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#1 May 12th, 2004 12:22 PM


I love ISM

Hi everyone,

I just became a part of the ISM project with my folio 'swirl' and I've had a fabulous time seeing myself on the net and reading all your comments. When I read that some people had been complaining about the quality of ISM I was moved to say something. I just think that ISM is great because it shows how women want to be seen nude, not how other people, particularly men, want to see them nude, whether that be in a sexy way, or an artistic and natural way. I mean, if you want to see a semi-naked pretty women photographed by professional photographers, all you have to do is walk down the street and see a billboard or open a magazine. The raw quality and self-expressive nature of these photographs of apparently 'plain' women is what makes ISM unique. I don't want to come accross as a man hating feminist, I know that it works both ways; I know as many men as women who have been abused and exploited. I would be saying the same thing if this was a men's site. And these people could be right about a select few of the folios, I just  felt that I needed to defend the project that gave me such a rare opportunity to be open, honest and exposed, that allowed me to see something that would normally be silenced in our society. This project is beautiful and worthwhile.
Thanks, bubby.


#2 May 17th, 2004 11:16 AM


Re: I love ISM

bubby wrote:

Hi everyone,

I just became a part of the ISM project with my folio 'swirl' and I've had a fabulous time seeing myself on the net and reading all your comments. When I read that some people had been complaining about the quality of ISM I was moved to say something. I just think that ISM is great because it shows how women want to be seen nude, not how other people, particularly men, want to see them nude, whether that be in a sexy way, or an artistic and natural way. I mean, if you want to see a semi-naked pretty women photographed by professional photographers, all you have to do is walk down the street and see a billboard or open a magazine. The raw quality and self-expressive nature of these photographs of apparently 'plain' women is what makes ISM unique. I don't want to come accross as a man hating feminist, I know that it works both ways; I know as many men as women who have been abused and exploited. I would be saying the same thing if this was a men's site. And these people could be right about a select few of the folios, I just  felt that I needed to defend the project that gave me such a rare opportunity to be open, honest and exposed, that allowed me to see something that would normally be silenced in our society. This project is beautiful and worthwhile.
Thanks, bubby.

Hiya Bubby. You seem a little pissed. If I prompted that reaction in you, I do apologise. Not only was I one of the *one's* you refer to as mentioning in another post about the recent lack of quality (my opinion) at ISM, but I was one of the ones who commented on your folio. I did not intend to appear to be attacking ISM, and if you read all I had to say, I made it clear that I like and appreciate the fact that ISM exists. Please don't read more into my statements than is necessary.

I merely wish to clarify that my comment on quality was in no way referring to how explicit or not explicit (or how stereotypically desirable) any given folio is. Instead, I was offering an opinion as to how artistic and edgy, touching and pleasing to the eye the folios are. I mean, I thought that's why this site is here, to be different, and to let the artist paint the picture they wish to show. But as your fiance will be able to attest, not every painter is a Rembrandt. I merely requested that *HEAD* supply us with more Rembrandts.

I've seen a few folios here, yours for example, that are not necessarily explicit, but very fun to view, and able to convincingly convey the part of you that you wished me to see. You put a lot of effort into your folio, and it shows. The fact that you have adorable eyes and pleasing curves don't hurt anything either.

We are entitled to our opinions, as are you.

I hope u post other folios in the future. This site needs more of your quality of work. Head was most definitely referring to you when he teased us with the comment that some awesome folios were on their way.



#3 May 17th, 2004 01:59 PM


Re: I love ISM

Hello Jeff,

I'm not really pissed off. Your comments did promp the reaction, but I take all responsibility for what I said and why I said it. And I didn't mean to put you down, it was just a chance to voice my opinion, which is something I tend to do a little too much...I did notice, even before I wrote that thread, that you also said some lovely things about my folio. So thankyou. I get your point and I'm glad we agree. I guess, to me, it all comes down to these questions: what is good art and how much should we sensor things in terms of quality? It is very subjective and tricky. 
I hope that I post more folios too. Hopefully you'll be seeing/hearing more from me.

Jeffrodoe wrote:

Hiya Bubby. You seem a little pissed. If I prompted that reaction in you, I do apologise. Not only was I one of the *one's* you refer to as mentioning in another post about the recent lack of quality (my opinion) at ISM, but I was one of the ones who commented on your folio. I did not intend to appear to be attacking ISM, and if you read all I had to say, I made it clear that I like and appreciate the fact that ISM exists. Please don't read more into my statements than is necessary.

I merely wish to clarify that my comment on quality was in no way referring to how explicit or not explicit (or how stereotypically desirable) any given folio is. Instead, I was offering an opinion as to how artistic and edgy, touching and pleasing to the eye the folios are. I mean, I thought that's why this site is here, to be different, and to let the artist paint the picture they wish to show. But as your fiance will be able to attest, not every painter is a Rembrandt. I merely requested that *HEAD* supply us with more Rembrandts.

I've seen a few folios here, yours for example, that are not necessarily explicit, but very fun to view, and able to convincingly convey the part of you that you wished me to see. You put a lot of effort into your folio, and it shows. The fact that you have adorable eyes and pleasing curves don't hurt anything either.

We are entitled to our opinions, as are you.

I hope u post other folios in the future. This site needs more of your quality of work. Head was most definitely referring to you when he teased us with the comment that some awesome folios were on their way.



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