#1 July 2nd, 2003 12:27 AM


Any Website Problems?

OK, anyone not have everything working?  If you're having browser related probs, please let's know details - and include your browser version.


#2 July 25th, 2003 06:59 AM


Re: Any Website Problems?


Not sure if this is unique to my machine or not, but IE (v5.2.3) crashes as soon as I attempt to enter the site (www.ishotmyself.com/public/main.php) from the front page (www.ishotmyself.com).

Safari & Netscape appear work fine, haven't yet tried Mozilla or Opera.

This was experienced using Mac OS X (10.2.6)

Hope this helps,


#3 July 25th, 2003 01:45 PM


Re: Any Website Problems?

We're aware that some incarnations of MIE5 don't work and we had to make some decisions for the long term, and that's a compromise that we were stuck with.  We have a mac running MIE5 though, and it works for us so it might be setting-dependent.  So I guess if you stick with safari, you'll be fine...


#4 August 6th, 2003 05:14 PM


Re: Any Website Problems?

just joined, and after loging in with my account, i have bad syntax in the main.php script and can´t access the contributers area.

i´m using IE 6.0, i´ll try Mozilla 1.4 next


#5 September 4th, 2003 04:40 AM


Re: Any Website Problems?

The zip file for 'sassy' by kristina does not work, it says:
This gallery is not available for downloading yet please wait until its released on its fame day!

But is an old set, isn't it?



#6 September 4th, 2003 07:28 AM


Re: Any Website Problems?

Hello fatquack, I'm glad you caught my attetion with the great Kristina set as I've been here from day one and must've missed it. Somehow it sneaked in without having its fame day.

I've also done my own looking around and I've noticed the set by Katiki named lipstic seems to have been taken down, or maybe it was the subject of a takeover by the excellent Kristina set. Who knows????


#7 September 4th, 2003 08:24 PM


Re: Any Website Problems?

Apropos the zips being unavailable, yep we had a little glitch there which affected 28 sets, but it's all good now.  Sorry 'bout that.

Katiki will be back, better than ever.  She's one of the original friends who helped stock the site and after seeing what some of the international contributors have come up with, she asked nicely if she could redo her set.   And if you hadn't guessed, she's the lipsticgrrl who posted about doing a shoot - weeks ago.  Let's hope the internet hasn't closed down by the time she gets around to it...


#8 September 4th, 2003 09:05 PM


Re: Any Website Problems?

Nice to hear that Katiki will be back up on the site one day, if you are reading this lipsticgrrl, I thought your origial set was excellent and can't wait to see how you will improve it.


#9 September 7th, 2003 06:22 PM


Re: Any Website Problems?

Great site (I really mean that — I'm a designer and devloper, and this is a really first class package; congrats), but I can only view it with Netscape 7x.

When trying to browse with IE 5.2.3 (Mac OS X), it instantly crashes upon attempting to load the topmost page in the domain. And most interior pages as well, BTW, although I could access the Forums page okay with IE. This is nearly unheard of from any other site I visit, just so you don't think this is a normal occurance for either IE 5x of OS X.



#10 September 7th, 2003 10:30 PM


Re: Any Website Problems?

mayhemic wrote:

Great site (I really mean that — I'm a designer and devloper, and this is a really first class package; congrats), but I can only view it with Netscape 7x.

When trying to browse with IE 5.2.3 (Mac OS X), it instantly crashes upon attempting to load the topmost page in the domain. And most interior pages as well, BTW, although I could access the Forums page okay with IE. This is nearly unheard of from any other site I visit, just so you don't think this is a normal occurance for either IE 5x of OS X.


Thanks for the positive feedback.  We're aware of that lethal combination of Mac and IE5 and the geek says it's not going to be an easy fix, but if you believe the stats it's only a couple of percent of internet users who will have problems, and if they install Safari they'll be OK.  I believe IE for Mac is now extinct so we'd prefer to spend the time (and money) expanding the site.


#11 September 26th, 2003 04:08 AM


Re: Any Website Problems?

Head wrote:

OK, anyone not have everything working?  If you're having browser related probs, please let's know details - and include your browser version.

1. Page 3 Tour photos not linked to larger images.
2. No clear link to your banner exchange program--I need this info. so please post the link here, too.
3. Sextracker thingie doesn't work. I see an annoying script error page before real page loads and sometimes script appears at top of each page with errror codes.
4. Tour7.php wording: "but we're sorry to say the free ride is over."  Rest of the site is very well done--text and images and design--but with this last phrase you shoot yourself in the metaphorical foot. I found it instantly offensive. It implies that the site resents giving away so much free material and that the people taking the tour are "freeloaders," just selfish pigs looking for a free porn ride.  Not everyone will be offended by these words, but for those that will, it's an especially big let-down after the very nice buildup you do in the rest of the tour. This will not help your sales.

That's all I could find not working. Good luck to you. I may email you about the banner exchange thing.


#12 September 26th, 2003 04:22 AM


Re: Any Website Problems?

Forgot to mention that along with the banner-exchange link being missing (or at least un-findable) from the front materials, the reciprocal links page is nowhere to be found either. Maybe that's in the member's area, but it's normal to stick such links in the front, free area as the additional traffic this provides makes your linkers happier. smile


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