#1 December 5th, 2005 05:56 PM


Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

Topic:What do you find Erotic? What part of a woman do find sexy? Why?

Hello Gorgeous people,
Just wanted to say ‘Thanxx’ to everyone that has added comments to my folios. Thank u for your support it inspires me to come up with more sexy ideas for you to indulge in.
I hope it shows how much I enjoy doing the shoots, and Yes, there is more to come! My “Scratchsista” folio goes to the core of my person as I am a music junkie. I don't professionally DJ myself, but have a few DJ friends. One of them was kind enough to lend me his decks and records. This one is a DJ/producer, for whom I do some voice overs for. Where the parties start, the stories end. LOL
I guess women have their ideas about what men find sexy about women, I believe a lot of the ideas are clichéd. When I read through your comments it sheds some real light on what guys appreciate, it intrigues me.
Good example: FEET.
I come from a background of men that love and are quite literally foot fetishists, the last guy I dated never commented on my feet, although he told me each day how beautiful I am. So, I took even more care of them, (coz I think feet are important) until I realized that Feet just aren’t his thing.
Another one is bare, hairy or partial. But that’s a huge topic to debate.
Before I go, I’d like to encourage you all to contribute your ideas on:

What do you find Erotic? What part of a woman do find sexy? Why?

Yours Minkaxx


#2 December 6th, 2005 06:21 AM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

minka wrote:

Topic:What do you find Erotic? What part of a woman do find sexy? Why?

Hello Gorgeous people,
Just wanted to say ‘Thanxx’ to everyone that has added comments to my folios. Thank u for your support it inspires me to come up with more sexy ideas for you to indulge in.
I hope it shows how much I enjoy doing the shoots, and Yes, there is more to come! My “Scratchsista” folio goes to the core of my person as I am a music junkie. I don't professionally DJ myself, but have a few DJ friends. One of them was kind enough to lend me his decks and records. This one is a DJ/producer, for whom I do some voice overs for. Where the parties start, the stories end. LOL
I guess women have their ideas about what men find sexy about women, I believe a lot of the ideas are clichéd. When I read through your comments it sheds some real light on what guys appreciate, it intrigues me.
Good example: FEET.
I come from a background of men that love and are quite literally foot fetishists, the last guy I dated never commented on my feet, although he told me each day how beautiful I am. So, I took even more care of them, (coz I think feet are important) until I realized that Feet just aren’t his thing.
Another one is bare, hairy or partial. But that’s a huge topic to debate.
Before I go, I’d like to encourage you all to contribute your ideas on:

What do you find Erotic? What part of a woman do find sexy? Why?

Yours Minkaxx

What do I consider sexy?????  Well, YOU for starters!!!  Bold and brash is always sexy.  So is demur.  And you do both very well. 

Enjoying what you are doing is ultra sexy.  I am a white water guide and every woman from plain to gorgeous looks sexy while laughing and paddleing that boat into danger.

Showing imagination or doing a shoot with a new twist is always sexy.  Your themed shoot utilizing items from the music industry was well presented.  Anytime you make someone say to themselves "I'd like to meet her,  even just to talk with her"  is sexy.  And you've got this whole forum wanting to talk to you.

For me, personally, as a photographer,  I love showing just lines and curves of the body.  Shots of hands and tensed muscles.  One of my favorite areas of the body is the little valley created between the hipbone and the mons.  I think is is that same form that makes sand dunes so sensual.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#3 December 6th, 2005 08:19 AM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

Intelligence, sense of humor, openness about sexuality (masturbation is a big one there because you really have to be open to do that in front of other people, but there are many other ways of expressing that same openness), being adventurous, most of all though, I like to see a girl's personality shine through, like I've gotten some sense of who she is when I'm done looking at her folio.

One crucial thing that I think sometimes gets overlooked is the importance of face shots, or at least shots with the face in them. The face shows so much expression, and gives so much context to the photo. I've seen a few folios that seemed to concentrate so much of the rest of the body, that the face seemed forgotten.

"This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating."   - George W. Bush, as quoted by the New York Daily News, April 23, 2002


#4 December 6th, 2005 09:45 AM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

jdudley76 wrote:

Intelligence, sense of humor, openness about sexuality (masturbation is a big one there because you really have to be open to do that in front of other people, but there are many other ways of expressing that same openness), being adventurous, most of all though, I like to see a girl's personality shine through, like I've gotten some sense of who she is when I'm done looking at her folio.

One crucial thing that I think sometimes gets overlooked is the importance of face shots, or at least shots with the face in them. The face shows so much expression, and gives so much context to the photo. I've seen a few folios that seemed to concentrate so much of the rest of the body, that the face seemed forgotten.

I agree with most or all of this.

I don't have a bodypart fetish, like feet or anything -- I have more of an "attitude fetish". I can be turned off by a hot girl who has a particular attitude or personality, or conversely very turned on by a girl who is very comfortable with her own sexuality and how she expresses it.

Obviously, I like vaginas and boobs and bums, but even then (in terms of the folios here) it depends how they're photographed -- and as mentioned above, face shots do play a role in the overall sexiness, most definitely.

Witty one-liner encapsulating powerful insight.


#5 December 6th, 2005 10:05 AM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

I prefer natural beauty. Everyone's different, and For me short skirts are the most erotic. the way they move and cover all the bits you can't see but would like too, and occasionally you get a flash of panties. I think you'd spend longer looking for something you can't see than if the person was just naked. Keeping the short skirt on during sex is lovely. It's the same old thing is'nt it, being tantalised to maximum arousal.

You should get a software sampler, and some sample CDs http://www.timespace.com/index1.asp and and make your own music. (unless you are already)


#6 January 8th, 2006 02:07 PM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

I can't imagine why this thread didn't get pounced upon by everybody...

I'll put in my two cents worth...

Of course the major turn-on is not something you could point to... it's more what she got goin' on... not any specific physical characteristic(s)... Every specific superficial thing I could ever say I like can be blown away into insignificance by a great woman who doesn't have that thing... For example, Liandra Dahl is not the general body type I would say is "my type", but she is so hot in so many ways that when I look at her, I forget about all those "preferences" I supposidly have...

Having said that, I DO have specific preferences and likes:

I don't believe a beautiful woman EVER needs make-up... The women I've been with who knocked my socks off looked fantastic five minutes after they woke up in the morning. Clean and fresh. I guess some make-up, done well, can be nice. But it's hard to improve on plain, clean, luminescent female skin.

I love small breasts with big, pink nipples. Puffies are especially nice. Don't ask me why.

These kinds of breasts are especially pleasing on a women who is otherwise not a sexbomb, or doesn't think/know how sexy she is.

I'm not especially turned on by gigantic breasts, and the idea of implants is a turnoff to me mainly cuz I like 'em small in the first place, but also because they so often look silly, ie when they're just too big for the woman, or when they defy gravity when she is lying down etc.

I prefer the shaved pussy, but for some reason, I kinda go for bushy armpits

One of the things that ISM has made me realize I like is the fuzz which shows up on the close-ups... Don't know why... maybe it just makes the woman seem more real and alive and vital...

I'm neutral on tats (actually I guess I kinda like them if they're well done), and kinda turned off by excessive piercings.

Tidy, symetrical pussies with slim, pink lips are nice, but I have to admit I am turned on by huge dangling lips and curious emerging clits as well...

I like beautiful skin whether it is dark as night, the color of nuts, pink, or even pale to the point of being almost bluish... freckles are a nice accent to beautiful skin...

I like blocky, big hands and feet

I like women who are wiry and muscular, or more ample and soft ("some are built for comfort and some are built for speed")

Short or tall I care not. Dark or fair, I care not. Hippy or slender, I care not.

And lively eyes and an arresting smile supercede anything else.


#7 January 8th, 2006 11:30 PM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

Ont thing I have noticed over the last year or so, since I usually read what the artist has to say before looking at the folio.  I am often surprised that the artist takes so few shots of their own favorite body bits, or even of those they prefer on others.

That said, my own preferences in no particular order.

Eyes, crinkled, smiling, without makeup of any kind, looking intelligent.  Intelligence is a turn-on.

Long slender hands, fingers, feet, neck.

Smallish breasts, biggish nipples.

The lower belly and mons.

And that hollow space in the upper thigh where they meet at top.

The base of the spine.

Ink, metal, other imbellishments, tribal scarring, on a case by case basis.

Voice,  the timbre og her laugh, does she sing to my heart when she speaks.

Her mind.

Have I ever lied to you before?


#8 January 9th, 2006 01:06 PM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

eGomer wrote:

I can't imagine why this thread didn't get pounced upon by everybody...

I'll put in my two cents worth...

>>>  snipped for brevity <<<<
I love small breasts with big, pink nipples. Puffies are especially nice. Don't ask me why.

These kinds of breasts are especially pleasing on a women who is otherwise not a sexbomb, or doesn't think/know how sexy she is.

I'm not especially turned on by gigantic breasts, and the idea of implants is a turnoff to me mainly cuz I like 'em small in the first place, but also because they so often look silly, ie when they're just too big for the woman, or when they defy gravity when she is lying down etc.

>>>  snipped again <<<

And lively eyes and an arresting smile supercede anything else.

A further comment.  I find implants a real distraction too.  Since I have several stripper friends,  I've seen some pretty bad jobs.  Only one,  whom I will call T, has implants that were well done.  She felt she needed a bigger size to be a stripper,  but she was perfect teacup size before and it looked great.  However she had modest enhancement and it works well with her.

The current issue of GQ here in the States has a topless Jennifer Aniston on the cover.  She has her back to the camera and her arms across her chest so the goodie-goodie Girl isn't showing much.  BUT....  her boob job shows.  An effect called "Scarring" is where the skin around the implant tries to shrink to it's former shape and the implant stands out like a mushroom head.  Jennifer's show in that pic.

With only the exception of T,  EVERY girl I know with implants shows some scarring.  I have two frienhds who are saving up for boob jobs and I'm constantly trying to talk them out of it.  Small is natural and beautiful.  Just look at yesterday's Anne to see what I mean.  They give a girl a tight, athletic look.

BTW - another story...  my current gf taught me that you can tell implants in a pool.  She says:  fat floats,  silicon sinks.  She proved it one day at Raging Waters,  a family water theme park near here.  When the Wave Pool subsided during it's break, she dropped her top and said: "See, Honey?  They float".  Only I and a few immediate guys enjoyed the show.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#9 January 9th, 2006 05:08 PM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

SCSIgirl wrote:

BTW - another story...  my current gf taught me that you can tell implants in a pool.  She says:  fat floats,  silicon sinks.  She proved it one day at Raging Waters,  a family water theme park near here.  When the Wave Pool subsided during it's break, she dropped her top and said: "See, Honey?  They float".  Only I and a few immediate guys enjoyed the show.

To be honest, although I'm a huge fan of gratuitous exhibitionism, I'm not sure that a family water park is an appropriate place to indulge in it.

Bear in mind, not all implants are silicone - some are saline, and I suspect their flotation would depend on the ratio of original breast to saline implant.


#10 January 9th, 2006 11:56 PM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

cynicism wrote:

To be honest, although I'm a huge fan of gratuitous exhibitionism, I'm not sure that a family water park is an appropriate place to indulge in it.

Sometimes that girl just can't be stopped.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#11 August 16th, 2007 02:02 PM


Re: Scratchsista - Minka in da house xx

Just joined this site a couple of days ago, and am going through folios from beginning to the present... so far this site is catering to all my fetishes...

Firstly I love looking at natural women, in every way... I prefer the slender fit small breasted ones but as long there is no silicone, it's all good. I really like seeing full bushes as well as underarm hair. Hairy legs are okay too. 

I love the armpits and  intramammary fold where it curves from the bottom of the breast up the side into the armpit and shoulder. I love it when a woman has her arms raised above her head and you can see this clearly. I particularly like when she is laying on her back with her arms up and the breast sags/lays down the side.....

I like the seeing the Iliac Crests as well....

I like red hair and green eyes....

Tats are nice, and some piercings, but not too many....

Man, I just love looking at natural women, and this site has them in spades....


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