#1 July 10th, 2006 12:35 AM


What did you spend it on?

So, folks, I hope it's not considered taboo to make mention of the fact that we get paid for shooting ourselves 'cos I'm curious...what did you other girls do with the monies?
For me it was important that I buy something a bit special for myself rather than just using it to pay the bills.
I had been toying with the idea of trying my hand at making latex clothing for a while but that sheeting is pretty expensive on a student income, especially since it had to be sent from the other side of the world, so that was a treat for me.
Anyway, months later I finally got up the courage to cut into it and actually make something. Bloody difficult gluing those seams but I ended up with a passable top and skirt:



#2 July 10th, 2006 07:56 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

Wow!  You look hot in that dress!  I would say that it was money well spent.


#3 July 10th, 2006 10:49 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

I didn't spend mine on much unfortunetly i spent most of mine on one bill my (gas bill) but i did buy myself lunch lol

mwaz katt


#4 July 10th, 2006 10:56 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

Perl, that dress and you look great together! I like the places were it's not skin tight  where the little creases follow the curves of your body and change as you move.



#5 July 10th, 2006 10:57 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

katt wrote:

I didn't spend mine on much unfortunetly i spent most of mine on one bill my (gas bill) but i did buy myself lunch lol

mwaz katt

Well I hope it was a yummy lunch - your folio was definitely worth treating yourself over smile


#6 July 10th, 2006 12:58 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

Yeah I agree, I think when you get a reload wink thats what you should do. Actually tho, when you do have your next treat, just think that the  money you used to pay for it would have gone on the gas bill if you hadn't done the shoot! smile Anyway it was a treat to see your beautiful green eyes and lovely soft skin and hair and everything else thats  nice about it (you don't object to me saying that again do you smile Actually, what's good here is most people who do a shoot and write in the forum seem to have enjoyed doing it as much as I enjoy seeing it, thats really really nice isn't it.



#7 July 10th, 2006 01:06 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

thanx, and i dont object to you saying it again but with so many beautiful comments why wont they let me do another shoot:( oh well next time i think ill spend the cash on a full membership lol i think you would have to love the shoot or why would people do it???

mwaz katt


#8 July 10th, 2006 07:16 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

perl wrote:

So, folks, I hope it's not considered taboo to make mention of the fact that we get paid for shooting ourselves 'cos I'm curious...what did you other girls do with the monies?
For me it was important that I buy something a bit special for myself rather than just using it to pay the bills.
I had been toying with the idea of trying my hand at making latex clothing for a while but that sheeting is pretty expensive on a student income, especially since it had to be sent from the other side of the world, so that was a treat for me.
Anyway, months later I finally got up the courage to cut into it and actually make something. Bloody difficult gluing those seams but I ended up with a passable top and skirt:


i purchased a necklace...;)

'stay beautiful'


#9 July 11th, 2006 06:19 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

new hair and corset from my last two shoots - bills for the first one!






#10 July 11th, 2006 09:01 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

alisha_x wrote:

new hair and corset from my last two shoots - bills for the first one!

Nice corset! It's PVC, right? Are the boning channels also PVC? They kinda look like they could be satin from that pic, which is giving me interesting ideas as a combination more for how it would feel than look though. Is it custom or off the rack and who made it/what brand? (If you don't mind my nosiness, it's a hobby of mine).

Funnily enough there was another minor purchase I made which I didn't mention because I didn't make anything for me with it yet, but it was a couple of rolls of boning, some of which was used in this corset.

Hopefully soon I will be able to brag about what the Art Prize got me. Very excited about that one - a big treat big_smile


#11 July 12th, 2006 01:38 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

Hi its a Sacrifice corset - all PVC with PVC boned channels and strips and standard lining - its 22" of lovelyness - it comes in purple as well smile

I got it at the Whitby Gothic Weekend for £80 - so worth it!






#12 July 12th, 2006 04:07 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

alisha_x wrote:

Hi its a Sacrifice corset - all PVC with PVC boned channels and strips and standard lining - its 22" of lovelyness - it comes in purple as well smile

I got it at the Whitby Gothic Weekend for £80 - so worth it!

you always have so many kewl evens going on where you live...:)


'stay beautiful'


#13 July 12th, 2006 01:12 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

I usually try to make a point of blowing all the money I earn on new clothes and undies.... except for the last few times I've done shoots..... the money has gone towards bills ie; car insurance.... and I had a few "special" occasions that needed a fair bit of money too ie; birthdays anniversaries...... but to make up for everything luck is on my side at the moment, I won a competition for a $500 shopping voucher, so even though my shoot money is spent on bills this time, I still get to go shopping, so I'm one happy girls indeed big_smile


#14 July 12th, 2006 02:02 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

perl wrote:

So, folks, I hope it's not considered taboo to make mention of the fact that we get paid for shooting ourselves 'cos I'm curious...what did you other girls do with the monies?
For me it was important that I buy something a bit special for myself rather than just using it to pay the bills.
I had been toying with the idea of trying my hand at making latex clothing for a while but that sheeting is pretty expensive on a student income, especially since it had to be sent from the other side of the world, so that was a treat for me.
Anyway, months later I finally got up the courage to cut into it and actually make something. Bloody difficult gluing those seams but I ended up with a passable top and skirt:


I hadn't worked for a few months so I was very keen to treat myself to something.  I got a really cool 1942 Swiss Army gas mask bag which is now my resident handbag - the most funky and practical thing (love that combination).  It has a strap around the waist as well, so you can actually do stuff while you are wearing your handbag - i was moving tires into my truck with it on and nothing fell out of it either.  Guess you don't want to lose your gas mask do you?  But I got a really cool thrill when I bought it, a lull came over me as I realised what the actual object was (more than just being a cool accessory), the history present in it and so much death and human experience and gravity attached.  I like to think about my little soldier, or maybe there were many.. I also bought bags of biodynamic compost and a bunch of herbs to plant - hyssop, lemon verbena, comfrey, lemon sorrel, a bay tree.  And I think I treated myself to a Jaegermeister neat, while sitting in a little bar and doing some writing practice. 

p.s.  Can anybody lead me to any useful links on Mata Hari? I've sourced her on Wikipaedia, and done a library search, but if anyone knows of any direct links... thanks smile


#15 July 13th, 2006 02:18 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

Hey Cle, welcome to the forum, nice to see you posting here too smile



#16 July 13th, 2006 12:57 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

wow perl!  So talented.

Well, one of my horses fractured his skull during my shoot (the one that I was going to ride).  So the money I got from my shoot paid for half his vet bill.


#17 July 13th, 2006 08:51 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

cle wrote:

I usually try to make a point of blowing all the money I earn on new clothes and undies.... except for the last few times I've done shoots..... the money has gone towards bills ie; car insurance.... and I had a few "special" occasions that needed a fair bit of money too ie; birthdays anniversaries...... but to make up for everything luck is on my side at the moment, I won a competition for a $500 shopping voucher, so even though my shoot money is spent on bills this time, I still get to go shopping, so I'm one happy girls indeed big_smile

what would we do without it?
it would be so wah!


'stay beautiful'


#18 July 13th, 2006 11:37 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

alyce wrote:

wow perl!  So talented.

Well, one of my horses fractured his skull during my shoot (the one that I was going to ride).  So the money I got from my shoot paid for half his vet bill.

what happend???? is he ok now???


#19 July 14th, 2006 06:31 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

paintjam wrote:

what would we do without it?
it would be so wah!


Isn't it the best type of shopping where you get given $500 for free!!! smile I go through phases, at the moment I'm really tight. If I was given some money now  I'd  ad it to my big pot of gold and very carefully think of ways not to spend it. But when I've got the money together for the big things I've been lusting for, I relax and just go shopping for the things I like. I've always got one eye out for birthday and christmas presents tho and if you see something that would make a really good present even if it's not needed for 7 months it doesn't really matter does it, you might as well get it. though some shopping is always a pain. I'm gonna have to drag myself round the shops and spend a whole week trying on different pairs of jeans  until I find a pair that I'm happy with. The ones I've got are falling off me and I hate shopping for jeans I really do.

Actually this is Cle's most recent folio. She's quite obviously very beautiful smile has got dark hair and is wearing the yellow top (breifly smile
http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … g=washnwax



#20 July 14th, 2006 06:49 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

kitkat wrote:

Can anybody lead me to any useful links on Mata Hari? I've sourced her on Wikipaedia, and done a library search, but if anyone knows of any direct links... thanks smile

You've got a wonderful sense of style with the old car in the garden and the gas mask handbag. I'd love  to grow some of my own organic food but I just can't be assed smile Actually my quite reasonable excuse is I've got an old house in England that is built close to an old water powered iron foundry, so the ground may be contaminated with spoils like lead.


the story of Mata hari looks quite interesting. I think she had many lovers who were officers who confided in her, so she had the information she could sell to make her a double agent.

Above links are just taken from this google search http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q= … arch&meta=



#21 July 14th, 2006 11:04 AM


Re: What did you spend it on?

alyce wrote:

wow perl!  So talented.

Well, one of my horses fractured his skull during my shoot (the one that I was going to ride).  So the money I got from my shoot paid for half his vet bill.

sad Poor horse! How in the world does a horse get a fractured skull?


#22 July 14th, 2006 12:18 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

I think they just fall over jumps or their own feet. The last time I ws on a horse it threw me to the ground so I know how I'd get a fractured skull smile It's gotta be distressing  if your horse is injured but I'm sure if the vets bill has been paid Alyce's horse is OK by now smile



#23 July 14th, 2006 01:24 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

blissed wrote:

I think they just fall over jumps or their own feet. The last time I ws on a horse it threw me to the ground so I know how I'd get a fractured skull smile It's gotta be distressing  if your horse is injured but I'm sure if the vets bill has been paid Alyce's horse is OK by now smile


Yeah, I can think of plenty of ways I could get my skull fractured around horses but a four legged creature just seemed less likely to fall on its head than a two legged one and horses don't do most of the stupid things people do to injure themselves. Never mind me...


#24 July 14th, 2006 01:41 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

I didn't actually see how exactly he did it, but it would seem he got a fright and pulled back, and though my knot came free, the rope tightened around itself, we presume he then reared up and smashed his head on the tree.  I heard a noise and went to check him only to find he had then got one front hoof over the rope, and was stuck front end down, with that hoof pressed against one nostril, and the other full of blood, so he couldn't actually breathe.  Nor could he get free. Luckily though he is a good sort of horse and after I failed to get the rope free (by now it had 500kg leaning on it) I explained to him that he had to keep his head down while I lifted his leg high enough to get over the rope.  He must understand english, because he put weight back onto his front leg that he was able to and as I wrestled to get his other leg high enough to go over he kept his head right down.

He thanked me by covering me head to toe (I was no longer clothed at this stage of my shoot) with the blood pouring out his nose.  That was the end of shooting that day. 

One of those freakish accidents.  He's okay now, but he's still got a lump on the suture line down his nose, which may be permanent.  Doesn't bother me too much, a horse's beauty is worth nothing if they don't have the right stuff inside their head IMO.  His cool manner that day suggests he has the right stuff.


#25 July 14th, 2006 03:07 PM


Re: What did you spend it on?

oh! poor thing give him a big kiss for me xxxx
i love horses and your right if they dont have the right stuff inside there not beautiful.


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