#1 May 20th, 2006 03:49 PM


LucySinclair's Video

Seeing the first installment of Lucy's video last week reminded me of how lucky we are here in Australia that public nudity is still considered a bit of a novelty over an outrage (typically - am sure there are still many places where it's illegal to parade about starkers, and would result in a short term prison stint).  As you all know, there are countries where such a thing is not only illegal, but could mean a death sentence.

Relative liberty or not, Lucy's (and Pia's) video deserves an ovation - for not only being cheeky, hilarious, and very, very Aussiestralian, but also for sheer ballsiness.  I for one applaud you, Ms. Sinclair.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#2 May 20th, 2006 09:04 PM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

catt wrote:

Seeing the first installment of Lucy's video last week reminded me of how lucky we are here in Australia that public nudity is still considered a bit of a novelty over an outrage (typically - am sure there are still many places where it's illegal to parade about starkers, and would result in a short term prison stint).  As you all know, there are countries where such a thing is not only illegal, but could mean a death sentence.

Relative liberty or not, Lucy's (and Pia's) video deserves an ovation - for not only being cheeky, hilarious, and very, very Aussiestralian, but also for sheer ballsiness.  I for one applaud you, Ms. Sinclair.


public nudity here is a NO NO (which only makes it that much more of a RISK and exciting)
let me join in the applause.


'stay beautiful'


#3 May 20th, 2006 09:35 PM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

catt wrote:

Relative liberty or not, Lucy's (and Pia's) video deserves an ovation - for not only being cheeky, hilarious, and very, very Aussiestralian, but also for sheer ballsiness.  I for one applaud you, Ms. Sinclair.


i especially loved it when she said she 'is a pro at shooting herself'


'stay beautiful'


#4 May 21st, 2006 12:54 AM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

paintjam wrote:

public nudity here is a NO NO (which only makes it that much more of a RISK and exciting)
let me join in the applause.


Depends on where you live.  About 10 years ago the women of Santa Cruz marched on city hall protesting that the men were allowed to go topless on the beach,  but the women weren't.  Protesting the sexism to the female mayor and largely female council at the time,  the result was that Santa Cruz is a "clothing optional" city.  You can parade around nude downtown.  The police might try to chase you off,  but you can't be arrested.

It's a tricky situation.  The coast is either city owned, county owned, state owned, or privately owned.  (We have no National Seashores in Santa Cruz County).  Only the city beaches are clothing optional.  The main beach at the boardwalk is generally recognized as a "family" beach and therefore nudity is highly discouraged,  but not illegal.

There are plenty of cove beaches available for the whole family to enjoy life "a la mode".

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#5 May 21st, 2006 02:23 AM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

SCSIgirl wrote:

Depends on where you live.  About 10 years ago the women of Santa Cruz marched on city hall protesting that the men were allowed to go topless on the beach,  but the women weren't.  Protesting the sexism to the female mayor and largely female council at the time,  the result was that Santa Cruz is a "clothing optional" city.  You can parade around nude downtown.  The police might try to chase you off,  but you can't be arrested.

It's a tricky situation.  The coast is either city owned, county owned, state owned, or privately owned.  (We have no National Seashores in Santa Cruz County).  Only the city beaches are clothing optional.  The main beach at the boardwalk is generally recognized as a "family" beach and therefore nudity is highly discouraged,  but not illegal.

There are plenty of cove beaches available for the whole family to enjoy life "a la mode".

ah yes
california is always an exception...but then you have arnold for a governor teehee


'stay beautiful'


#6 May 22nd, 2006 01:15 PM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

Well Lucy and Pia, loved the bit on the beach. I can't wait to see what happens when you get into town smile



#7 May 22nd, 2006 03:28 PM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

blissed wrote:

Well Lucy and Pia, loved the bit on the beach. I can't wait to see what happens when you get into town smile

Well I'm not usually one to spoil it for others...  but can you say 'Harbour Bridge', 'Pouch' and 'Very Cranky Security Guard'?

I caaaaaan't waaait for youse guys to see this!  I think I might have to start the official LucySinclair fan club right here.


#8 May 22nd, 2006 04:37 PM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

Do we all get sashes and hats?


#9 May 22nd, 2006 07:59 PM


Re: LucySinclair's Video

liandra_dahl wrote:

Do we all get sashes and hats?

yes yes sashes and hats for sure....;)

'stay beautiful'


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