#1 May 4th, 2006 09:08 PM


'calling all aussies'

oh i know i am gonna catch hell for this but...
what is the coolest place to visit or live in australia?


'stay beautiful'


#2 May 4th, 2006 11:07 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

new zealand, I think


#3 May 5th, 2006 03:14 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Head wrote:

new zealand, I think

You've just made my day Head!

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#4 May 5th, 2006 03:55 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Head wrote:

new zealand, I think

ok that'll do too wink


'stay beautiful'


#5 May 11th, 2006 11:41 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

paintjam wrote:

oh i know i am gonna catch hell for this but...
what is the coolest place to visit or live in australia?


melb coz thats were ive lived all my life lol we do have some cool things to do here but if your looking for a beautiful place to go try noosavill its in queensland and its fantastic so beautiful. a good place to stay there is the islander resort its so beautiful you wont have to leave it and at $750.00aud off peak for 7 nights its great, the best place there by far


#6 May 12th, 2006 04:16 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

katt wrote:

melb coz thats were ive lived all my life lol we do have some cool things to do here but if your looking for a beautiful place to go try noosavill its in queensland and its fantastic so beautiful. a good place to stay there is the islander resort its so beautiful you wont have to leave it and at $750.00aud off peak for 7 nights its great, the best place there by far

thanx my dear.

'stay beautiful'


#7 May 13th, 2006 03:02 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

For visiting depends what you want to do while you're here and what time of year you come...?

I've lived in Melbourne and Sydney and far prefer Melbourne. It's a different pace here and I think the people are nicer.  It's not as expensive either.


#8 May 13th, 2006 08:58 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

alyce wrote:

For visiting depends what you want to do while you're here and what time of year you come...?

I've lived in Melbourne and Sydney and far prefer Melbourne. It's a different pace here and I think the people are nicer.  It's not as expensive either.

a nicer place is what i would be looking for


'stay beautiful'


#9 May 28th, 2006 12:49 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

If you come here give us a yell and I'll be more than happy to show you around smile


#10 June 9th, 2006 02:43 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

melbourne for sure! ;o)


#11 June 9th, 2006 09:38 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

I've made up my mind that I'm coming over to Australia at the end of this month, hopefully to spend 4-5 weeks there. The idea so far is to fly into Sydney and spend some time there. Then possilby hiring a car and driving down to Melbourne where I plan to spend most of my time.

However, I'll be doing it alone and so there's nothing set in stone. I'm looking ofrward to the freedom I'll have to visit (at least a small part of) somewhere I have always wanted to.

Hell, hopefully I'll even emigrate there one day soon.


#12 June 10th, 2006 02:17 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Will_79 wrote:

I've made up my mind that I'm coming over to Australia at the end of this month, hopefully to spend 4-5 weeks there. The idea so far is to fly into Sydney and spend some time there. Then possilby hiring a car and driving down to Melbourne where I plan to spend most of my time.

However, I'll be doing it alone and so there's nothing set in stone. I'm looking ofrward to the freedom I'll have to visit (at least a small part of) somewhere I have always wanted to.

Hell, hopefully I'll even emigrate there one day soon.

See, this is where I get into problems with travelling with others.  Most want to see the cities.  To me, a city is a city.

When I travel to Hawaii with friends,  they all want to hang out at Waikiki.  Why?  Because it's famous?  Or because it right at Honolulu?  A short drive around to the North Shore will reveal some of the most awesome beaches on the planet.  And if you go to Maui,  Red Sand Beach is a must.  It's a hour's drive but worth it.

If I come to OZ,  take me out back.  Show me the waterfalls, the mountains, the untouched areas.  Many say San Francisco is the most beautiful and progressive city in the world.  I rarely go there,  even though it's only 40 minutes away.  I'd rather spend the day at Big Basin,  or Half Moon Bay.

I need room to move,  to stretch, to explore.  I always feel hemmed in in a city.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#13 June 10th, 2006 03:44 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

I appreciate that, and to an extent I agree. I also want to try and see as much natural beauty as I can whilst I'm there. However, I want to try and mix that with getting out there and living a little. I'll be going on my own and so I'll be looking to meet people and to get involved in all sorts. I really need a kick up the arse after having living a less than exciting life for the past few months and so I would be hoping to meet up with other backpackers and locals, and just get that lust for life back.

I just feel that spending time in the cities would be the best way to experience all of that.


#14 June 10th, 2006 05:00 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

This was some weird tripple post. Sorry.


#15 June 10th, 2006 05:00 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'



#16 June 10th, 2006 05:02 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Its gonna be cold in Sydney and god knows what in Melbourne. I've been told Melbournes weather is suppose to change through out the day though being from the UK you'll be used to that. Sounds like quite a nice endeaver though, hope you have a nice adventure.


#17 June 10th, 2006 10:35 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

blissed wrote:

Its gonna be cold in Sydney and god knows what in Melbourne. I've been told Melbournes weather is suppose to change through out the day though being from the UK you'll be used to that. Sounds like quite a nice endeaver though, hope you have a nice adventure.

today it is freeeezin here in chicago.
well freezing for summer.
down to about 40 deg f tonite.


'stay beautiful'


#18 June 11th, 2006 11:27 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Will - Do you know where abouts you'll be staying in Melb?


#19 June 11th, 2006 11:40 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

I have no idea. I'm looking at booking flights in the beginning of the week. Possibly heading out around the 20th of June. I don't expect I'll have anything planned and prepared before I leave. I literally want to head off and just see where it takes me.

I'll fly into Sydney, and I do want to see as much as I can of such a gorgeous city. However, I have heard a lot about Melbourne and so that's where I'm planning on spending most of my time. However, I don't know the city at all, and so I can't even guess where I would be staying. It's likely though I will end up in a youth hostel somewhere.

Any suggestions?


#20 June 12th, 2006 11:12 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Will_79 wrote:

I have no idea. I'm looking at booking flights in the beginning of the week. Possibly heading out around the 20th of June. I don't expect I'll have anything planned and prepared before I leave. I literally want to head off and just see where it takes me.

I'll fly into Sydney, and I do want to see as much as I can of such a gorgeous city. However, I have heard a lot about Melbourne and so that's where I'm planning on spending most of my time. However, I don't know the city at all, and so I can't even guess where I would be staying. It's likely though I will end up in a youth hostel somewhere.

Any suggestions?

depending on how much you want to spend, there are a LOT of places to stay in melb. If you want to go up in price crown is beautiful and the hilton hotel is a bit cheaper but nice. of corse there is the backpackers and thats got a good pub. but were ever you stay youll love it in melb theres s much to do!!!


#21 June 12th, 2006 12:28 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

depends what you're wanting to do...

There's quite a few pubs that have backpackers above them, that's probably what I'd be doing if I were coming here.  But then, some of these pubs have live music that may not be to your tastes.

There are heaps of places to stay in the CBD and I'm sure you'd be able to find something easily when you get here with no prior plans.


#22 June 15th, 2006 01:53 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Well, it's done now.....

I fly out next Tuesday, heading to Hong Kong for four nights before making my way down to Sydney. I then have around 8 days there before joining with a group which will take 14-15 days travelling up the East Coast towards Cairns, visiting places along the way (Byron Bay, Fraser Island, Whitsundays.....). Then a couple of days in Cairns and then a flight down to Melbourne where I'll spend my last 8 days.

Not bad eh?

I'm obviously excited, though still quite daunted at the prospect. Especially as I'm going on my own, but I have no doubt at all that I'll have the time of my life.


#23 June 15th, 2006 10:33 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

Will_79 wrote:

Well, it's done now.....

I fly out next Tuesday, heading to Hong Kong for four nights before making my way down to Sydney. I then have around 8 days there before joining with a group which will take 14-15 days travelling up the East Coast towards Cairns, visiting places along the way (Byron Bay, Fraser Island, Whitsundays.....). Then a couple of days in Cairns and then a flight down to Melbourne where I'll spend my last 8 days.

Not bad eh?

I'm obviously excited, though still quite daunted at the prospect. Especially as I'm going on my own, but I have no doubt at all that I'll have the time of my life.

Hey Will_79,

Am sure you'll have a blast over here in Australia, but keep in mind that you'll be here during the colder, rainier months of the year.  Especially in Melbourne!  So dress warm, and always wear clean underpants. 

Hope you enjoy your time down under!


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#24 June 15th, 2006 07:03 PM


Re: 'calling all aussies'

catt wrote:

Hey Will_79,

Am and always wear clean underpants.

But of course!


#25 June 16th, 2006 03:31 AM


Re: 'calling all aussies'


I agree with most people, Melbourne is fantaastic. I live in Adelaide. its a good lil place adelaide, everyone here is really laid back,fine weather(all though winter is terribble, and its coming up :-O OH NO!!!!!! *eek*

Ill be warm in my bed with my boyfriend, hes my hot rock:P

You should visit adelaide in august and september,we have the royal adelaide show on then early september i think, also coz im on here lol

Amerizia xxx


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