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#1 October 3rd, 2004 10:30 PM


Oh No!

After getting over a nasty bout of illness, I was feeling well enough to struggle with IE to check out the action on ISM (for some reason, images on this site won't load on Mozilla), only to discover that my model membership has expired!! So if anyone else had left comments on my set, thankyou!

And hopefully I'll be able to afford to renew my memership soon so I can keep looking at the amazing women on this site big_smile


#2 October 3rd, 2004 11:17 PM


Re: Oh No!

synergy wrote:

After getting over a nasty bout of illness, I was feeling well enough to struggle with IE to check out the action on ISM (for some reason, images on this site won't load on Mozilla), only to discover that my model membership has expired!! So if anyone else had left comments on my set, thankyou!

And hopefully I'll be able to afford to renew my memership soon so I can keep looking at the amazing women on this site big_smile

Shame about your membership loss and your illness but major concern over your loss of images on Mozilla. I've never used I.E due to me being an anti-Microsoftie and I haven't had any problems with Mozilla. Have you tried Firefox, the slimmed down version? It usually solves any difficulties.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#3 October 4th, 2004 02:07 PM


Re: Oh No!

Belgareth wrote:

Shame about your membership loss and your illness but major concern over your loss of images on Mozilla. I've never used I.E due to me being an anti-Microsoftie and I haven't had any problems with Mozilla. Have you tried Firefox, the slimmed down version? It usually solves any difficulties.

I haven't tried Firefox, but if I cannot get ishotmyself working with the version of Mozilla I use (Mozilla 1.7.2) then I might just have to get Firefox.

Its the oddest thing, the Site works fine, and all the text is there, just no images! Makes me wonder if its actually something wrong with my settings. Perhpas I'll have my other half take a look, I'm not geeky enough to nut this out myself without breaking something ;D

As an aside to that- my membership works again! Hurrah!


#4 October 5th, 2004 06:26 AM


Re: Oh No!

I am using Mozilla 1.7.3 without problems here. Did you try to right-click on an image and select 'View Image' ? What does that say?


#5 October 7th, 2004 11:03 PM


Re: Oh No!

fatquack wrote:

I am using Mozilla 1.7.3 without problems here. Did you try to right-click on an image and select 'View Image' ? What does that say?

That opens a new browser with the image. But having to do that for every image makes synergy something something.... ;D


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