#26 June 27th, 2006 07:45 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Hmmm, if there's a market for used underwear then maybe that's a way I could support my out-of-control education habit. I mean I wouldn't expect the 75 quid that alisha_x's are worth but do you think I could get 10 or so?



#27 June 27th, 2006 10:26 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Oh dear I was rather hoping I wouldn't have to post this smile But seeing as you asked. It isn't my browser homepage or anything, I found it last night, and in no way does it reflect how I spend my own hard earned money smile



#28 June 28th, 2006 04:20 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

Oh and Blissed if i ever want to put 'sells pants' on my CV I will need you as a reference as an almost customer! hehe!

Yeah no probs, you could put it on your CV or you could just casually mention it at your job interview smile if you think it would help your chances. If I was a boss, I would both employ you and applaud your enterprise!!! smile



#29 June 28th, 2006 07:32 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Thanks wink

I did a quick google - seems the panty selling business in the UK is pretty big! socks as well... cant say i see the appeal there - but i guess some people just really like cheese smile






#30 June 28th, 2006 09:49 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

Heh - shoudl ISM have a e-panties (as opposed to e-bay) section? I would certainly be up for that - I mean just how much is oen of my thongs worth? Im intregued to say the least..


Start bidding!!! lol!

Yow. The whole panty selling deal is big business...and who knows who the undies are coming from...doubtful that it's from the babes that are often pictued but probably more likely from some truly scarey skank. And it's a true deal in Japan and they are marketed as school girls' - that look is HUGE with the Japanes businessmen. I went to this one hostess bar in Tokyo - all the girls were dressed in the plaid skirts and knee socks, it was very weird though I suppose somewhat erotic, but not for ME of course ;-) I think the authorities are cracking down on the vending machines though, don't see them much anymore.

Would I pay...depends. Probably not 75 quid. And it's not that you're not worth it Alisha!...but maybe 10 and if they're really hot maybe 20. Call me cheap, but you are really only getting an article and not the real thing ;-) I think the "Buy a real ISM godess' thong" is a brilliant idea, I'd be tempted to buy a pair from some of the beauties that have graced these pages...Send them with a jpg link that shows them in use; might also be a good thing for IFM when they're doing the deed.. PS greetings from Thailand...where pretty much everything is for sale. I don't really pursue the working girls but you can get a whole more than a thong for 150 bucks....


#31 June 28th, 2006 11:04 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

jackscratch wrote:

Yow. The whole panty selling deal is big business...and who knows who the undies are coming from...doubtful that it's from the babes that are often pictued but probably more likely from some truly scarey skank

I hope you don't come under that category do you. You gorgeous thing smile I'm not claiming to be gorgeous myself but it always makes me laugh when I hear a term that to me sounds disrespectful to other people spoken by someone who is slightly less than beautiful smile If we're lucky enough to get old, lets face it, no-ones going to buy our knickers, so sorry Jack, I don't hate you for using the term and nobodies perfect, I'm not,  but  I think we should try and treat people we find unattractive with a little respect, especially on a forum like this.

Just my 2 cents smile



#32 June 28th, 2006 08:34 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

blissed wrote:

I hope you don't come under that category do you. You gorgeous thing smile I'm not claiming to be gorgeous myself but it always makes me laugh when I hear a term that to me sounds disrespectful to other people spoken by someone who is slightly less than beautiful smile If we're lucky enough to get old, lets face it, no-ones going to buy our knickers, so sorry Jack, I don't hate you for using the term and nobodies perfect, I'm not,  but  I think we should try and treat people we find unattractive with a little respect, especially on a forum like this.

Just my 2 cents smile


Woah, chill amigo - your email is way too harsh and accusatory. If you're offended, no need to flame or make accusations, knickers are for sharing and not getting in a knot.  I think you've misunderstood - my choice of wording was done with humor and since I've apparently stepped on your toesies, well, my apologies, not my intentions. And might I suggest taking things a little easier? That's MY view of the spirit of this forum. And - me, goregous? Um, who gives a shit? Finally, fyi some of my favorite girlfriends would probably go into the skank category. Yeah, so there. Cheers, Jack.


#33 June 29th, 2006 05:38 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

*ding ding!* round over - draw match!

Yeah the pantie thing seems to be massive in various countries - i hate to say Im a sucker for the plaid skirt and knee high socks on hopt women - in fact as u probably spotted on my website Im kinda into outfits in general hehe! And with those kinda outfits Ive never needed to buy girls pants - there are more an obstacle then anything else smile

Hope the above has lighted the mood wink






#34 June 29th, 2006 05:44 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

hi all,
truthfully, when my friend Nicole was out of work, i told her she should sell her gym socks on eBay. at the time, eBay had a thriving market in smelly socks.

ah, Nicole. she used to get changed in her car. had half of her wardrobe in the backseat.


that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#35 June 29th, 2006 07:48 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

Hope the above has lighted the mood wink

Thanks Alesh smile I say yay! to thigh high socks and pleated skirts!!! It must be lovely to wear all that stuff and be the centre of attention and desired.

And Wantingscott, I might start selling my socks to masochists smile



#36 June 30th, 2006 06:48 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Yep I have stripey thigh high socks as well which make me look like the a junior witch or an anime character or something hehe.






#37 July 1st, 2006 09:06 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Yeah, this is a picture a friend posted and I love it. You just need perl to knit you the scarf and your there smile



#38 July 2nd, 2006 06:55 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Heh kewl - socks and a scarf smile






#39 July 6th, 2006 07:05 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

Yep I have stripey thigh high socks as well which make me look like the a junior witch or an anime character or something hehe.

Yo Alisha, your self description has me chortling...and reminds me that yes INDEED the wicked witch of the west of Oz did wear stripey socks. And one only need read Wicked to know that the wicked witches were WAY more fun than the uptight good ones, skanky or otherwise ;-) Your choices are good ones, girlie...I dig yer sock and skirt ensembles, nice choice, kind of girlish but a certain kinkiness implied, yum. I was just in Bangkok at the Bed Supper Club, very very cool spot. And the waitresses all wore these kind of french maid type costumes...some with knee socks which gave it a certain spin; most had tats that were peaking over the tops of their socks or below the short skirts, yow. I was a good boy and minded my manners too, though I couldn't help but inquire into where exactly the tatoos ended. Luckily Thai girls are generally very easy going and didn't take it as an offense but more playful as intended ;-)


#40 July 6th, 2006 10:36 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Hmm tai girls in thigh high socks with tattoos... *drools!*

I love the kinkiness of cuteness if you see what i mean - like my angel pictures - angelic yet scantily clad and tattooed - i love the inherent contradictions - but i would - i love most things that are symbolicly unexpected combinations like a cute girl with vampire teeth and a mean look or man with long hair and feminine features but with a sixpack... difference and contradictions are great smile






#41 July 8th, 2006 08:03 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

Hmm tai girls in thigh high socks with tattoos... *drools!*

I love the kinkiness of cuteness if you see what i mean - like my angel pictures - angelic yet scantily clad and tattooed - i love the inherent contradictions - but i would - i love most things that are symbolicly unexpected combinations like a cute girl with vampire teeth and a mean look or man with long hair and feminine features but with a sixpack... difference and contradictions are great smile

OK, so you've piqued my curiosity...and I'll happily take the bait. Ahem, and which angel pictures are these, dear Aiisha? anything with angelic, scantily clad AND tatoos in the same sentence deserves some attention. Who says I'm a pushover...


#42 July 8th, 2006 06:39 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

blissed wrote:


I don't usuallly wear undies, but at that price I may have to start!


#43 July 8th, 2006 09:28 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

nikkibrand; Unfortunatelty 75 wasnt a serious offer! I love lingerie so i wear it a lot but my girl calls it my underwear floss due to its size so im not sure it would have enuf fabric to warrant 75 anyway :s

Jamie; the angel pics are on my website - along with maid pics, devil pics, referee pics, schoolgirl pics etc etc - in my portfolio under costumes (and also a few on the front page lol) I set up the pics and costumes and got my photographer friend to shoot them for me a few months back - it was REALLY fun! smile

http://www.alishax.com Xxxx






#44 July 9th, 2006 09:13 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

nikkibrand; Unfortunatelty 75 wasnt a serious offer! I love lingerie so i wear it a lot but my girl calls it my underwear floss due to its size so im not sure it would have enuf fabric to warrant 75 anyway :s

Jamie; the angel pics are on my website - along with maid pics, devil pics, referee pics, schoolgirl pics etc etc - in my portfolio under costumes (and also a few on the front page lol) I set up the pics and costumes and got my photographer friend to shoot them for me a few months back - it was REALLY fun! smile

http://www.alishax.com Xxxx

oh my how nice.
that really is a marvelous tattoo.
you have a fab bum too btw...;)


'stay beautiful'


#45 July 9th, 2006 12:58 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

alisha_x wrote:

nikkibrand; Unfortunatelty 75 wasnt a serious offer!

Oh alright then £95, but thats as hi as I'm going. All I can say is they better be pretty good thats all smile



#46 July 9th, 2006 03:04 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Sheesh! And I can't even get £10 for mine tongue


#47 July 10th, 2006 10:13 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

You can get a nice clean pair of new ones for £10 smile You'll have to ask Alesha what her secret is and how she's made a thriving business out of it and paid off all her student depts and is buying a house without a mortgage smile



#48 July 11th, 2006 06:23 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Hey Blissed - I wish! You're my first customer and you arent even a serious buyer! so dont say i make my living selling my undies... i do it by taking them off in front of a camera - which is completely different! haha







#49 July 11th, 2006 09:49 PM


Re: We wants yer knickers

Oh wouldn't  it be nice to make money that easily smile I just know that if I make it to 90 and in my last moments of life, I'm gonna think of a really simple brilliant idea that could have made me billions smile I think what you do alish you do really well. and you've got it organised so well too with the website. the pics on your site don't seem to have their own links but I like the one under art nude of you crossing your arms wearing a bodice I think, but i like the costume ones as well. I think no matter how arty or thoughtful they are, I have to be honest it's your eyes and your presence and all your various shapes and curves thats the nicest  thing about all of them. Ha ha I know I shouldn't have opened the site while I was writing the post, I'll be writing a poem next smile



#50 July 12th, 2006 01:26 AM


Re: We wants yer knickers

A poem? if you do write one post it up for me smile

Yeah I have been doing modeling at weekends for a few years and as im a graphic / web designer making and maintaining my own site seemed a good idea - the pics dont have links as I dont want people to leave the portfolio section for another site - I want them to hire me! so it woudl be self defeating smile

Im glad you like the pics - I put up the ones predominantly that I organised and set up so I do think of them as sort of my art in a way... most the photos up I choose the location and set up the set and choose the costumes and poses - I also sometimes do some work on them - cropping them - fixing funny shadows or adding stuff - like this silly one I will add in later (original and my version attached)

I was going for cute montage - Let me know what you think!






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