#1 June 22nd, 2004 09:16 AM


Zip folio problems

When you download the zip file for Faith on the folio page it has six fewer pictures than the zip file downloaded from the artist's profile page.

There was a similar problem the previous day with the zip file on the folio page not containing the html files folder etc, as well as being a picture short. I haven't checked further back yet, but it seems you have a nasty bug in the system.


#2 June 22nd, 2004 09:19 PM


Re: Zip folio problems

The zip file on Cocktail's folio page seems to be the same as the one on the artist's profile page today. However both the downloaded folios are missing the html folder, or this that intentional?


#3 June 22nd, 2004 10:04 PM


Re: Zip folio problems

We've changed the Artist Profile to a graphic-less page now so you don't get GIF's dumped in with the pictures.  So there should be one HTML file only.  As for you missing images in the ZIPs, it works OK for us, and both buttons download the same file so that's a complete mystery.


#4 June 23rd, 2004 12:16 AM


Re: Zip folio problems

That's okay then. Though the GIFs and stuff weren't a problem for me, as it all arrived in a folder inside the folio folder. Were Windows people getting something different?

There was something odd going on as the file sizes on the artist profile page and on the folio page were different sizes. It doesn't seem to have been a problem during downloading or unzipping, as when that happens the Mac OS just creates an empty folder.


#5 June 23rd, 2004 12:28 AM


Re: Zip folio problems

Talking of bugs there seems to be one with the vBulletin software. When I went off-line to compose my previous message there were a number of unread messages in several different threads. When I came back on-line they were all shown as having been read!


#6 June 23rd, 2004 10:05 PM


Re: Zip folio problems

thylacine wrote:

Talking of bugs there seems to be one with the vBulletin software. When I went off-line to compose my previous message there were a number of unread messages in several different threads. When I came back on-line they were all shown as having been read!

Don't know about that one.  Apropos of the recursing ZIP folders, it depends on your WinZip settings.  It was a problem for some.


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