#1 July 14th, 2006 11:30 PM


Zille in England!

Hi all you lovely forum people!

I'm doing this post from my vacation in England!

I've got an new folio coming up -- Catt (or anyone else on staff), do you know when it's going up?

As for me -- been quite busy!  Moved in with my new boyfriend and we've been fixing up the apartment and making it lovely, my editing job is running me ragged but at least they do appreciate my work, and I've got a new photography project in the works (I'll post up a link here when it's up!)  Also, if you go over to (my Livejournal) you can see images of me at a Florida fetish event having a little too much fun!

I've missed you all, and I'm delighted to see Nikki_Brand is finally here!

How are my old forum friends doing?

Oh -- and do you guys think I should do a set whilst in England?

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#2 July 15th, 2006 02:44 AM


Re: Zille in England!

Hi Zillie - welcome to england!!!!

Definately do a shoot here, on top of a major landmark if possible smile






#3 July 15th, 2006 08:29 PM


Re: Zille in England!

zille wrote:

Hi all you lovely forum people!

I'm doing this post from my vacation in England!

I've got an new folio coming up -- Catt (or anyone else on staff), do you know when it's going up?

As for me -- been quite busy!  Moved in with my new boyfriend and we've been fixing up the apartment and making it lovely, my editing job is running me ragged but at least they do appreciate my work, and I've got a new photography project in the works (I'll post up a link here when it's up!)  Also, if you go over to (my Livejournal) you can see images of me at a Florida fetish event having a little too much fun!

I've missed you all, and I'm delighted to see Nikki_Brand is finally here!

How are my old forum friends doing?

Oh -- and do you guys think I should do a set whilst in England?

my dear i think you should do a set in every city on every continent and on the space shuttle teehee
have a fab vacation.

'stay beautiful'


#4 July 15th, 2006 09:09 PM


Re: Zille in England!

Thank you, Alisha and Jamie!

I'm gonna do it!  I've got two locations "scouted" already!

I'm having a wonderful time here!  I went to the Rocky Horror Show, which had a limited engagement in the West End, and was amazing!  Went to the Museum of Natural History yesturday.  Today, off for some shopping, and then dinner with friends and then out clubbing tonight!  Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#5 July 16th, 2006 07:27 PM


Re: Zille in England!

do a shoot in the london eye!  that would give us Brits a great view while you enjoy the  great view of our city! hehe






#6 July 16th, 2006 09:48 PM


Re: Zille in England!

alisha_x wrote:

do a shoot in the london eye!  that would give us Brits a great view while you enjoy the  great view of our city! hehe

alisha will you ever do a video?
would love to hear your voice oneday ....;)


'stay beautiful'


#7 July 17th, 2006 07:17 AM


Re: Zille in England!

No video camera my dear!

I prefer stills as I love the idea of a single moment - and anyway I got no money to buy a camera so thats all you get lol smile

How long u in london Zillie? Maybe we could do a folio together - prehaps start a trend - international shoots with ISM girls meeting up! lol.






#8 July 17th, 2006 07:52 AM


Re: Zille in England!

alisha_x wrote:

No video camera my dear!

I prefer stills as I love the idea of a single moment - and anyway I got no money to buy a camera so thats all you get lol smile

How long u in london Zillie? Maybe we could do a folio together - prehaps start a trend - international shoots with ISM girls meeting up! lol.

international shoots with ism girls.
i think you have something there...
who would NOT love seeing the two of you with your awesome tattoos in the same 'moment'?

and zille...thanx for the shave....;)

'stay beautiful'


#9 July 17th, 2006 08:39 AM


Re: Zille in England!

alisha_x wrote:

How long u in london Zillie? Maybe we could do a folio together - prehaps start a trend - international shoots with ISM girls meeting up! lol.

Yes, yes, yes!


#10 July 17th, 2006 12:47 PM


Re: Zille in England!

zille wrote:

I've got an new folio coming up -- Catt (or anyone else on staff), do you know when it's going up?

Hey Zille, great to see you back!  I can safely say that your new set will be up within a few weeks.  I'm putting in a personal request for your British ISM adventure to include Zille-style taunting of Her Madge's Beef-Eaters. Pretty please?


#11 July 17th, 2006 06:35 PM


Re: Zille in England!

fi wrote:

Hey Zille, great to see you back!  I can safely say that your new set will be up within a few weeks.  I'm putting in a personal request for your British ISM adventure to include Zille-style taunting of Her Madge's Beef-Eaters. Pretty please?

I'm surpressing the urge to type, "Hi, fi" -- it's very hard!

So, Hello, Fi, and thanks!  I still have the images on my computer -- can I post one in the forums as a teaser?

I will do so if I get back to London -- just left yesturday, and am now out in the countryside, so there are rather less palace guards about the place!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#12 July 17th, 2006 06:40 PM


Re: Zille in England!

alisha_x wrote:

How long u in london Zillie? Maybe we could do a folio together - prehaps start a trend - international shoots with ISM girls meeting up! lol.

Hey Alisha,

Just, FYI, my name's pronounced "Zil" -- no "ie" on the end.  (That last "l" and "e" are purely decorative!)

I think that's a wonderfully fun idea -- but I just left London yesturday!   sad  I'm up more northernly, now.  But I may be coming back in October!  Maybe then?

I think your idea for " international shoots with ISM girls meeting up" is excellent -- ISM should pay us to travel the globe, shooting with hotties wherever we find 'em!   big_smile

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#13 July 17th, 2006 09:52 PM


Re: Zille in England!

So, so good to have you back Zille - I hope you got yourself a lovely <strike>tan</strike> shade of pale in Pommyland.  As for your shoot going up, I think Fi has covered that base...but my belated response would be "not soon enough".

Welcome back, sweetheart.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#14 July 18th, 2006 02:15 AM


Re: Zille in England!

zille wrote:

Hey Alisha,

Just, FYI, my name's pronounced "Zil" -- no "ie" on the end.  (That last "l" and "e" are purely decorative!)

I think that's a wonderfully fun idea -- but I just left London yesturday!   sad  I'm up more northernly, now.  But I may be coming back in October!  Maybe then?

I think your idea for " international shoots with ISM girls meeting up" is excellent -- ISM should pay us to travel the globe, shooting with hotties wherever we find 'em!   big_smile

Welcome to my homeland Zille. Out of curiousity, how far north is northerly? You might be right on my doorstep (he says in wishful thinking mode). You certainly pick a great time to come over, as we've haven't had so hot in years! I wonder if you are the source of the heat ;-)

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#15 July 19th, 2006 07:20 PM


Re: Zille in England!

Belgareth wrote:

Welcome to my homeland Zille. Out of curiousity, how far north is northerly? You might be right on my doorstep (he says in wishful thinking mode). You certainly pick a great time to come over, as we've haven't had so hot in years! I wonder if you are the source of the heat ;-)

Awww, Belgareth!  What a nicely turned phrase!  You make a gal blush!

I'm loving being in your homeland.  I really have a hard time convincing myself that the British Isles weren't just invented to delight me.  Everything -- food, pubs, accents, people, landscapes -- all are just amazing and make me happy deep down to my soul.

I was actually just thinking about you at tea the other day, wondering if you'd see my post and know I was around!  I was thinking about the old post about which English accent I'd want, and I met my boyfriend's father for the first time, a week ago, and he has this lovely posh accent, saying things like, "Rrrrright you are!" and the like.  I don't know if I'd want that accent, myself, but I could happily listen to him talk for hours and hours!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#16 July 19th, 2006 07:24 PM


Re: Zille in England!

catt wrote:

So, so good to have you back Zille - I hope you got yourself a lovely <strike>tan</strike> shade of pale in Pommyland.  As for your shoot going up, I think Fi has covered that base...but my belated response would be "not soon enough".

Welcome back, sweetheart.


Catt Catt Catt!  Who doth rocketh the socketh!

Actually, England is just having a heat-wave of epic proportions -- hasn't been this hot since 1911 or so!  So I could be out tanning away, if I felt like it!  But I like being pale better!  [jokingly grumbles] Come here for some nice rain and cold, and what do I get...?

And now ... I'm off to shop!  I need a new outfit to shoot my next ISM folio, you see!  [grins]

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#17 July 20th, 2006 02:04 AM


Re: Zille in England!

I agree with Belgareth Zille might well have been the source of our heatwave!

When you come back I dlove to do a shoot with you - as to ISM ferrying us girls around the globe to shoot folios together - mmm...

sorry drifted off into a daydream then - but mine had all the ISM regulars in one place - them in bikinis and me with a camera.... lol






#18 July 20th, 2006 08:38 PM


Re: Zille in England!

alisha_x wrote:

sorry drifted off into a daydream then - but mine had all the ISM regulars in one place - them in bikinis and me with a camera.... lol

When you think of me in a bikini, think of this:


[salacious grin]

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#19 July 21st, 2006 04:58 AM


Re: Zille in England!

zille wrote:

Awww, Belgareth!  What a nicely turned phrase!  You make a gal blush!

I'm loving being in your homeland.  I really have a hard time convincing myself that the British Isles weren't just invented to delight me.  Everything -- food, pubs, accents, people, landscapes -- all are just amazing and make me happy deep down to my soul.

I was actually just thinking about you at tea the other day, wondering if you'd see my post and know I was around!  I was thinking about the old post about which English accent I'd want, and I met my boyfriend's father for the first time, a week ago, and he has this lovely posh accent, saying things like, "Rrrrright you are!" and the like.  I don't know if I'd want that accent, myself, but I could happily listen to him talk for hours and hours!

Aw Zille, it's nice to be remembered, if only for a discussion on accents.

I remember the accent discussion well and, having heard your voice, the odd once or twice, explaining the idiosyncrasies of conjoining sharp objects and sensitive places ;-) I suspect you would be more at home with the "Jolly hockey sticks" brigade than the "yow'm alroit keed" or "ayup cock" batallions.

Out of curiousity, are you (or is anyone else come to that) familiar with phonetics and it's associated alphabet? If only this forum supported it, we could communicate in our own dialects.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#20 July 21st, 2006 05:03 AM


Re: Zille in England!

alisha_x wrote:

I agree with Belgareth Zille might well have been the source of our heatwave!

When you come back I dlove to do a shoot with you - as to ISM ferrying us girls around the globe to shoot folios together - mmm...

sorry drifted off into a daydream then - but mine had all the ISM regulars in one place - them in bikinis and me with a camera.... lol

S'funny, I have identical daydreams to yours Alisha. Well, maybe not identical, the person holding the camera is different ;-)

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#21 July 21st, 2006 10:28 AM


Re: Zille in England!

zille wrote:

When you think of me in a bikini, think of this:


[salacious grin]

would you mind if i think of you in a bikini i think of this too or is this just for alisha? teehee


'stay beautiful'


#22 July 21st, 2006 12:42 PM


Re: Zille in England!

zille wrote:

Catt Catt Catt!  Who doth rocketh the socketh!

Actually, England is just having a heat-wave of epic proportions -- hasn't been this hot since 1911 or so!  So I could be out tanning away, if I felt like it!  But I like being pale better!  [jokingly grumbles] Come here for some nice rain and cold, and what do I get...?

And now ... I'm off to shop!  I need a new outfit to shoot my next ISM folio, you see!  [grins]

Zille, Zille, Zille - who is both the bee's knees AND the nun's buns!

I simply love it when Brits complain of heat.  Ha HA!  I guess it's just as amusing as when Australians complain of the cold.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#23 July 21st, 2006 01:10 PM


Re: Zille in England!

paintjam wrote:

international shoots with ism girls.
i think you have something there...
who would NOT love seeing the two of you with your awesome tattoos in the same 'moment'?

and zille...thanx for the shave....;)

Us old timers are still waiting for the fireball of scorching shoots,  Zille and Liandra.  I'm not sure there's a camera lens that can tolerate that much heat.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


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