playful, and sexy, and she has these amazing, intimate expressions. Plus some closeups of her face that just melt me. and she likes Mr. Bungle.

There are a bunch of other amazing porfolios, but dammit, I really wish there was a briefcase kind of feature here so I could save a list! I keep forgetting the names! but not the faces...


#32 July 16th, 2006 07:26 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

Theres no way I can make a list of my favourites - it would be practically every folio ive seen as they are all so different :s

It's amazing the variety of folios here all created from the exact same process - i thought at first ISM's style would limit the diversity of the photos but the limited nature of shooting yourself has got us all to use our imaginations and create folios far more diverse than websites who allow any style of shooting.

So yeah - no single favourites for me - I love them all - my goddness I'm in a chirpy mood today!






#33 July 16th, 2006 08:28 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

blissed wrote:

Oh I'm really glad at the moment. I've just found one of my favourite people at AW who is Anneke. Here she's Wendy
http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … oodmorning
Actually I think I'm going to make a big point of this as I've just finished at AW. Here the artists get respect  as people  and aren't ludicrously objectified, labelled and categorised under big boobs, tight asses, or floppy ears. You can send a dildo into the ISM office if you like, but you'll never see it again smile End of rant smile

Gracie----- Grace

I only used AW to chat in the forum and these are the people I met there that I really like, so I'm sure there's quite a few more.

Oh theres Kat_w------kitty_kat.

Thanks, Blissed. There's also a Lily/Marigold pair (i can't remember which way round).
Well, yes, I suppose they are objectified over at Abby Winters, and I suppose that's bad. All the same, we do all have our little preferences, and those lists can be a convenient short cut for finding what we're after. Even though an out-and-out stunner will always send our criteria for six.
(Did you really only use AW for the forum? You never ever looked at the piccies? Not once? What strength of character!)


#34 July 16th, 2006 09:35 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

alisha_x wrote:

Theres no way I can make a list of my favourites - it would be practically every folio ive seen as they are all so different :s

It's amazing the variety of folios here all created from the exact same process - i thought at first ISM's style would limit the diversity of the photos but the limited nature of shooting yourself has got us all to use our imaginations and create folios far more diverse than websites who allow any style of shooting.

So yeah - no single favourites for me - I love them all - my goddness I'm in a chirpy mood today!

i love them all too.   as i first expressed so long ago, i have been able to find beauty in every single folio.
but you know, we all have a 'type' for us.
you know he or she is just my 'type' or not my 'type'.

perhaps the view of them all changes when one actually participates and you think, wow, now that really looks fab, why didn't i think of that teehee.   you know, like YOUR FOLIOS MY DEAR....;)

smooches and huggywugz to every folio creator in here.


'stay beautiful'


#35 July 16th, 2006 09:38 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

Merricat wrote:

Trying to pick favorites would probably make my head explode!

yes well for what it is worth your folio 'katana' is one that i zipped....;)


'stay beautiful'


#36 July 16th, 2006 09:44 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

LeoBloom wrote:

Thanks, Blissed. There's also a Lily/Marigold pair (i can't remember which way round).
Well, yes, I suppose they are objectified over at Abby Winters, and I suppose that's bad. All the same, we do all have our little preferences, and those lists can be a convenient short cut for finding what we're after. Even though an out-and-out stunner will always send our criteria for six.
(Did you really only use AW for the forum? You never ever looked at the piccies? Not once? What strength of character!)

Ha ha yes I did look at the pics and video's but very few. I went there originally to talk to Cle so I've seen a lot of things she's done,and then just the stuff of the people I met in the forum. I spend most of my time here chatting too and then I catch up with the folio's. I was at Sapphic erotica for a while which has no forum and I used it about 3 times a week for about an hour each, so far less time than I do on a site with a forum. Sorry about the rant it's a view I've had for some time and I had to get it off my chest, hope you don't mind.



#37 July 16th, 2006 10:26 PM


Re: what is your favourite folio

hey everyone!!!!!

long time no see, thanks for your answers, i know its a tough question to put to you all, and i agree it really i slike asking someone to pick a candy from a candy shop, everything is yummy, and everything catches youre eye, and being left with making a limited choice is just so damn frustrating tongue

kronful, i prefer to be called cle, but if youre too used to calling me paula thats fine smile

the names change alot, because some of us choose to go with different names, and others (such as in my case) get given a name for a site..... My name is not Paula, and I didnt choose that name, and I don't like the name either..... I did however choose Cle smile

I must say, I am in love with every folio that Liandra has done..... she is just beautiful! And even more so in person *sigh* she is perfect!!!!! I have a feeling that she might be the most popular girl on this site..... but I'll end there, as has been mentioned, this is not a place for "categorising" and thank god for that, it's nice and refreshing to feel like the pictures on here are more like "art" than "porn" and treated like art too.


#38 July 17th, 2006 06:16 AM


Re: what is your favourite folio

Dear Cle,

I really want to add the Taurus part you told me about.
Even though you're an Aquarius ... LOL

cle wrote:

My name is not Paula, and I didnt choose that name,
and I don't like the name either..... I did however choose Cle smile

Gasp! ... Now you've made me feel really bad about typing Dear Paula,
For over 100 posts in your thread over there ... sad
Well I didn't know how you felt, of course !

It's been very quiet without you posting there as well.
Also I've now been sent to " Coventry " and can't reply normally.
I also read at IFM that you might not post much back there anymore ?
Bit sad after your thread got past 1000, as did your own count.

Guess your " Promise " isn't going to happen now ? ... wink
Have you submitted the " Towel " Folio here yet ?
Hope you don't mind me asking that ?

I think I already told you my favourite Folio of you here is " Two Piece " ?
Although, I like all of your work really ... Where's my Embarrassment Smilie ?


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