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I posted this over at Beautiful as well, but thought I may as well make my presence known here - can't meet too many new people as open-minded and forthright as you folks seem to be. And, truth be told, I'm an American just COMPLETELY enthralled by women with an Australian accent.
I was quite fascinated when McKenzie proclaimed that she was doing a duel camera shoot - a Face Only shoot for BA (it's under the number 393), and a Full Body shoot showing the "whole magilla" that would appear here. Wait... not sure I like the use of the term "magilla" in the context, but let's just go with it for now. It works marginally better than saying "the whole enchilada." :-)
I actually took the bullet and subscribed to ISM just to see that video.
A debate has occassionally raged on about whether a Face Only video or a Full Body shot was sexier/more erotic/more (fill in your personal rationale here). My natural thought was that both movies could be started side by side and we could see for ourselves whether or not one was sexier than the other... or better yet, be "exposed" to a dual shot that would be even grander than just one or the other.
And yet...
While I know that certain editing occurs with videos submitted to these sites, I am SO puzzled by what happened here. The editing on these two videos DOES NOT MATCH UP! You CAN'T run them side by side, even finding a common starting point, because they were not edited in the same way.
If editing HAD to be done on both videos, couldn't the SAME edits have been made on both so that they lined up exactly throughout their play times? Once the "synch" goes, the experience isn't just lost, it's ruined.
Clearly since each video promotes the other website, the idea was to get (new) subscribers to both sites to watch a tandem video. How come they couldn't be edited to match? It would be extremely easy to make those edits using Final Cut Pro or something similar. Find the common starting point then make the same edit to each version.
Is this something that will be done and released later? If not - and say an enterprising once-young Ace Holy were to undertake such an endeavor - who would I give it to? IS there anyone to give it to, or would this just be a "satiate my own curiosity" kind of thing?
Enquiring minds....
...that I think McKenzie is AMAZING? :-)
If only we were, say, just a few thousand miles closer. Then I could get rejected in person. Heh heh.
Really, not a stalker. ;-)
As for the question about which is "sexier", the full body shot or the camera focusing on the face, I have to say the latter. There just seems something so much more personal and intimate about focusing on someone's expressions when they orgasm. To be allowed the privilege to witness someone experience that, both real and over a video on the internet (though I know which I perfer) is especially sexy to me.
She looked me over and I guess she thought I was all right.
All right in a sort of a limited way for an off night.
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