#1 March 21st, 2004 06:05 AM


Cultural or Personal differences?

I'm a member of ISM as well as Abby's site, and I love the quality of photography as well as the natural beauty that is apparent in all the models chosen for both sites. However, I've noticed some things that have me curious. I'm in the USA, so I'm wondering if these are the norm in other countries or cultures, or if I'm just a weirdo for noticing them.

1) I notice in a lot of folios, the floor of the room where they shoot is usually filthy. This amazes me, since here, you wouldn't even let someone into your house without cleaning up a bit.

2) Well tended Hands and Feet, to me, are sexy and important parts of a woman's body. However, especially in the Aussie women, it appears as if that is of little importance to them. Is that an Aussie thing, or are the women asked before the shoot to not clean their fingernails or trim their toenails. I love the photos regardless, it's just something I've always wondered about.

3) I see several models that are on both ISM and Abby, but they use different names. Since I've heard that the two sites are connected, I'm curious as to why they are posted with different names.

Thank you for your time.


#2 March 21st, 2004 02:16 PM


Re: Cultural or Personal differences?

A lot of the girls who participate in ISM are pretty easygoing, arty people, some would call a lot of them hippies I guess.  If you hung out with those sort of people where you live they'd probably be no different.  But really, you're talking about a small percentage of participants anyway.

The sites aren't connected, but we know each other, we're based in the same city and so the people who participate in one site get to hear about the other and often they want to be involved.   And the names are mostly pseudonyms, I think that's pretty obvious, though not all.  Here they choose their names.


#3 June 5th, 2004 10:55 PM


Re: Cultural or Personal differences?

OOC, what is this site, 'Abby' and where does one find it?


#4 June 6th, 2004 01:53 AM


Re: Cultural or Personal differences?


#5 June 6th, 2004 07:17 AM


Re: Cultural or Personal differences?

The rest of the world does not always share the American obsession with cleanliness and hygiene. In fact there is a feeling that by exorcising all dirt from our lives as well as the overuse of anti-bacteria cleaners and anti-biotics is one of the key factors in the increase in asthma and other conditions. I prefer to see the models in their own chosen locations with their dust and untidiness. So what if they have grubby feet or toenails. Surely the main point of this site is that they are not trying to emulate a squeaky clean Playboy shoot. Warts and all, I love it!


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