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#1 June 26th, 2006 10:24 PM


me me meeee!

I see myself every bloody time I visit this site so I'm sure it is inevitable that I become self absorbed wink
But really, I apologise for making a new thread for this but I can't for the life of me remember which thread the request for a more recent tattoo pic was.
Anyway, it has been bloody freezing here of late and I have been putting off taking more pics of it since doing so requires the removal of some clothing. This evening, though, I had a nice hot bath and felt sufficiently warm that I gave it a go.


It was still pretty cold so wearing a scarf as per Blissed's advice. Alyce, I just remembered you asked for a pic of my new handcrafted legwarmers, well I am wearing them there but you can't really see much.

So, anyway, as you can see the big flowers were never fully coloured in. They're supposed to be white and white ink is notorious for fading to yellowish so we decided that my skin colour was white enough (though it's really more pale blue a la Billy Connolly). They have a kinda warm light brown shading around the centre just to give them more definition. The blue background was done in two sessions and the colour is a bit lighter at the top so I might go in for another session to darken that some time. Other than that it's pretty much done.


#2 June 27th, 2006 12:19 AM


Re: me me meeee!

i love it its so unique and personal xxx

mwaz katt


#3 June 27th, 2006 12:36 AM


Re: me me meeee!

perl wrote:

I see myself every bloody time I visit this site so I'm sure it is inevitable that I become self absorbed wink
But really, I apologise for making a new thread for this but I can't for the life of me remember which thread the request for a more recent tattoo pic was.
Anyway, it has been bloody freezing here of late and I have been putting off taking more pics of it since doing so requires the removal of some clothing. This evening, though, I had a nice hot bath and felt sufficiently warm that I gave it a go.

It was still pretty cold so wearing a scarf as per Blissed's advice. Alyce, I just remembered you asked for a pic of my new handcrafted legwarmers, well I am wearing them there but you can't really see much.

So, anyway, as you can see the big flowers were never fully coloured in. They're supposed to be white and white ink is notorious for fading to yellowish so we decided that my skin colour was white enough (though it's really more pale blue a la Billy Connolly). They have a kinda warm light brown shading around the centre just to give them more definition. The blue background was done in two sessions and the colour is a bit lighter at the top so I might go in for another session to darken that some time. Other than that it's pretty much done.

It was probably my req, Perl, since I'm always asking models for better pics of tats.  It looks wonderful and I appreciate the opportunity to see it.  I have none, myself,  and probably never will,  but good artwork always interests me.  Especially on so fine a canvas.

Just out of curiosity  (and maybe other forum members can justify if I'm perverse or normal)  but I find tats, beauty marks, big freckles, and other skin markings to be targets for kisses and other forms of affectionate attention.  I really like caressing tatoos,  even though there is no texture difference from the rest of the skin.  Maybe it's because it's art I can touch and in that way enjoy it in a way that can't be done with other art.  Some sculptures, we are allowed to touch,  but they are not warm, soft, and responsive like a tat.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#4 June 27th, 2006 05:11 AM


Re: me me meeee!

Tattoos are lovely - thsi is why I have two myself - and Perl's one is gorgeous!

Your not the only one to see tatts etc as something to kiss SCSIgirl - I had a friend ask if he could lick my arm tattoo to see if it tasted different - which was a bit odd to say in starbucks - thank god he didnt know where my other tatt is haha!






#5 June 27th, 2006 07:39 PM


Re: me me meeee!

Thanks for indulging me, folks.
SCSIgirl, I thought it was you who asked but when I went looking for the request I drew a blank.
Katt, thanks, though it's not entirely original: it's from a design that John Dearle did for William Morris, called "Golden Lily" though the composition and colours are a bit different the flowers, leaves, stalk are from that design (one of my most favouritest).
Alisha_x, nice to see another photo of your arm piece. Unfortunately I only have access to your first folio and that tattoo isn't very visible in that, being on your camera arm. Much as I favour the curvy, girly, colourful stuff for me I do very much appreciate that bold black style.
By the way, did your other one hurt a lot to get done? I found that near there was one of the most sensitive areas on mine (along with over the floating ribs...made my eyes water a wee bit).

I'm with you folks on the touching and kissing tattoos thing. My husband has a couple which he got before I had any and I can't count the number of times I've found myself absently tracing my fingers over the one on his shoulders and kissing the one on his lower back. Very much drawn to it. Actually what I found most fascinating was watching his heal. I loved seeing his skin change daily, though when it came to my skin I found that the itching distracted me somewhat wink


#6 June 27th, 2006 09:49 PM


Re: me me meeee!

perl wrote:

I see myself every bloody time I visit this site so I'm sure it is inevitable that I become self absorbed wink
But really, I apologise for making a new thread for this but I can't for the life of me remember which thread the request for a more recent tattoo pic was.
Anyway, it has been bloody freezing here of late and I have been putting off taking more pics of it since doing so requires the removal of some clothing. This evening, though, I had a nice hot bath and felt sufficiently warm that I gave it a go.


It was still pretty cold so wearing a scarf as per Blissed's advice. Alyce, I just remembered you asked for a pic of my new handcrafted legwarmers, well I am wearing them there but you can't really see much.

So, anyway, as you can see the big flowers were never fully coloured in. They're supposed to be white and white ink is notorious for fading to yellowish so we decided that my skin colour was white enough (though it's really more pale blue a la Billy Connolly). They have a kinda warm light brown shading around the centre just to give them more definition. The blue background was done in two sessions and the colour is a bit lighter at the top so I might go in for another session to darken that some time. Other than that it's pretty much done.

tats are great and i know i am not through with mine.
i have 6 (for now).

smooches and tracings

'stay beautiful'


#7 June 27th, 2006 11:32 PM


Re: me me meeee!

perl wrote:

Thanks for indulging me, folks.
SCSIgirl, I thought it was you who asked but when I went looking for the request I drew a blank.
Katt, thanks, though it's not entirely original: it's from a design that John Dearle did for William Morris, called "Golden Lily" though the composition and colours are a bit different the flowers, leaves, stalk are from that design (one of my most favouritest).
Alisha_x, nice to see another photo of your arm piece. Unfortunately I only have access to your first folio and that tattoo isn't very visible in that, being on your camera arm. Much as I favour the curvy, girly, colourful stuff for me I do very much appreciate that bold black style.
By the way, did your other one hurt a lot to get done? I found that near there was one of the most sensitive areas on mine (along with over the floating ribs...made my eyes water a wee bit).

I'm with you folks on the touching and kissing tattoos thing. My husband has a couple which he got before I had any and I can't count the number of times I've found myself absently tracing my fingers over the one on his shoulders and kissing the one on his lower back. Very much drawn to it. Actually what I found most fascinating was watching his heal. I loved seeing his skin change daily, though when it came to my skin I found that the itching distracted me somewhat wink

even though its not enirely original i still love it on you, i think some people can pull off big tatts, and some cant... ive only got a small one on my backi want more but my other half isnt a tatt fan oh well one day...


#8 June 28th, 2006 12:50 AM


Re: me me meeee!

I haven't got any tattoos because their permanent, but if you meet someone and grow fond of them and then discover they've got big tattoo's, you just have to exept it's part of them. Some people seem to get really keen on them tho and have loads don't they.



#9 June 28th, 2006 07:41 AM


Re: me me meeee!

I love tattoos - I want more but my tattooist moved back to Brazil and i lost contact with him - his lines were perfect and I dont really want to have to find another artist sad

Glad u like them Perl - I spent ages designing the arm piece and deciding on an artist - the other one was a doddle i drew in a lecture and got the next morning - bit impulsive but luckily i still like it!

the first one was utterly painless - men lie tatts on arms dont hurt! - the other was sharp but easily barable as its nto over the bone - i doubt it would have hurt at all had i nto been so tense - was only wearing a g-string that day and had the blokes arm rested aong my inner thigh and was too nervous to move at all! lol!

I love flowing flowery tatts but i realy wanted a tribal armpiece and I dont think another style would work with it - im a bit funny about everything matching or else it would bug me forever - I get more and mroe tempted to get something small on my leg or something  a small symbol or maybe a manga fairy but Im not sure and if Im not sure I cant have it.

Hey blissed - tatts are perminant (unless u can afford that new magic ink and lasers) thats why you have to get something personal and that you wont grow out of - I generally advise avoiding names, words and pictures (other than nature) as a flower or pattern is always beautiful but your pet cat might not mean so much in 20 years.... saying that I know people with poetry on them and reading your girls back is nice in the bath.... smile

Right irs 12 at night here - Im off to bed!






#10 June 28th, 2006 07:42 AM


Re: me me meeee!

wow my typing is awful - i really do need to sleep! lol - night everyone!






#11 June 28th, 2006 08:02 AM


Re: me me meeee!

Sweet dreams smile

If I even look at a needle it hurts. But magic ink and lasers sounds good if it all doesn't  damage the skin. I still wouldn't have one tho because I don't like the look of them, but that doesn't mean their not beautiful to everyone else. and if their not permanent I might change my mind, preferences change don't they.



#12 June 28th, 2006 09:48 AM


Re: me me meeee!

i agree with not getting names (even though i have a name) the name i have is my sons name and i think thats an exception to thr rule... coz there your children for life even if they change there name you still named them (whater it is) at birth...


#13 June 29th, 2006 03:19 AM


Re: me me meeee!

blissed wrote:

Sweet dreams smile

If I even look at a needle it hurts. But magic ink and lasers sounds good if it all doesn't  damage the skin. I still wouldn't have one tho because I don't like the look of them, but that doesn't mean their not beautiful to everyone else. and if their not permanent I might change my mind, preferences change don't they.


This weekend is OzzFest at Shoreline.  The first stop of the tour.  OzzFest is always tattoo city with lots of airbrush booths to go with it.  I'll be on the prowl with camera and catch any interesting ones,  if possible.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#14 June 29th, 2006 05:28 AM


Re: me me meeee!

Kewl post some pics up here SCSI!

Yeah children's names are a bit different Katt, its mostly the 'i love my mum' with some badly done sailor art or girlfriends names people get as teenagers that make me cringe!

Tattoos only hurt if you get one that goes over bone - liek your spine - as the needle has sympathetic vibrations with the bone and also theres nothing to cussion it but even then i dont think its bad at all smile

Magic ink is perminant but its all in tiny micorscopic balls so its easier to break up with lasers - costs a fortune to remove them so usually you fade them with laser then tattoo something better on top to cover the slight grey tinge thats left.






#15 June 29th, 2006 10:53 AM


Re: me me meeee!

perl, did you make the gryffindor scarf too? I have one, but can't knit, so had to buy it. lol.

I love your tatt!  My only tatt is tiny... my next one is larger, but I've been working on it for a year now and keep modifying it. I think it's nearly done, so now I need to find a tattoo artist who has a flair for celtic.

It's funny, when I got my first one, I didn't care about the artist at all.  How could they stuff it up? But by looking at so many tatts over the years there are some really shoddy lines. I was LUCKY to say the least that I just happened to get someone who didn't butcher the simple little design I wanted.

I don't have any pics of my current tatt because it's so small and not very interesting... But I have this pic of my bf's tatt the day he completed the spine.  When we started going out it was just an outline and he finally got it all finished recently. Though not finished to him, his original idea was getting it done like those old anatonomy books, and he was then going to get ribs, should blade etc etc, but his artist showed him different ideas of colour jobs and he loved this one, so I guess now he's going for a more giger style and wants to come up with some interesting ribs etc.


#16 June 29th, 2006 08:25 PM


Re: me me meeee!

alyce wrote:

perl, did you make the gryffindor scarf too? I have one, but can't knit, so had to buy it. lol.

I love your tatt!  My only tatt is tiny... my next one is larger, but I've been working on it for a year now and keep modifying it. I think it's nearly done, so now I need to find a tattoo artist who has a flair for celtic.

It's funny, when I got my first one, I didn't care about the artist at all.  How could they stuff it up? But by looking at so many tatts over the years there are some really shoddy lines. I was LUCKY to say the least that I just happened to get someone who didn't butcher the simple little design I wanted.

I don't have any pics of my current tatt because it's so small and not very interesting... But I have this pic of my bf's tatt the day he completed the spine.  When we started going out it was just an outline and he finally got it all finished recently. Though not finished to him, his original idea was getting it done like those old anatonomy books, and he was then going to get ribs, should blade etc etc, but his artist showed him different ideas of colour jobs and he loved this one, so I guess now he's going for a more giger style and wants to come up with some interesting ribs etc.

Yay! Another Harry Potter nerd. I actually relearned how to knit so I could make that scarf. I've made another two of them since, plus a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. Unfortunately I am a very slow knitter so each one takes me months.

My first tattoo was also just a little one. I mostly got it to see what it was like but also because I am a Dr Seuss fan (it's a green star, but not quite on my belly 'cos, not being a Sneetch, I have a belly button in the place where it should be).

I'd still love to see your tat. I wish  I could rename this thread now to "show off your tattoos" or something.

I am with you on the wanting to get things just right for a bigger piece. I could've spent forever deciding on it but in the end I just had to take a deep breath and say "this is it". Also I was wary about planning it too much before finding an artist because I figured that their style and such would influence it a lot. Indeed he had a number of awesome ideas that I would never have thought of.

Your boyfriend's tattoo is also awesome. I do rather like spine ones.
Also I can see his bottom *teehee*


#17 June 30th, 2006 12:49 AM


Re: me me meeee!

perl wrote:

Also I can see his bottom *teehee*

There's a whole bum shot somewhere, which was the one I chose to show my family of course... cos the tatts on a better angle...  The bugger hasn't told his own family about his tattoo. or his nipple piercings either.  My dad went with me to get my tatt and I crushed his hand in thank you. lol. I was trying not to giggle and stuff. 

Oh, and I love Harry Potter.  I can't wait for the next movie this time next year. I wish they would hurry up and finish and release it early. Your scarf is great because it's so long. The store ones are quite short because I guess they make them for very small people (but then I'm only 5ft so not any bigger).  You'll have to make the Goblet of Fire style ones now.


#18 June 30th, 2006 05:03 AM


Re: me me meeee!

Perl, I like your scarf. I think it was worth all the effort you put into knitting it. I haven't got any Harry Potter stuff. A scarf would be good.  could you knit me one smile (Gryffindor please.) It should be ready by the time it's winter here. I'll let you have an ISM t-shirt smile I'm keeping an eye out  for some pirate booty as well. I've seen a hat with Pirates arrrrrrr cool on it, but apart from that, I haven't seen anything else I like.



#19 June 30th, 2006 06:41 AM


Re: me me meeee!

The spine piece is lovely - yous hould post a pic fo yours just use the macro option on the camera and it should be fine smile






#20 July 8th, 2006 07:18 PM


Re: me me meeee!

blissed wrote:

Perl, I like your scarf. I think it was worth all the effort you put into knitting it. I haven't got any Harry Potter stuff. A scarf would be good.  could you knit me one smile (Gryffindor please.) It should be ready by the time it's winter here. I'll let you have an ISM t-shirt smile

Hah! I would want more than one t-shirt, definitely. Someone once asked me how much I would charge to make them one of those scarves. I worked it out to be over $200 and that was with me getting minimum wage for the time. Not economical, strictly a labour of love smile


#21 July 9th, 2006 06:56 AM


Re: me me meeee!

Well a pair of knickers around here is worth £75 so if I sent you three pairs and throw a T-shirt in on top,  I reckon thats a pretty good offer and I don't think you should turn it down smile



#22 July 9th, 2006 05:45 PM


Re: me me meeee!

blissed wrote:

Well a pair of knickers around here is worth £75 so if I sent you three pairs and throw a T-shirt in on top,  I reckon thats a pretty good offer and I don't think you should turn it down smile


Hey, is thought this was ISM, not Deal or no Deal!

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