#1 June 10th, 2004 08:38 PM


New Stuff Added

As you'll have noticed by now we've added a few things and fixed some bugs.

~Ratings - self explanatory really.  M for Mild, R for Raunchy, and X for Xtreme.  No wait, it's M for Medium, R for Risque and X for "X-cuse me?!??"

or something.

~The Search by date thing works now.

~You can browse the archives by looking at face portraits now, which is obviously slower to download, but you can still choose to display thumbnails or text only.

~By demand, we now include the Artist Profile in the ZIP downlpads.  It's an html file and depending on how you have your unzipper configured, it might dump the graphics in with the artist's images.  If you set WinZip to recurse folders you won't have a problem, it'll leave them in a subfolder. 

~There are some additional fields in the Artist Profiles.  And before anyone asks, no we didn't go back and make all their answers up, they were in the database all along, just not displaying.

~The News archives which spill off the bottom of the front page work better.

~Shannon has been making the place look even prettier.  And she's moved her desk way down the back as far from my grumpy arse as she could get so I expect she'll be festooning the forums with her special effervescence from now on.


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