#1 April 28th, 2006 08:18 PM


what is your...?

what is your favourite season?
which season REALLY does IT for you,
REALLY puts you in a spin, a spin like the spin i'm in???

and what is it like where you are NOW?

springtime smooches

'stay beautiful'


#2 April 29th, 2006 12:25 AM


Re: what is your...?

paintjam wrote:

what is your favourite season?
which season REALLY does IT for you,
REALLY puts you in a spin, a spin like the spin i'm in???

and what is it like where you are NOW?

springtime smooches

I'm a winter gal - and I loathe summer.  In winter, you can do so many things to get warm (*ahem*), but in summer, it's a bother and a chore just to stay human.  I also like rugging up, drinking hot drinks, and the thunderstorms and rain that inevitably come with winter.  Snuggling up under the doona with your meatfriend is the best, especially during a storm on a Sunday morning...

Also, my winter boobs are much better than my summer boobs.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#3 April 29th, 2006 02:19 AM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

I'm a winter gal - and I loathe summer.  In winter, you can do so many things to get warm (*ahem*), but in summer, it's a bother and a chore just to stay human.  I also like rugging up, drinking hot drinks, and the thunderstorms and rain that inevitably come with winter.  Snuggling up under the doona with your meatfriend is the best, especially during a storm on a Sunday morning...

Also, my winter boobs are much better than my summer boobs.


I can't claim any noticable differences in my boobs but I too dislike the summer. Sun and yours truly just don't mix. Winter is great and if you're cold you can increase the insulation but what does one do in the summer? There's only so much that can be discarded and once you're down to the birthday suit there's nowhere else to go :-(

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#4 April 29th, 2006 02:28 AM


Re: what is your...?

Belgareth wrote:

I can't claim any noticable differences in my boobs but I too dislike the summer.

Well I don't think you're paying your boobs close enough attention, Bel.  It's time to make a pie graph.

Belgareth wrote:

Winter is great and if you're cold you can increase the insulation but what does one do in the summer? There's only so much that can be discarded and once you're down to the birthday suit there's nowhere else to go :-(

Exactly.  And imagine, I'm an Australian!  But I blame my European blood - that's what makes me a total puss in the heat.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#5 April 29th, 2006 05:06 AM


Re: what is your...?

Belgareth wrote:

I can't claim any noticable differences in my boobs but I too dislike the summer. Sun and yours truly just don't mix. Winter is great and if you're cold you can increase the insulation but what does one do in the summer? There's only so much that can be discarded and once you're down to the birthday suit there's nowhere else to go :-(

But Bel...  there's no such thing as Summer in the Northern Isles.  Down here we have all kinds of interesting things that northerners lack.  My in-laws are in Portland and I point out that we have things they don't....  like shadows.  Also,  there are times when the water ISN'T falling from the sky.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#6 April 29th, 2006 09:21 AM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

I'm a winter gal - and I loathe summer.  In winter, you can do so many things to get warm (*ahem*), but in summer, it's a bother and a chore just to stay human.  I also like rugging up, drinking hot drinks, and the thunderstorms and rain that inevitably come with winter.  Snuggling up under the doona with your meatfriend is the best, especially during a storm on a Sunday morning...

Also, my winter boobs are much better than my summer boobs.


but you have such milder winters than we have HAD here in the states (they are getting warmer and less snowy year by year).   i love winter as well cause it is quieter living in the inner city, the (*ahem*) is definitely a more comfy ahem for sure in the winter.   summer for me...well you can have it.  it gets sooooooooo hot and humid here in the summer i just want it to be over...unless i find myself with a summer that affords me the opportunity to frequent the beach often.
spring is a delite, but my absolute fav season is autumn here in the midwestern portion of the u.s.
see now autumn boobs are best for me...dunno why but they are.

are you in winter there yet?

have you ever seen snow?


'stay beautiful'


#7 April 29th, 2006 05:42 PM


Re: what is your...?

SCSIgirl wrote:

But Bel...  there's no such thing as Summer in the Northern Isles.  Down here we have all kinds of interesting things that northerners lack.  My in-laws are in Portland and I point out that we have things they don't....  like shadows.  Also,  there are times when the water ISN'T falling from the sky.

I've seen some of the things that happen down there, that we lack in the cold wastelands of the North. I know that, most of the time, you don't wake up wondering what the weather is going to be like, because you know but when the weather is bad down there EVERYTHING falls from the sky, not just the water.

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#8 April 29th, 2006 05:58 PM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

Well I don't think you're paying your boobs close enough attention, Bel.  It's time to make a pie graph.

I might manage a two point scatter graph! Me thinks I'm better at making bar charts <bg>

Exactly.  And imagine, I'm an Australian!  But I blame my European blood - that's what makes me a total puss in the heat.


But being a total puss is what I like about a Cat(t).

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#9 April 30th, 2006 12:11 AM


Re: what is your...?

No no no, Summer is best. What beats being really hot and then diving into a pool or the sea. I also like seeing lots of flesh walking up and down the street. The Autumn would be my second fav, I just love kicking my feet through the fallen leaves in the park.


#10 April 30th, 2006 01:05 AM


Re: what is your...?

liandra_dahl wrote:

No no no, Summer is best. What beats being really hot and then diving into a pool or the sea. I also like seeing lots of flesh walking up and down the street. The Autumn would be my second fav, I just love kicking my feet through the fallen leaves in the park.

oh to live by the sea (or own a pool).
i am not land-locked though as we do have a great lake our city borders on.

i am with you on summer though...for sure.

love your avatar.


'stay beautiful'


#11 May 1st, 2006 12:04 AM


Re: what is your...?

paintjam wrote:

but you have such milder winters than we have HAD here in the states (they are getting warmer and less snowy year by year).   i love winter as well cause it is quieter living in the inner city, the (*ahem*) is definitely a more comfy ahem for sure in the winter.   summer for me...well you can have it.  it gets sooooooooo hot and humid here in the summer i just want it to be over...unless i find myself with a summer that affords me the opportunity to frequent the beach often.
spring is a delite, but my absolute fav season is autumn here in the midwestern portion of the u.s.
see now autumn boobs are best for me...dunno why but they are.

are you in winter there yet?

have you ever seen snow?


We get cold down under, but where I am it's mostly rainy - no snow.  We do have snow in certain areas of Aussieland, but I haven't seen snow since I was a wee tot.  However, I am (hopefully) moving to the States in Sept-Oct, and one of the things that I'm most excited about (apart from finally being able to celebrate Halloween - instead of just dressing up, knocking on someone's door, and having the cops called on me...but that might just be that I'm a 29 year old dressed as a zombie asking for licorice at midnight...) is the snow.  I Just. Can't. Wait.

You have autumn boobs, I have winter boobs.  Am glad I'm not alone in this phenonemon.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#12 May 1st, 2006 12:06 AM


Re: what is your...?

Belgareth wrote:

I might manage a two point scatter graph! Me thinks I'm better at making bar charts <bg>

*bites tongue*

Belgareth wrote:

But being a total puss is what I like about a Cat(t).

Aw, bless.  You're on my Christmas Card List.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#13 May 1st, 2006 12:11 AM


Re: what is your...?

liandra_dahl wrote:

No no no, Summer is best. What beats being really hot and then diving into a pool or the sea. I also like seeing lots of flesh walking up and down the street. The Autumn would be my second fav, I just love kicking my feet through the fallen leaves in the park.

See, I always preferred to swim when it was cooler - not when it is hot.  Ever since I was little I've had really hot blood, so even when it's freezing cold I'm still like a furnance.  So in summertime when it's really hot, I'll swim early in the morning or at night - not when the sun is out.  And growing up in the country, one of my favourite things was to swim in the freezing Murray river during thunderstorms - stupid, yes, but a lot more fun (and adrenaline-pumping) than cow-tipping.  I'd always be in the water the longest, too, sometimes 10-12 hours straight.  Never good at group sports, but I was (and still am, to a degree) a total waterbaby.

As for flesh, I prefer the sweetmeats contained 'twixt the ears *S*

xxCatt - Tangent Tartxx

P.S.  And I love the smell of autumn leaves, too.

the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#14 May 1st, 2006 02:51 AM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

See, I always preferred to swim when it was cooler - not when it is hot.  Ever since I was little I've had really hot blood, so even when it's freezing cold I'm still like a furnance.  So in summertime when it's really hot, I'll swim early in the morning or at night - not when the sun is out.  And growing up in the country, one of my favourite things was to swim in the freezing Murray river during thunderstorms - stupid, yes, but a lot more fun (and adrenaline-pumping) than cow-tipping.  I'd always be in the water the longest, too, sometimes 10-12 hours straight.  Never good at group sports, but I was (and still am, to a degree) a total waterbaby.

As for flesh, I prefer the sweetmeats contained 'twixt the ears *S*

xxCatt - Tangent Tartxx

P.S.  And I love the smell of autumn leaves, too.

oh honey
doing just about ANYTHING during a thuderstorm is deliciious...
for sure...
happy sunday (oops it is almost monday for you)

'stay beautiful'


#15 May 1st, 2006 02:55 AM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

See, I always preferred to swim when it was cooler - not when it is hot.  Ever since I was little I've had really hot blood, so even when it's freezing cold I'm still like a furnance.  So in summertime when it's really hot, I'll swim early in the morning or at night - not when the sun is out.  And growing up in the country, one of my favourite things was to swim in the freezing Murray river during thunderstorms - stupid, yes, but a lot more fun (and adrenaline-pumping) than cow-tipping.  I'd always be in the water the longest, too, sometimes 10-12 hours straight.  Never good at group sports, but I was (and still am, to a degree) a total waterbaby.

As for flesh, I prefer the sweetmeats contained 'twixt the ears *S*

xxCatt - Tangent Tartxx

P.S.  And I love the smell of autumn leaves, too.

oh honey
just about ANYTHING during a thuderstorm is delicious.
for sure.
happy sunday (oops it is almost monday for you)

'stay beautiful'


#16 May 1st, 2006 05:07 AM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

*bites tongue*

Yours or mine?  *ducks*

[QUOTE]Aw, bless.  You're on my Christmas Card List.


I couldn't wish for a better list on which to be! *makes note to send chrissy card to Catt*

On a slightly more serious note - you have an amazing wit Catt. I wish there were more like you.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#17 May 1st, 2006 05:11 AM


Re: what is your...?

paintjam wrote:

oh honey
just about ANYTHING during a thuderstorm is delicious.
for sure.
happy sunday (oops it is almost monday for you)

Thunderstorms are so awesome. The tension, the energy, the expectation and the release of that incredible power are almost orgasmic. Definitely have to be experience outdoors.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#18 May 1st, 2006 06:26 AM


Re: what is your...?

Belgareth wrote:

Thunderstorms are so awesome. The tension, the energy, the expectation and the release of that incredible power are almost orgasmic. Definitely have to be experience outdoors.

indoors or outdoors i love tstorms.
something so refreshing about water cascading over one falling from clouds.


'stay beautiful'


#19 May 2nd, 2006 12:28 PM


Re: what is your...?

Me...I'll take spring. It's the best of both, not too hot, not too cold (call me Goldilocks). Nothing quite like that first glimpse of street/beach flesh after a cold rainy winter, pale and tender. Gets my hormones primed. I love winter too...all the festivities, bundling up, snow sports, nookie by a roaring fire. Really hot weather is truly a novelty to me, though I'm certain it would wear thin after a long haul. I find hot summer nights very erotic...but I can imagine night after night of sweaty tossing under the sheets, and not the good kind, well it might not be that erotic anymore.

But what's this about can't cool down...get thee to the water you whiners ;-)

The season I cannot, absolutely cannot abide is FALL, particularly EARLY fall. I get so damned depressed, anxious. It's when I prefer to jump on a plane and go somewhere that is still eternally summer and avoid the whole mess. I guess if I had boobs maybe I'd feel differently. I've had so many traumatic experiences in fall...breakups...miscarriages (my partners, not me)...I get freaking whacked...and the biggest bummer of all - going back to school after so many outrageous childhood adventures, bad memories. I say nix fall and go directly to winter, do not pass go.

Oh yeah...and Catt. You are the wit, girlie. Do you lie awake at night and ponder these things or do they just come to you in some amazing stroke of genius and muse gift? You kind of remind of some outrageous beautiful madam in the bordello that keeps the gents entertained and on their toes. And dudes, dig this: you best not drink too much...Catt will leave you slack jawed and foolish with her acuity. Cheers.


#20 May 2nd, 2006 01:11 PM


Re: what is your...?

Ground Anise.


#21 May 2nd, 2006 03:01 PM


Re: what is your...?

catt wrote:

one of my favourite things was to swim in the freezing Murray river during thunderstorms - stupid, yes, but a lot more fun

That would be lovely, but I want to swim in the river during a warm summer thunderstorm and there are lots of them here. I swam in the river Avon in Somerset about 10 years ago and I got a rash from  the chemicals in the water that would probably kill you if you swallowed them. Anyway, I like spring and autumn. when the weather is room temperature outside. I'm quite fussy about going outside really. I like throwing Autumn leaves up in the air, rolling around in them and being completely covered with them and hidden. Which is a lot easier to do when your 8 years old. Though the only difference between being 8 years old and an adult is, you just  need more leaves smile



#22 May 2nd, 2006 03:54 PM


Re: what is your...?

paintjam wrote:

oh honey
just about ANYTHING during a thuderstorm is delicious.
for sure.
happy sunday (oops it is almost monday for you)

Agreed!  Although because I'm still half-child, I'm somewhat torn between hiding under the covers and running outside in my knickers.

Happy Monday to you!


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#23 May 2nd, 2006 03:57 PM


Re: what is your...?

Belgareth wrote:

[QUOTE=catt]*bites tongue*

Yours or mine?  *ducks*

(No, Catt.  The bad man wants you to smack him.  Stay calm...)

Belgareth wrote:

I couldn't wish for a better list on which to be! *makes note to send chrissy card to Catt*

On a slightly more serious note - you have an amazing wit Catt. I wish there were more like you.

You are too, too kind dear Bel.  I don't take compliments so well, but this certainly made my day.  Thanks hon.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#24 May 2nd, 2006 04:18 PM


Re: what is your...?

jackscratch wrote:

Me...I'll take spring. It's the best of both, not too hot, not too cold (call me Goldilocks). Nothing quite like that first glimpse of street/beach flesh after a cold rainy winter, pale and tender. Gets my hormones primed. I love winter too...all the festivities, bundling up, snow sports, nookie by a roaring fire. Really hot weather is truly a novelty to me, though I'm certain it would wear thin after a long haul. I find hot summer nights very erotic...but I can imagine night after night of sweaty tossing under the sheets, and not the good kind, well it might not be that erotic anymore.

Okay, Goldilocks, what's this about it possibly not being that erotic anymore?  I hope this isn't an octogenarian joke...

jackscratch wrote:

But what's this about can't cool down...get thee to the water you whiners ;-)

When I can find a body of water unpopulated by obnoxious teenaged boys and unpolluted by kiddie piddle, then I will get me to the water!  (Now I sound like a bloody octogenarian...)

jackscratch wrote:

The season I cannot, absolutely cannot abide is FALL, particularly EARLY fall. I get so damned depressed, anxious. It's when I prefer to jump on a plane and go somewhere that is still eternally summer and avoid the whole mess. I guess if I had boobs maybe I'd feel differently. I've had so many traumatic experiences in fall...breakups...miscarriages (my partners, not me)...I get freaking whacked...and the biggest bummer of all - going back to school after so many outrageous childhood adventures, bad memories. I say nix fall and go directly to winter, do not pass go.

You need to reclaim fall!  Stand drunken on your rooftop, naked bar a groinal garland of autumn leaves, twigs in hair and beard, shouting like a bastard.  Shake your fist at fall, Mr. Scratch, and damned be the consequences (ie: fall kicks your arse/you wind up in a nuthouse).

jackscratch wrote:

Oh yeah...and Catt. You are the wit, girlie. Do you lie awake at night and ponder these things or do they just come to you in some amazing stroke of genius and muse gift? You kind of remind of some outrageous beautiful madam in the bordello that keeps the gents entertained and on their toes. And dudes, dig this: you best not drink too much...Catt will leave you slack jawed and foolish with her acuity. Cheers.

...what's with all the kind words?  Stoppit, it's embarrassing.

(In actuality, I'm a dorky idiot in real life.  I do okay with the written word, and that's about it.  But as for the madam...you give me the bordello, I'll bring the bosomy-boss-lady.)



the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#25 May 2nd, 2006 04:19 PM


Re: what is your...?

Spring time is my favourite for sure because it is full of hope and new smells wafting along in the breeze and new life and everything starts to come alive and buzz with a different more dynamic energy.

Summer is nice too, hot and sweaty and lazy .. as long as I don't have to do anything important or difficult like work .. then its hopeless, or rather then I am hopeless.

Autumn is looovly when you are in a place where there are lots of deciduous trees and you can frolic amongst the leaves on the ground ... but unfortunately here in Sydney there are not many such trees .. and even where there are .. they are all confused by the inconsistant weather and don't seem to drop their leaves till winter and they just miss out on all the gold and orange and reds and go straight to brown sad  There is beautiful light here in the autumn afternoons .. but I have been feeling this kind of mild panic and aprehension lately because I know that as beautiful as Autumn might be, It means winter is just around the corner.. and I never have enough warm winter clothes and I don't have a heater and oh and I don't have anyone to snuggle up with on all those cold winter nights

.. maybe I should start preparing now and by the time winter arrives .. all be all set to enjoy the season for all its snuggling and rugging up opportunitys.

I don't think my boobs change that much with the seasons .. is that strange ???


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