#1 June 8th, 2004 11:36 PM


two suggestions

Let me just start out by saying that I really like ISM.  I think it's one of the most innovative, well thought out sites in existence.  That said, I still think there's room for improvement - here are 2 suggestions:

1.  Often times I would just like to bring up the first picture in a folio, maximize the window, and page through the entire thing.  I think it would be great if you added navigation to the top of the picture windows to allow this.

2.  I've found that I will be browsing the archive, and find a folio I especially like, then promptly forget it, and have to find it all over again.  It would be great if you could create a "favorite folios" section for each user.

Just a few ideas.  Great site!


#2 June 13th, 2004 01:21 AM


Re: two suggestions

Thank you so much for implementing my first suggestion so quickly.  I paged through Dawn's Streets Folio today as a test and it worked wonderfully.  Once again, great site!


#3 June 13th, 2004 02:33 AM


Re: two suggestions

modulus9 wrote:

Thank you so much for implementing my first suggestion so quickly.  I paged through Dawn's Streets Folio today as a test and it worked wonderfully.  Once again, great site!

Well thank ~you~ for the good idea, however I wouldn't exactly say it has been implemented perfectly.  It seems today and yesterday are Free-For-all Days!

Your other idea was good too but would require a whole new wing on the database.  One day.


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