#1 July 3rd, 2006 12:33 PM


Firewalls and Security Software Hassles

We're getting a few customers with login problems caused by security programs such as antivirus or personal firewalls.  The symptom is always the same:  You try to log in, get no error message, but are returned to the main page, with the message "you are not logged in".  You use the Cookie Tester and it says you're handling cookies OK. (The ocokie tester only checks your browser).  You may be an existing customer who has been using the site OK, and find this suddenly started happening, so you assume we've changed something.  We haven't, but your firewall/security program may have automatically updated without your knowledge, and decided to get more aggressive in its handling of cookies and such.  They can mistake our security login code for a mailicious script for example, or our preview pics as banner ads.  Or, we may have been added to their list of sites that need Parental Control.

Here are some examples of recent customer problems and how they were fixed.  If you have a similar story, please, post it here to help others out.

I am running firewall: Kerio Personal Firewall version 4.2.
The setting that prevented entering ISM, was -web filtering- on the tab of Advertising in the category: web.

"Zone Alarm":
The default cookie setting does not allow site slike ISM to work.  Set to accept all cookies.  Turn parental control off.


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